2016-01-31 59 views

我安装了免费的jquery滑块显示,但我只想在内容4张图片。 我试过了,但只有2张图片。我如何修改这个代码来显示垂直滑块显示为这个计划...图片库与vetical缩略图

slider show plan

this is wanted slider show

这是滑盖代码....请帮助我。 感谢所有

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <meta charset="utf-8"> 
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> 
    <title>Image Gallery with Vertical Thumbnail Navigater Theme - Jssor Slider, Carousel, Slideshow with Javascript Source Code</title> 
<body style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family:Arial, Verdana;background-color:#fff;"> 
    <!-- it works the same with all jquery version from 1.x to 2.x --> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jssor.slider.min.js"></script> 
    <!-- use jssor.slider.debug.js instead for debug --> 

     jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { 
      var _SlideshowTransitions = [ 
      //Zoom- in 
      {$Duration: 1200, $Zoom: 1, $Easing: { $Zoom: $Jease$.$InCubic, $Opacity: $Jease$.$OutQuad }, $Opacity: 2 }, 
      //Zoom+ out 
      {$Duration: 1000, $Zoom: 11, $SlideOut: true, $Easing: { $Zoom: $Jease$.$InExpo, $Opacity: $Jease$.$Linear }, $Opacity: 2 }, 
      //Rotate Zoom- in 
      {$Duration: 1200, $Zoom: 1, $Rotate: 1, $During: { $Zoom: [0.2, 0.8], $Rotate: [0.2, 0.8] }, $Easing: { $Zoom: $Jease$.$Swing, $Opacity: $Jease$.$Linear, $Rotate: $Jease$.$Swing }, $Opacity: 2, $Round: { $Rotate: 0.5} }, 
      //Rotate Zoom+ out 
      {$Duration: 1000, $Zoom: 11, $Rotate: 1, $SlideOut: true, $Easing: { $Zoom: $Jease$.$InExpo, $Opacity: $Jease$.$Linear, $Rotate: $Jease$.$InExpo }, $Opacity: 2, $Round: { $Rotate: 0.8} }, 

      //Zoom HDouble- in 
      {$Duration: 1200, x: 0.5, $Cols: 2, $Zoom: 1, $Assembly: 2049, $ChessMode: { $Column: 15 }, $Easing: { $Left: $Jease$.$InCubic, $Zoom: $Jease$.$InCubic, $Opacity: $Jease$.$Linear }, $Opacity: 2 }, 
      //Zoom HDouble+ out 
      {$Duration: 1200, x: 4, $Cols: 2, $Zoom: 11, $SlideOut: true, $Assembly: 2049, $ChessMode: { $Column: 15 }, $Easing: { $Left: $Jease$.$InExpo, $Zoom: $Jease$.$InExpo, $Opacity: $Jease$.$Linear }, $Opacity: 2 }, 

      //Rotate Zoom- in L 
      {$Duration: 1200, x: 0.6, $Zoom: 1, $Rotate: 1, $During: { $Left: [0.2, 0.8], $Zoom: [0.2, 0.8], $Rotate: [0.2, 0.8] }, $Easing: { $Left: $Jease$.$Swing, $Zoom: $Jease$.$Swing, $Opacity: $Jease$.$Linear, $Rotate: $Jease$.$Swing }, $Opacity: 2, $Round: { $Rotate: 0.5} }, 
      //Rotate Zoom+ out R 
      {$Duration: 1000, x: -4, $Zoom: 11, $Rotate: 1, $SlideOut: true, $Easing: { $Left: $Jease$.$InExpo, $Zoom: $Jease$.$InExpo, $Opacity: $Jease$.$Linear, $Rotate: $Jease$.$InExpo }, $Opacity: 2, $Round: { $Rotate: 0.8} }, 
      //Rotate Zoom- in R 
      {$Duration: 1200, x: -0.6, $Zoom: 1, $Rotate: 1, $During: { $Left: [0.2, 0.8], $Zoom: [0.2, 0.8], $Rotate: [0.2, 0.8] }, $Easing: { $Left: $Jease$.$Swing, $Zoom: $Jease$.$Swing, $Opacity: $Jease$.$Linear, $Rotate: $Jease$.$Swing }, $Opacity: 2, $Round: { $Rotate: 0.5} }, 
      //Rotate Zoom+ out L 
      {$Duration: 1000, x: 4, $Zoom: 11, $Rotate: 1, $SlideOut: true, $Easing: { $Left: $Jease$.$InExpo, $Zoom: $Jease$.$InExpo, $Opacity: $Jease$.$Linear, $Rotate: $Jease$.$InExpo }, $Opacity: 2, $Round: { $Rotate: 0.8} }, 

