2013-02-27 55 views

我不知道为什么这个简单的代码,虽然它的意思是教育目的 所以请我帮忙找出我做了错误的事情:正在尝试不能运行第二个警报

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    <title>Random thoughts part one</title> 
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      <h3>Random thoughts</h3> 
     <p id="unique_element">I do not think it is coincidence, because every time I walk in streets I have that strong feeling that keeps telling me &#8221;Man, you have to help people!&#8221;.</p> 
     <p>In the beginning I thought that because of thinned for recognition I mean I do this just to hear people say &#8220;thank you&#8221; and to hear people say &#8220;it is great thing that you 
     are between us&#8221; so I thought it is all about ego, but you know when I really realized that it is not about ego!</p> 
     <p>I realized that when I helped someone and they did not say thank you, what was supposed to happen is that , I should feel anger because it is all about ego, right?</p> 
     <p>But what really happened that I felt happy just to help now people who are reading this will say either &#8220;you are so kind&#8221; or &#8220;Okay, you want to make it up huh!&#8221;but 
     the reality is just neither this or that ; actually I realized that I am helping people because this is what make us humans and this thing let us feel that we are not alone in this world so 
     it is kind of socializing too and also when you help people, I guarantee that someday someone will help you in a very tough situation and he or she will come out of nowhere this is the rule 
     of life and this is how people should live.</p> 

@RB。 Eurgh多么可怕的想法 – George 2013-02-27 14:28:42


我已经尽我所能地重新格式化了您的代码,但Notepad ++在尝试整理它时出错了,所以我希望我没有失去任何东西。请确保您在下次发布问题时更好地格式化它。 – 2013-02-27 14:30:13



脚本中的DOM解析之前,所以运行。尝试在关闭</body> -tag之前放入JavaScript部分。


或将其放入DOMContentLoaded监听器 – 2013-02-27 14:36:36


非常感谢,它运行良好 – Neo 2013-02-27 14:41:26


显示DOM元素的长度。代替 尝试alert(target.innerHTML.length);

var target = document.getElementById("unique_element"); 
