2012-01-13 105 views





[二进制的plist Python模块]的可能的复制(http://stackoverflow.com/q/3725268/222914) – 2012-01-13 20:13:38


谢谢Janne,我看过这篇文章,但我希望如果有人知道如何在不安装单独模块的情况下执行上述操作并仅使用预安装的模块Python提供。 – 2012-01-14 09:29:53


名为plistlib的默认模块不处理二进制plist文件。你最好选择“biplist”或其他第三模块。 – 2012-06-18 07:46:16




import json 
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE 

def plist_to_dictionary(filename): 
    "Pipe the binary plist through plutil and parse the JSON output" 
    with open(filename, "rb") as f: 
     content = f.read() 
    args = ["plutil", "-convert", "json", "-o", "-", "--", "-"] 
    p = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) 
    out, err = p.communicate(content) 
    return json.loads(out) 

print plist_to_dictionary(path_to_plist_file) 

如果给这个函数提供了足够大的输入,它会停留在p.stdin.write(内容)上。请阅读文档。 – zhangyoufu 2016-03-03 04:30:01


@张有福正确,谢谢 – orip 2016-03-03 09:52:08




    magic number ("bplist") 
    file format version (currently "0?") 

    variable-sized objects 

    Object Formats (marker byte followed by additional info in some cases) 
    null 0000 0000   // null object [v"1?"+ only] 
    bool 0000 1000   // false 
    bool 0000 1001   // true 
    url 0000 1100 string  // URL with no base URL, recursive encoding of URL string [v"1?"+ only] 
    url 0000 1101 base string // URL with base URL, recursive encoding of base URL, then recursive encoding of URL string [v"1?"+ only] 
    uuid 0000 1110   // 16-byte UUID [v"1?"+ only] 
    fill 0000 1111   // fill byte 
    int 0001 0nnn ...  // # of bytes is 2^nnn, big-endian bytes 
    real 0010 0nnn ...  // # of bytes is 2^nnn, big-endian bytes 
    date 0011 0011 ...  // 8 byte float follows, big-endian bytes 
    data 0100 nnnn [int] ... // nnnn is number of bytes unless 1111 then int count follows, followed by bytes 
    string 0101 nnnn [int] ... // ASCII string, nnnn is # of chars, else 1111 then int count, then bytes 
    string 0110 nnnn [int] ... // Unicode string, nnnn is # of chars, else 1111 then int count, then big-endian 2-byte uint16_t 
    string 0111 nnnn [int] ... // UTF8 string, nnnn is # of chars, else 1111 then int count, then bytes [v"1?"+ only] 
    uid 1000 nnnn ...  // nnnn+1 is # of bytes 
     1001 xxxx   // unused 
    array 1010 nnnn [int] objref* // nnnn is count, unless '1111', then int count follows 
    ordset 1011 nnnn [int] objref* // nnnn is count, unless '1111', then int count follows [v"1?"+ only] 
    set 1100 nnnn [int] objref* // nnnn is count, unless '1111', then int count follows [v"1?"+ only] 
    dict 1101 nnnn [int] keyref* objref* // nnnn is count, unless '1111', then int count follows 
     1110 xxxx   // unused 
     1111 xxxx   // unused 

    list of ints, byte size of which is given in trailer 
    -- these are the byte offsets into the file 
    -- number of these is in the trailer 

    byte size of offset ints in offset table 
    byte size of object refs in arrays and dicts 
    number of offsets in offset table (also is number of objects) 
    element # in offset table which is top level object 
    offset table offset