2016-08-10 47 views

我目前有一个创建和打开excel文件实例的宏。我正在寻找在这些新实例中运行宏。 事情是宏是巨大的,需要大量的时间来运行,这会暂停两个实例的Excel。如何在独立实例中独立运行宏而不拖延当前的Excel实例?

有没有办法在特定的Excel应用程序的vbeditor内运行另一个实例的宏? 这样,当前的宏可以在另一个实例运行时继续运行。


只需创建一个新的“Excel.Application”实例以供它们运行。 – Comintern





Sub main() 
Dim oXL As Excel.Application 
Dim wb As Workbook 
Dim filePath$, fileName$, moduleName$, procName$ 

'## The locaation of the file you want to open, which contains the macro 
filePath = "C:\debug\" 
'## The name of the workbook containing the macro 
fileName = "book2.xlsm" 
'## The name of the module containing the macro: 
moduleName = "Module1" 
'## The name of the macro procedure 
procName = "foo" 
'## Create new instance of Excel 
Set oXL = New Excel.Application 
oXL.Visible = True 'or True, if you prefer 
'## Open the file containing the macro 
oXL.EnableEvents = False 
Set wb = oXL.Workbooks.Open(filePath & "\" & fileName) 
oXL.EnableEvents = True 
'## Use the OnTime method to hand the thread to other instance of Excel 
oXL.Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("0:00:05"), fileName & "!" & moduleName & "." & procName 
'## Inform user that the macro is running in the other workbook/instance of Excel 
Debug.Print "The procedure " & procName & " is running in " & fileName 

Set oXL = Nothing 
End Sub 

感谢您的迅速回复!尽管onTime延迟,事件仍然相互结合并挂起。我也禁用了事件。 – TJYen


我不确定你的意思是“事件仍然彼此相连” - 我已经用一些简单的例子测试过了,上面的修订版在任何代码在'wb'执行之前成功地打印了'Debug.Print'语句工作簿。 –


感谢您的示例代码并回复!澄清我的错误。 – TJYen