      //Rotate HDouble- in 
      {$Duration: 1200, x: 0.5, y: 0.3, $Cols: 2, $Zoom: 1, $Rotate: 1, $Assembly: 2049, $ChessMode: { $Column: 15 }, $Easing: { $Left: $Jease$.$InCubic, $Top: $Jease$.$InCubic, $Zoom: $Jease$.$InCubic, $Opacity: $Jease$.$OutQuad, $Rotate: $Jease$.$InCubic }, $Opacity: 2, $Round: { $Rotate: 0.7} }, 
      //Rotate HDouble- out 
      {$Duration: 1000, x: 0.5, y: 0.3, $Cols: 2, $Zoom: 1, $Rotate: 1, $SlideOut: true, $Assembly: 2049, $ChessMode: { $Column: 15 }, $Easing: { $Left: $Jease$.$InExpo, $Top: $Jease$.$InExpo, $Zoom: $Jease$.$InExpo, $Opacity: $Jease$.$Linear, $Rotate: $Jease$.$InExpo }, $Opacity: 2, $Round: { $Rotate: 0.7} }, 
      //Rotate VFork in 
      {$Duration: 1200, x: -4, y: 2, $Rows: 2, $Zoom: 11, $Rotate: 1, $Assembly: 2049, $ChessMode: { $Row: 28 }, $Easing: { $Left: $Jease$.$InCubic, $Top: $Jease$.$InCubic, $Zoom: $Jease$.$InCubic, $Opacity: $Jease$.$OutQuad, $Rotate: $Jease$.$InCubic }, $Opacity: 2, $Round: { $Rotate: 0.7} }, 
      //Rotate HFork in 
      {$Duration: 1200, x: 1, y: 2, $Cols: 2, $Zoom: 11, $Rotate: 1, $Assembly: 2049, $ChessMode: { $Column: 19 }, $Easing: { $Left: $Jease$.$InCubic, $Top: $Jease$.$InCubic, $Zoom: $Jease$.$InCubic, $Opacity: $Jease$.$OutQuad, $Rotate: $Jease$.$InCubic }, $Opacity: 2, $Round: { $Rotate: 0.8} } 

      var options = { 
       $AutoPlay: 1,         //[Optional] Whether to auto play, to enable slideshow, this option must be set to true, default value is false 
       $Idle: 1500,       //[Optional] Interval (in milliseconds) to go for next slide since the previous stopped if the slider is auto playing, default value is 3000 
       $PauseOnHover: 1,        //[Optional] Whether to pause when mouse over if a slider is auto playing, 0 no pause, 1 pause for desktop, 2 pause for touch device, 3 pause for desktop and touch device, 4 freeze for desktop, 8 freeze for touch device, 12 freeze for desktop and touch device, default value is 1 

       $DragOrientation: 3,        //[Optional] Orientation to drag slide, 0 no drag, 1 horizental, 2 vertical, 3 either, default value is 1 (Note that the $DragOrientation should be the same as $PlayOrientation when $Cols is greater than 1, or parking position is not 0) 
       $ArrowKeyNavigation: true, \t \t \t    //[Optional] Allows keyboard (arrow key) navigation or not, default value is false 
       $SlideDuration: 600,        //Specifies default duration (swipe) for slide in milliseconds 

       $SlideshowOptions: {        //[Optional] Options to specify and enable slideshow or not 
        $Class: $JssorSlideshowRunner$,     //[Required] Class to create instance of slideshow 
        $Transitions: _SlideshowTransitions,   //[Required] An array of slideshow transitions to play slideshow 
        $TransitionsOrder: 1,       //[Optional] The way to choose transition to play slide, 1 Sequence, 0 Random 
        $ShowLink: true         //[Optional] Whether to bring slide link on top of the slider when slideshow is running, default value is false 

       $ArrowNavigatorOptions: {      //[Optional] Options to specify and enable arrow navigator or not 
        $Class: $JssorArrowNavigator$,    //[Requried] Class to create arrow navigator instance 
        $ChanceToShow: 1,        //[Required] 0 Never, 1 Mouse Over, 2 Always 
        $Steps: 1          //[Optional] Steps to go for each navigation request, default value is 1 

