2010-01-08 117 views
package timeToys; 

import java.util.regex.Pattern; 

* A DayTime is an immutable object that stores a moment of day represented in 
* hour, minutes and seconds. Day or year are not defined. 
* @author marius.costa <[email protected]> 

public class DayTime {`enter code here` 

    private int hour;// hour of the day 
    private int minute;// minute of the hour 
    private int second;// second of the minute 
    private String time;// time as string 

    private static final String TIME_LONG_FORMAT = "([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]"; 
    private static final String TIME_SHORT_FORMAT = "([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]"; 

    * Class private constructor that creates new objects using inner builder. 
    * @param timeBuilder - builder for new DayTime objects defined as inner class. 
    private DayTime(Builder timeBuilder) { 
     this.hour = timeBuilder.hour; 
     this.minute = timeBuilder.minute; 
     this.second = timeBuilder.second; 
     this.time = timeBuilder. time; 

    public int getHour() { 
     return hour; 

    public int getMinute() { 
     return minute; 

    public int getSecond() { 
     return second; 

    public String toString() { 
     return time; 

    * Builder is a inner class that creates new DayTime objects based on int params 
    * (hour, minute, second), or by parsing a String param formated as 
    * 'HH:mm' or 'HH:mm:ss'. 
    public static class Builder { 
     private int hour = 0; 
     private int minute = 0; 
     private int second = 0; 
     private String time; 

     * Constructor that creates a Builder from a String param formated as 
     * 'HH:mm' or 'HH:mm:ss'. 
     * @param time - must be formated as 'HH:mm' or 'HH:mm:ss'. 
     public Builder(String time) { 
      this.time = time; 

     * Creates a DayTime object from the String {@link #time}. 
     * The String {@code time} is innitialy parsed to validate time 
     * in 24 hours format with regular expression. 
     * If not, RuntimeExceptions will be thrown. 
     * @return DayTime 
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the string isn't right formated. 
     * @throws NumberFormatException if int values cannot be extracted from String time. 
     public DayTime createTime() { 
      String[] timeUnits = time.split(":"); 
      if(Pattern.compile(TIME_SHORT_FORMAT).matcher(time).matches()) { 
       this.hour = Integer.parseInt(timeUnits[0]); 
       this.minute = Integer.parseInt(timeUnits[1]); 
      } else if(Pattern.compile(TIME_LONG_FORMAT).matcher(time).matches()) { 
       this.hour = Integer.parseInt(timeUnits[0]); 
       this.minute = Integer.parseInt(timeUnits[1]); 
       this.second = Integer.parseInt(timeUnits[2]); 
      } else { 
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid time format" + 
       " (Expected format: 'HH:mm' or 'HH:mm:ss')."); 
      return new DayTime(this); 

“你认为它”是不是一个真正的问题,我想。你能更具体地说明你想知道什么吗? – bmargulies 2010-01-08 22:50:50







int compareTo(Object other)



class Remainder { 
    private String what; 
    private DateTime when; 

    public static Remainder remindMe(String what, DateTime when) { 
     Reminder r = new Reminder(); 
     r.what = what; 
     r.when = when; 

    public boolean isTimeAlready() { 
      //return DateTime.Builder.createTime().compareTo(this.when) > 0; 
      // implemented somehow 
      return isCurrentTimeGreaterThan(this.when); // assume it return true if current time is after "when" 


DateTime atSix = new DateTime(18, 0, 0); 

    Reminder reminder = Reminder.remindMe("Go for the milk", atSix); 





如果你可以读这本书:Effective Java它将转变180度你Java的观点。


绝对同意。安装者不应该在那里。我也删除了采用int值的公共构造函数。 – marcos 2010-01-08 23:24:20



使用标准的日期类 - 甚至寿它似乎是一种浪费