2016-10-04 46 views

我正在PowerShell中编写脚本,以便在我们的Windows Server环境中自动执行我们的安全基线扫描,并将其输出到我们票务系统(ServiceNow)所需的特定格式的文本文件中。我有它几乎完美,但是当我输出PSObject的NoteProperty的值时,它会在我需要的数据之间输入一个冒号。我不想从文本文件中删除冒号,因为在格式化时需要使用时间戳和冒号。是否有可能从NoteProperty的文本输出中删除冒号?如何从NoteProperty输出中删除冒号?


$OutputFile = "C:\Temp\outputfile.txt" 
Remove-Item -Path $OutputFile -Force 
$ServerList = Get-Content "C:\Temp\test.txt" 
$ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name 
$Date = Get-Date 
$Preamble = @" 
Generated: $Date 
Script: $ScriptName 

Systems in scope 
$($ServerList | Out-String) 

Reports per server 

"@ | Out-File $OutputFile 

foreach ($Server in $ServerList) 
    $reg1 = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey("LocalMachine", $Server) 
    $key1 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog" 
    $key2 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\SamSs" 
    $key3 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\MpsSvc" 
    $key4 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\W32Time" 
    $key5 = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Setup\RecoveryConsole" 
    $key6 = "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\MSV1_0" 
    $key7 = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" 
    $key8 = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Setup\RecoveryConsole" 
    $key9 = "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" 
    $key10 = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" 
    $regkey1 = $reg1.opensubkey($key1) 
    $regkey2 = $reg1.opensubkey($key2) 
    $regkey3 = $reg1.opensubkey($key3) 
    $regkey4 = $reg1.opensubkey($key4) 
    $regkey5 = $reg1.opensubkey($key5) 
    $regkey6 = $reg1.opensubkey($key6) 
    $regkey7 = $reg1.opensubkey($key7) 
    $regkey8 = $reg1.opensubkey($key8) 
    $regkey9 = $reg1.opensubkey($key9) 
    $regkey10 = $reg1.opensubkey($key10) 
    $keyValue1 = $regKey1.GetValue('Start') 
    $keyValue2 = $regKey2.GetValue('Start') 
    $keyValue3 = $regKey3.GetValue('Start') 
    $keyValue4 = $regKey4.GetValue('Start') 
    $keyValue5 = $regKey5.GetValue('setcommand') 
    $keyValue6 = $regKey6.GetValue('allownullsessionfallback') 
    $keyValue7 = $regKey7.GetValue('AllocateDASD') 
    $keyValue8 = $regKey8.GetValue('securitylevel') 
    $keyValue9 = $regKey9.GetValue('TurnOffAnonymousBlock') 
    $keyValue10 = $regKey10.GetValue('DontDisplayLockedUserId') 

    if ($keyvalue1 -ne 2) {$keyvalue1 = "NOK"} else {$keyvalue1 = "OK"} 

    Write-Output "Server Name : $Server" | Out-File $OutputFile -Append 
    Write-Output "Date Generated : $Date" | Out-File $OutputFile -Append 

    $TXT = New-Object PSObject 
    $TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "5.1 - Set Windows Event Log to 'Automatic'" "$keyvalue1" 
    $TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "5.2 - Set Security Accounts Manager to 'Automatic'" $keyvalue2 
    $TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "5.3 - Set Windows Firewall to 'Disabled'" $keyvalue3 
    $TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "5.4 - Set Windows time to Automatic" $keyvalue4 
    $TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "6.1 - Set 'Recovery Console: Allow Floppy Copy and Access to All Drivers and All Folders' to 'Disabled'" $keyvalue5 
    $TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "6.2 - Set 'Network Security: Allow LocalSystem NULL Session Fallback' to 'Disabled'" $keyvalue6 
    $TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "6.3 - Set 'Devices: Allowed to Format and Eject Removable Media' to 'Administrators'" $keyvalue7 
    $TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "6.4 - Set 'Recovery Console: Allow Automatic Administrative Logon' to 'Disabled'" $keyvalue8 
    $TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "6.5 - Set 'Network Access: Allow Anonymous SID/Name Translation' to 'Disabled'" $keyvalue9 
    $TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "6.6 - Configure 'Interactive Logon: Display User Information When the Session is Locked'" $keyvalue10 
    $TXT | Out-File $OutputFile -Append 


Generated: 10/04/2016 11:16:09 
Script: Baseline Check - Notepad Version.ps1 

Systems in scope 

Reports per server 

Server Name : TestServer 
Date Generated : 10/04/2016 11:16:09 

5.1 - Set Windows Event Log to 'Automatic'                : OK 
5.2 - Set Security Accounts Manager to 'Automatic'              : 2 
5.3 - Set Windows Firewall to 'Disabled'                : 2 
5.4 - Set Windows time to Automatic                  : 3 
6.1 - Set 'Recovery Console: Allow Floppy Copy and Access to All Drivers and All Folders' to 'Disabled' : 0 
6.2 - Set 'Network Security: Allow LocalSystem NULL Session Fallback' to 'Disabled'      : 
6.3 - Set 'Devices: Allowed to Format and Eject Removable Media' to 'Administrators'     : 
6.4 - Set 'Recovery Console: Allow Automatic Administrative Logon' to 'Disabled'      : 0 
6.5 - Set 'Network Access: Allow Anonymous SID/Name Translation' to 'Disabled'       : 
6.6 - Configure 'Interactive Logon: Display User Information When the Session is Locked'    :

我只需要在注册表检查和状态之间的冒号(OK )走了。该脚本尚未完成,因为所有值在完成时都会读取OK或NOK。只是想在继续之前解决这个问题。



冒号插入是因为您创建了具有多于4个属性的对象并输出该对象。 PowerShell会自动以列表格式显示此内容(与您要做的$TXT | Format-List相同)。

如果您只是想将格式化文本追加到文件中,请不要打扰创建对象。如果您需要更细粒度的控制输出格式考虑使用format operator-f

5.1 - Set Windows Event Log to 'Automatic'                $keyvalue1 
5.2 - Set Security Accounts Manager to 'Automatic'              $keyvalue2 
5.3 - Set Windows Firewall to 'Disabled'                $keyvalue3 
5.4 - Set Windows time to Automatic                  $keyvalue4 
6.1 - Set 'Recovery Console: Allow Floppy Copy and Access to All Drivers and All Folders' to 'Disabled' $keyvalue5 
6.2 - Set 'Network Security: Allow LocalSystem NULL Session Fallback' to 'Disabled'      $keyvalue6 
6.3 - Set 'Devices: Allowed to Format and Eject Removable Media' to 'Administrators'     $keyvalue7 
6.4 - Set 'Recovery Console: Allow Automatic Administrative Logon' to 'Disabled'      $keyvalue8 
6.5 - Set 'Network Access: Allow Anonymous SID/Name Translation' to 'Disabled'       $keyvalue9 
6.6 - Configure 'Interactive Logon: Display User Information When the Session is Locked'    $keyvalue10 
"@ | Out-File $OutputFile -Append 



它正盯着我的脸。我甚至在序言中使用过它,从来没有想过要将它适应底部。非常感谢!! –