       $ThumbnailNavigatorOptions: {      //[Optional] Options to specify and enable thumbnail navigator or not 
        $Class: $JssorThumbnailNavigator$,    //[Required] Class to create thumbnail navigator instance 
        $ChanceToShow: 2,        //[Required] 0 Never, 1 Mouse Over, 2 Always 

        $ActionMode: 1,         //[Optional] 0 None, 1 act by click, 2 act by mouse hover, 3 both, default value is 1 
        $Rows: 2,          //[Optional] Specify lanes to arrange thumbnails, default value is 1 
        $SpacingX: 14,         //[Optional] Horizontal space between each thumbnail in pixel, default value is 0 
        $SpacingY: 12,         //[Optional] Vertical space between each thumbnail in pixel, default value is 0 
        $Cols: 6,        //[Optional] Number of pieces to display, default value is 1 
        $Align: 156,       //[Optional] The offset position to park thumbnail 
        $Orientation: 2        //[Optional] Orientation to arrange thumbnails, 1 horizental, 2 vertical, default value is 1 

      var jssor_slider1 = new $JssorSlider$("slider1_container", options); 
      //responsive code begin 
      //you can remove responsive code if you don't want the slider scales while window resizing 
      function ScaleSlider() { 
       var parentWidth = jssor_slider1.$Elmt.parentNode.clientWidth; 
       if (parentWidth) 
        jssor_slider1.$ScaleWidth(Math.max(Math.min(parentWidth, 960), 300)); 
        window.setTimeout(ScaleSlider, 30); 

      $(window).bind("load", ScaleSlider); 
      $(window).bind("resize", ScaleSlider); 
      $(window).bind("orientationchange", ScaleSlider); 
      //responsive code end 
    <!-- Jssor Slider Begin --> 
    <!-- To move inline styles to css file/block, please specify a class name for each element. --> 
    <div id="slider1_container" style="position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 960px; 
     height: 480px; background: #191919; overflow: hidden;"> 

     <!-- Loading Screen --> 
     <div u="loading" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;"> 
      <div style="filter: alpha(opacity=70); opacity:0.7; position: absolute; display: block; 
       background-color: #000000; top: 0px; left: 0px;width: 100%;height:100%;"> 
      <div style="position: absolute; display: block; background: url(../img/loading.gif) no-repeat center center; 
       top: 0px; left: 0px;width: 100%;height:100%;"> 

     <!-- Slides Container --> 
     <div u="slides" style="cursor: move; position: absolute; left: 240px; top: 0px; width: 720px; height: 480px; overflow: hidden;"> 
       <img u="image" src="../img/travel/01.jpg" /> 
       <img u="thumb" src="../img/travel/thumb-01.jpg" /> 
       <img u="image" src="../img/travel/02.jpg" /> 
       <img u="thumb" src="../img/travel/thumb-02.jpg" /> 
       <img u="image" src="../img/travel/03.jpg" /> 
       <img u="thumb" src="../img/travel/thumb-03.jpg" /> 
       <img u="image" src="../img/travel/04.jpg" /> 
       <img u="thumb" src="../img/travel/thumb-04.jpg" /> 
       <img u="image" src="../img/travel/05.jpg" /> 
       <img u="thumb" src="../img/travel/thumb-05.jpg" /> 
       <img u="image" src="../img/travel/06.jpg" /> 
       <img u="thumb" src="../img/travel/thumb-06.jpg" /> 
       <img u="image" src="../img/travel/07.jpg" /> 
       <img u="thumb" src="../img/travel/thumb-07.jpg" /> 
       <img u="image" src="../img/travel/08.jpg" /> 
       <img u="thumb" src="../img/travel/thumb-08.jpg" /> 
       <img u="image" src="../img/travel/09.jpg" /> 
       <img u="thumb" src="../img/travel/thumb-09.jpg" /> 
       <img u="image" src="../img/travel/10.jpg" /> 
       <img u="thumb" src="../img/travel/thumb-10.jpg" /> 
       <img u="image" src="../img/travel/11.jpg" /> 
       <img u="thumb" src="../img/travel/thumb-11.jpg" /> 
       <img u="image" src="../img/travel/12.jpg" /> 
       <img u="thumb" src="../img/travel/thumb-12.jpg" /> 
       <img u="image" src="../img/travel/13.jpg" /> 
       <img u="thumb" src="../img/travel/thumb-13.jpg" /> 
       <img u="image" src="../img/travel/14.jpg" /> 
       <img u="thumb" src="../img/travel/thumb-14.jpg" /> 
     <!--#region Arrow Navigator Skin Begin --> 
      /* jssor slider arrow navigator skin 05 css */ 
      .jssora05l     (normal) 
      .jssora05r     (normal) 
      .jssora05l:hover   (normal mouseover) 
      .jssora05r:hover   (normal mouseover) 
      .jssora05l.jssora05ldn  (mousedown) 
      .jssora05r.jssora05rdn  (mousedown) 
      .jssora05l, .jssora05r { 
       display: block; 
       position: absolute; 
       /* size of arrow element */ 
       width: 40px; 
       height: 40px; 
       cursor: pointer; 
       background: url(../img/a17.png) no-repeat; 
       overflow: hidden; 
      .jssora05l { background-position: -10px -40px; } 
      .jssora05r { background-position: -70px -40px; } 
      .jssora05l:hover { background-position: -130px -40px; } 
      .jssora05r:hover { background-position: -190px -40px; } 
      .jssora05l.jssora05ldn { background-position: -250px -40px; } 
      .jssora05r.jssora05rdn { background-position: -310px -40px; } 
     <!-- Arrow Left --> 
     <span u="arrowleft" class="jssora05l" style="top: 158px; left: 248px;"> 
     <!-- Arrow Right --> 
     <span u="arrowright" class="jssora05r" style="top: 158px; right: 8px"> 
     <!--#endregion Arrow Navigator Skin End --> 
     <!--#region Thumbnail Navigator Skin Begin --> 
     <!-- Help: http://www.jssor.com/development/slider-with-thumbnail-navigator-jquery.html --> 
      /* jssor slider thumbnail navigator skin 02 css */ 
      .jssort02 .p   (normal) 
      .jssort02 .p:hover  (normal mouseover) 
      .jssort02 .p.pav  (active) 
      .jssort02 .p.pdn  (mousedown) 

