2016-02-04 58 views

我在使用LINQ查询对象数组时遇到了一些麻烦。我想检索包含传递值的所有产品。Linq Object Array


public class Product 
    public int mProductId; 
    public string mProductName; 
    public string mProductColor; 
    public string mProductSize; 
    public string mProductStatus; 
    public string mProductCode; 

    public int ProductId{ get { return mProductId; }} 
    public string ProductName { get{return mProductName; }} 
    public string ProductColor { get{return mProductColor;} } 
    public string ProductSize { get{return mProductSize;} } 
    public string ProductStatus { get{return mProductStatus;} } 
    public string ProductCode {get { return mProductCode; }} 

public class ProductList 
    public static Product[] mProductList = { 
     new Product { mProductId = Resource.Drawable.Product1, 
      mProductName = "Green Lumberjack Cap", 
      mProductColor = "Color Brown", 
      mProductSize = "One Size Fits All", 
      mProductCode= "9780201760439", 
      mProductStatus= "In Stock"}, 
     new Product { mProductId = Resource.Drawable.Product2, 
      mProductName = "Square Bar stool", 
      mProductColor= "Color Brown", 
      mProductSize = "One Size Fits All", 
      mProductCode= "9780201760440", 
      mProductStatus= "In Stock"}, 
     new Product { mProductId = Resource.Drawable.Product3, 
      mProductName = "Vitra bathroom Tile", 
      mProductColor= "Color Brown", 
      mProductSize = "One Size Fits All", 
      mProductCode= "9780201760539", 
      mProductStatus= "In Stock"}, 


    private Product[] mProducts; 
    Random mRandom; 

    public ProductList() 
     mProducts = mProductList; 


    // Return the number of photos in the photo album: 
    public int NumPhotos 
     get { return mProducts.Length; } 

    // Indexer (read only) for accessing a photo: 
    public Product this[int i] 
     get { return mProducts[i]; } 

    // Pick a random photo and swap it with the top: 
    public int RandomSwap() 
     // Save the photo at the top: 
     Product tmpProduct = mProducts[0]; 

     // Generate a next random index between 1 and 
     // Length (noninclusive): 
     int rnd = mRandom.Next(1, mProducts.Length); 

     // Exchange top photo with randomly-chosen photo: 
     mProducts[0] = mProducts[rnd]; 
     mProducts[rnd] = tmpProduct; 

     // Return the index of which photo was swapped with the top: 
     return rnd; 

    // Shuffle the order of the photos: 
    public void Shuffle() 
     // Use the Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm: 
     for (int idx = 0; idx < mProducts.Length; ++idx) 
      // Save the photo at idx: 
      Product tmpProduct = mProducts[idx]; 

      // Generate a next random index between idx (inclusive) and 
      // Length (noninclusive): 
      int rnd = mRandom.Next(idx, mProducts.Length); 

      // Exchange photo at idx with randomly-chosen (later) photo: 
      mProducts[idx] = mProducts[rnd]; 
      mProducts[rnd] = tmpProduct; 



var result = from p in nProductList<Product> 
        where (p.mProductName.Contains(query) || p.mProductColor.Contains(query)) 
      select p; 


public ProductList nProductList; 




如果你阅读[问],这也会很棒。具体阅读关于MCVE – Amit


您需要公开'mProducts'字段以某种方式公开 - 最安全的是添加一个只读的IEnumerable '返回一个数组的枚举数(不是数组本身,因为恶意代码可以转换为数组并修改它)。 –


@Amit:很高兴能按照我的要求做出任何改变。但是,请你告诉我我做错了什么。我已通读该文件,没有任何事情真的打动我 – LibinJoseph



为了获得where关键字语法的工作,你的ProductList类必须在其上具有Where(Func<Product, bool>)方法。大多数列表会自动获取此信息,因为它们实现了IEnumerable<>,并且System.Linq名称空间具有匹配此签名的Where()扩展方法。




nProductList.Where(p=>p.mProductName.Contains(query) || p.mProductColor.Contains(query)).Select(p=>); 


通常对于你的ProductList有两种实现方式。第一种方法是从IEnumerable<Product>继承为ProductList : IEnumerable<Product>; 第二种方式是在ProductList创建成员,并把它公开像

public class ProductList 
    public IEnumerable<Product> Products {get; private set;} 
