2017-08-27 116 views

我得到了运行时错误424的错误:所需的对象。我被困在创建一个公式来计算标准偏差。我想我通过定义范围类型来做错了什么。有什么建议么?VBA - 运行时错误424:所需的对象

Sub result() 
    ' I can see the average 
    MsgBox Application.Average(getRangeByYear(2, year)) 
    ' Error is caused in here 
    MsgBox sdExcludesZero(getRangeByYear(2, year)) 
End sub 

Function meanExcludesZero(r As Excel.Range) 
    Dim count As Double 
    Dim sum As Double 
    For Each cell In r 
     If cell.Value <> 0 Then 
      count = count + 1 
      sum = sum + cell.Value 
     End If 
    Next cell 
    meanExcludesZero = sum/count 
End Function 

Function sdExcludesZero(r As Excel.Range) 
    Dim mean As Double 
    mean = meanExcludesZero(r) 
    Dim sumOfSquareDiff As Double, count As Double 
    For Each cell In r 
     If cell.Value <> 0 Then 
      count = count + 1 
      sumOfSquareDiff = sumOfSquareDiff + (cell.Value - mean) * (cell.Value - mean) 
     End If 
    Next cell 
    sdExcludesZero = Application.sqrt(sumOfSquareDiff/count) 
End Function 

Function getRangeByYear(column As Integer, year As Integer) 
    getRangeByYear = Range(Cells(startIndex, column), Cells(endIndex, column)) 
End Function 




  1. getRangeByYear返回Variant而传递给sdExcludesZero参数是Excel.Range(相应地,cell.Value改变cell
  2. 代替Application.sqrt使用Sqr


Sub result() 
    ' I can see the average 
    MsgBox Application.Average(getRangeByYear(2, year)) 
    ' Error is caused in here 
    MsgBox sdExcludesZero(getRangeByYear(2, year)) 
End Sub 

'Function meanExcludesZero(r As Excel.Range) 
Function meanExcludesZero(r As Variant) 
    Dim count As Double 
    Dim sum As Double 
    For Each cell In r 
     'If cell.Value <> 0 Then 
     If cell <> 0 Then 
      count = count + 1 
      'sum = sum + cell.Value 
      sum = sum + cell 
     End If 
    Next cell 
    meanExcludesZero = sum/count 
End Function 

'Function sdExcludesZero(r As Excel.Range) 
Function sdExcludesZero(r As Variant) 
    Dim mean As Double 
    mean = meanExcludesZero(r) 
    Dim sumOfSquareDiff As Double, count As Double 
    For Each cell In r 
     'If cell.Value <> 0 Then 
     If cell <> 0 Then 
      count = count + 1 
      'sumOfSquareDiff = sumOfSquareDiff + (cell.Value - mean) * (cell.Value - mean) 
      sumOfSquareDiff = sumOfSquareDiff + (cell - mean) * (cell - mean) 
     End If 
    Next cell 
    'sdExcludesZero = Application.sqrt(sumOfSquareDiff/count) 
    sdExcludesZero = Sqr(sumOfSquareDiff/count) 
End Function 

Function getRangeByYear(column As Integer, year As Integer) 
    getRangeByYear = Range(Cells(startIndex, column), Cells(endIndex, column)) 
End Function 




Set getRangeByYear = Range(Cells(startIndex, column), Cells(endIndex, column)) 


getRangeByYear = Range(Cells(startIndex, column), Cells(endIndex, column)) 


sdExcludesZero = Sqr(sumOfSquareDiff/count) 


sdExcludesZero = Application.sqrt(sumOfSquareDiff/count) 


Sub result() 
    ' I can see the average 
    MsgBox Application.Average(getRangeByYear(2, year)) 
    ' Error is caused in here 
    MsgBox sdExcludesZero(getRangeByYear(2, year)) 
End Sub 

Function meanExcludesZero(r As Excel.Range) 
    Dim count As Double 
    Dim sum As Double 
    For Each cell In r 
     If cell.Value <> 0 Then 
      count = count + 1 
      sum = sum + cell.Value 
     End If 
    Next cell 
    meanExcludesZero = sum/count 
End Function 

Function sdExcludesZero(r As Excel.Range) 
    Dim mean As Double 
    mean = meanExcludesZero(r) 
    Dim sumOfSquareDiff As Double, count As Double 
    For Each cell In r 
     If cell.Value <> 0 Then 
      count = count + 1 
      sumOfSquareDiff = sumOfSquareDiff + (cell.Value - mean) * (cell.Value - mean) 
     End If 
    Next cell 
    'sdExcludesZero = Application.sqrt(sumOfSquareDiff/count) 
    sdExcludesZero = Sqr(sumOfSquareDiff/count) 
End Function 

Function getRangeByYear(column As Integer, year As Integer) As Range 
    Set getRangeByYear = Range(Cells(startIndex, column), Cells(endIndex, column)) 
End Function 

非常感谢。现在很清楚。对范围和变种的类型感到困惑 –


@PakHoCheung - 你只需要改变函数'getRangeByYear'的返回类型。请参阅编辑答案。 – Mrig


使用set有什么区别?这是否像内存分配? –
