2016-09-22 105 views


代码也在scala fiddle中。

/** A Svc is a function that responds to requests 
    * @tparam Req[_] a request ADT whose instances specify their response type 
trait Svc[Req[_]] { 
    def apply[Resp](req: Req[Resp]): Resp 

/** Service request ADT */ 
sealed trait MyReq[_] 
// two requests have the same response type of String (i.e. MyReq[String]): 
case class GetString(id: String) extends MyReq[String] 
case class GetAltString(id: String) extends MyReq[String] 
// this one is the only MyReq[Int] 
case class GetInt(id: String) extends MyReq[Int] 

/** Type class for marshalling a response for a concrete request type. 
    * This lets us handle marshalling differently for different requests 
    * that have the same response type (such as GetString and GetAltString above). 
    * @tparam ReqImpl concrete MyReq type. This is required to enforce unique marshaller 
    * per request when there are mutliple request types with the same response type. 
trait ReqMarshaller[ReqImpl <: MyReq[Resp], Resp] { 
    def marshal(r: Resp): String 

class MySvc extends Svc[MyReq] { 
    // this apply function compiles and works just fine. 
    override def apply[Resp](req: MyReq[Resp]): Resp = req match { 
    case GetString(id) => id 
    case GetAltString(id) => id + id 
    case GetInt(id) => id.length 

    // This is the problem. I want to specify the request is a subclass so 
    // we get the specific marshaller for the request type and avoid 
    // ambiguous implicit errors. 
    // However, the Resp type parameter is always inferred as Nothing 
    // instead of the correct response type. 
    def marshal[ReqImpl <: MyReq[Resp], Resp](req: ReqImpl)(
    marshaller: ReqMarshaller[ReqImpl, Resp] 
): String = marshaller.marshal(apply(req)) 

    // this method is just here to show that it won't work as a solution 
    // because it doesn't work when there are multiple request types with 
    // the same response type (causes ambiguous implicits errors) 
    def marshalGeneric[Resp](req: MyReq[Resp])(
    marshaller: ReqMarshaller[_ <: MyReq[Resp], Resp] 
): String = marshaller.marshal(apply(req)) 

implicit val getIntMarshaller: ReqMarshaller[GetInt, Int] = new ReqMarshaller[GetInt, Int] { 
    def marshal(i: Int): String = (i * i).toString 

implicit val getStrMarshaller: ReqMarshaller[GetString, String] = new ReqMarshaller[GetString, String] { 
    def marshal(s: String): String = s 

implicit val getAltStrMarshaller: ReqMarshaller[GetAltString, String] = new ReqMarshaller[GetAltString, String] { 
    def marshal(s: String): String = s + s 

val svc = new MySvc 

val myLength = svc(GetInt("me")) // 2 
println(s"myLength: $myLength") 

svc.marshalGeneric(GetInt("me")) // compiles and works 
//svc.marshal(GetInt("me")) // fails to compile due to infering Resp type as Nothing 
//svc.marshalGeneric(GetAltString("me")) // fails to compile because of ambiguous implicits 

你可以做一个scastie? – nafg


@nafg感谢您的建议。我做了一个scala小提琴:https://scalafiddle.io/sf/bGtDio1/0 –


这可能会帮助你吗? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6682824/how-can-i-combine-the-typeclass-pattern-with-subtyping –




def marshal[ReqImpl <: MyReq[Resp], Resp](req: ReqImpl with MyReq[Resp])(
    implicit marshaller: ReqMarshaller[ReqImpl, Resp] 
): String = marshaller.marshal(apply(req)) 



这解决了编译器推断“Resp”类型为“Nothing” - 但我是仍然得到'svc.marshalGeneric(GetAltString(“me”))'含糊不清的含义的编译器错误'。但是,你已经回答了我的问题。谢谢! –


对于'marshalGeneric(GetAltString(“me”))''你确实有不明确的含义:'getStrMarshaller'和'getAltStrMarshaller'都是合适的。你想让它做一些与固定的“元帅”不同的东西吗? –


当然你是对的。我忘了将'marshalGeneric(GetAltString(“me”))''改回'marshal(GetAltString(“me”))''。再次感谢! –



trait Svc[Req[_ <: XX], XX] { 
    def apply[Resp <: XX](req: Req[Resp]): Resp 

这样做的一种方法是明确提及您的ReqImpl是参数化类型(Type infered to Nothing in Scala)。在你的情况下,它看起来就像这样:

def marshal[ReqImpl[Resp] <: MyReq[Resp], Resp](req: ReqImpl[Resp])(
    marshaller: ReqMarshaller[ReqImpl[Resp], Resp] 
): String = marshaller.marshal(apply(req)) 


(1)在svc.marshal(GetInt("me"))斯卡拉将推断RepImpl类型为MyReq[Int],哪一种意义,但ReqMarshaller[GetInt, Int]不匹配。所以,你需要把它定义为:

implicit val getIntMarshaller = new ReqMarshaller[MyReq[Int], Int] { 
    def marshal(i: Int): String = (i * i).toString 

(2)现在你马上有另外一个问题,你不能在同一时间定义两个ReqMarshaller[MyReq[String], String]。也许用相同的类型参数定义两个端点是一个坏主意(只是一个猜测,但某些东西不适合这里,它不适用于Alexey Romanov的解决方案)。



trait ReqMarshaller[+ReqImpl <: MyReq[Resp], Resp] { ... 

