2017-04-24 50 views


SingTool Error: The sepcified timestamp server either could not be reached or returned an invalid response.


  1. 我们的旧网址有问题吗?为什么它不再可用?
  2. 我们可以对旧的签名文件或新的url有一些(安全)问题吗?





By April 18, 2017, Symantec will decommission the "Legacy" timestamping service.

(Legacy) RFC 3161 SHA128 Timestamp Service: https://timestamp.geotrust.com/tsa

To support business continuity for our customers, we have provided the following replacement services.

(New) RFC 3161 Service SHA256: http://sha256timestamp.ws.symantec.com/sha256/timestamp

Important: Customers must leverage SHA256 Timestamping service going forward, and should not use a SHA1 service unless there is a legacy platform constraint which doesn't allow use of SHA2 service (in this case you can use this new URL: RFC 3161 Service SHA128: http://sha1timestamp.ws.symantec.com/sha1/timestamp).

Background and Key Industry Mandates affecting the Timestamping services

To comply with Minimum Requirements for Code Signing (CSMRs) published by CA Security Council and Microsoft Trusted Root Program Requirements (section 3.14), Symantec has set up the "new" RFC 3161 (SHA1 and SHA2) service as per specifications and requirements laid out by section 16.1 which requires FIPS 140-2 Level 3 key protection. In the near future, Oracle will be taking steps to remove SHA1 support for both Java signing and timestamping. This will not impact Java applications that were previously signed or timestamped with SHA1 as these will continue to function properly. However, Java applications signed or timestamped with SHA1 after Oracle's announced date may not be trusted.


嗨。欢迎来到SO。当链接可能过期或过期时,最好将一些描述放入答案中。通过在链接中包含关键点来改进您的回答(也请保留链接)。 – miltonb



Verisign知识库文章AR185更新于2017-03-16,建议使用jarsigner参数“-tsa http://sha256timestamp.ws.symantec.com/sha256/timestamp”,它在此用于推荐https://timestamp.geotrust.com/tsa。此文档更改向我暗示URL的禁用可能是故意的,但我不知道这对于使用旧时间戳服务器签名的JAR的信任级别是否有任何影响。