2011-11-02 60 views

我使用PrimeFaces 1.1和JSF 1.2。 我需要将具有黑色边框的PrimeFaces <p:lightBox>叠加层的样式更改为蓝色,但组件的style属性不会更改叠加层,而只会更改调用lightbox的链接。更改LightBox Primefaces的样式边框

<p:lightBox width="50%" height="25%" 
    style="border: 5px; border-style: solid; border-color: blue;"> 
    <h:outputLink value="#" title="Leo Messi" > 
     <h:outputText value="The Messiah"/> 

    <f:facet name="inline"> 
     <h:panelGrid columns="2"> 
      <p:graphicImage value="/images/barca/messi.jpg" /> 
      <h:outputText style="color:#FFFFFF" 
       value="Messi is an unusual player. He is highly creative, and has the skills to take on defenders with ease. He is a versatile left-footed player who can play either in the middle or on either wing, or even as a centre forward. 
       Although he is quite short, he is so fast and physically strong that he can cope with larger opponents. He is incredibly powerful, and a specialist in such dead ball situations as corners, free kicks and penalties. 
       Leo Messi is cool-headed and able to assume several responsibilities in times of need. He is a player who is destined to have a very successful career in football."></h:outputText> 





  1. 使用谷歌浏览器检查收藏夹(右键单击收藏夹和检查元素),查看<div>的课。
  2. 添加一个新的“点击”属性<a>和使用JavaScript restyle元素...

但是,你应该从jar文件修改primefaces的CSS ...我不觉得JavaScript方法优雅。 ..


亚克斯为您的重播,这是链接,你可以找到生成的HTML代码:http://www.primefaces.org/showcase/ui/lightBoxExternal.jsf –


我做了一些修改的CSS文件,嵌入在primefaces jar中,但是当我将新jar包含在项目中时,primefaces API不起作用 –


@ANIS BOULILA hei ..不要这样做...只是创建一个新的css而我在你的页面中(链接所在的位置)nclude ...来自primefaces的css属性应该被你的css文件覆盖 – Alex