2015-10-13 47 views

我有完整的SDK更新。尽管没有新的更新可用,但是我在R中有错误。我在项目结构中更改了编译SDK版本。那么它显示错误 错误:检索父项的错误:找不到与给定名称'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.Button.Inverse'相匹配的资源。Android Studio中的问题。无法解析符号R


u能表明乌尔项目的build.gradle ......问题是在图书馆 –


请将您的build.gradle文件,并让其他人知道到底是什么,你已经改变了 –


buildscript { 库{ jcenter() } 依赖项classpath'com.android.tools.build:gradle:1.0.0' //注意:不要在这里放置您的应用程序依赖关系;他们属于 //各个模块的build.gradle文件 }} allprojects { 库{ jcenter() }} 适用 – Gill



Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name after upgrading to AppCompat v23

Your compile SDK version must match the support library's major version.

Since you are using version 23 of the support library, you need to compile against version 23 of the Android SDK.

Alternatively you can continue compiling against version 22 of the Android SDK by switching to the latest support library v22.