      .jssort02 { 
       position: absolute; 
       /* size of thumbnail navigator container */ 
       width: 240px; 
       height: 480px; 

       .jssort02 .p { 
        position: absolute; 
        top: 0; 
        left: 0; 
        width: 99px; 
        height: 66px; 

       .jssort02 .t { 
        position: absolute; 
        top: 0; 
        left: 0; 
        width: 100%; 
        height: 100%; 
        border: none; 

       .jssort02 .w { 
        position: absolute; 
        top: 0px; 
        left: 0px; 
        width: 100%; 
        height: 100%; 

       .jssort02 .c { 
        position: absolute; 
        top: 0px; 
        left: 0px; 
        width: 95px; 
        height: 62px; 
        border: #000 2px solid; 
        box-sizing: content-box; 
        background: url(../img/t01.png) -800px -800px no-repeat; 
        _background: none; 

       .jssort02 .pav .c { 
        top: 2px; 
        _top: 0px; 
        left: 2px; 
        _left: 0px; 
        width: 95px; 
        height: 62px; 
        border: #000 0px solid; 
        _border: #fff 2px solid; 
        background-position: 50% 50%; 

       .jssort02 .p:hover .c { 
        top: 0px; 
        left: 0px; 
        width: 97px; 
        height: 64px; 
        border: #fff 1px solid; 
        background-position: 50% 50%; 

       .jssort02 .p.pdn .c { 
        background-position: 50% 50%; 
        width: 95px; 
        height: 62px; 
        border: #000 2px solid; 

       * html .jssort02 .c, * html .jssort02 .pdn .c, * html .jssort02 .pav .c { 
        /* ie quirks mode adjust */ 
        width /**/: 99px; 
        height /**/: 66px; 

     <!-- thumbnail navigator container --> 
     <div u="thumbnavigator" class="jssort02" style="left: 0px; bottom: 0px;"> 
      <!-- Thumbnail Item Skin Begin --> 
      <div u="slides" style="cursor: default;"> 
       <div u="prototype" class="p"> 
        <div class=w><div u="thumbnailtemplate" class="t"></div></div> 
        <div class=c></div> 
      <!-- Thumbnail Item Skin End --> 
     <!--#endregion Thumbnail Navigator Skin End --> 
     <a style="display: none" href="http://www.jssor.com">Image Slider</a> 
    <!-- Jssor Slider End --> 


你能制作一个最小工作实例吗?把所有这些代码转储不会帮助任何人。 – RRK


在我的问题中,我将这个例子作为图像放在这两个按钮(滑块显示计划)中(这是通缉滑块显示)。我的代码是完整的。您只能修改代码文件中的图像路径。谢谢先生 –
