2015-04-24 50 views

这是我到目前为止的代码: 它的2-3树实现2-3树:我如何搜索节点?

#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <cstdlib> 

using namespace std; 

// TwoThreeNode class 
class TwoThreeNode { 
     // Gets the value of the smallest data item in the subtree 
     // rooted by this node 
     int getSmallest() { 
      TwoThreeNode *node = this; 
      while (!node->isLeaf()) node = node->child[0]; 
      return node->key[0]; 

     // Insert into a node with 1 child 
     void insert1Siblings(TwoThreeNode *newChild, int newSmallest) { 
      int newKey = newChild->key[0]; 
      newChild->parent = this; 

      if (newKey < child[0]->key[0]) { 
       // newNode is inserted as first child of root 
       child[1] = child[0]; 
       child[0] = newChild; 
       key[0] = child[1]->getSmallest(); 
      else { 
       // newNode is iserted as second child of root 
       child[1] = newChild; 
       key[0] = newSmallest; 

     // Insert into a node with 2 children 
     void insert2Siblings(TwoThreeNode *newChild, int newSmallest) { 
      int newKey = newChild->key[0]; 
      newChild->parent = this; 

      if (newKey < child[0]->key[0]) { 
       child[2] = child[1]; 
       child[1] = child[0]; 
       child[0] = newChild; 

       key[1] = key[0]; 
       key[0] = child[1]->getSmallest(); 
      else if (newKey < child[1]->key[0]) { 
       child[2] = child[1]; 
       child[1] = newChild; 

       key[1] = key[0]; 
       key[0] = newSmallest; 
      else { 
       child[2] = newChild; 

       key[1] = newSmallest; 

     // Insert into a node with 3 children 
     void insert3Siblings(TwoThreeNode *newChild, int newSmallest) { 
      int newKey = newChild->key[0]; 

      int splitSmallest = -1; 
      TwoThreeNode *splitNode = new TwoThreeNode(); 
      splitNode->parent = parent; 

      if (newKey < child[0]->key[0] || newKey < child[1]->key[0]) { 
       // newChild is inserted in current node 
       splitSmallest = key[0]; 
       splitNode->child[0] = child[1]; 
       splitNode->child[1] = child[2]; 
       splitNode->key[0] = key[1]; 

       child[1]->parent = splitNode; 
       child[2]->parent = splitNode; 
       newChild->parent = this; 

       if (newKey < child[0]->key[0]) { 
        // newChild is inserted as first child 
        child[1] = child[0]; 
        child[0] = newChild; 

        key[0] = child[1]->getSmallest(); 
       else { 
        // newChild is inserted as second child 
        child[1] = newChild; 

        key[0] = newSmallest; 
      else { 
       // newChild is inserted in split node 
       child[2]->parent = splitNode; 
       newChild->parent = splitNode; 

       if (newKey < child[2]->key[0]) { 
        // newChild is inserted as first child 
        splitSmallest = newSmallest; 
        splitNode->child[0] = newChild; 
        splitNode->child[1] = child[2]; 
        splitNode->key[0] = key[1]; 
       else { 
        // newChild is inserted as second child 
        splitSmallest = key[1]; 
        splitNode->child[0] = child[2]; 
        splitNode->child[1] = newChild; 
        splitNode->key[0] = newSmallest; 

      child[2] = NULL; 
      key[1] = -1; 

      if (parent->parent == NULL) { 
       // At root, so new root needs to be created 
       TwoThreeNode *newNode = new TwoThreeNode(); 

       parent->child[0] = newNode; 
       newNode->parent = parent; 
       newNode->child[0] = this; 
       parent = newNode; 

      parent->insert(splitNode, splitSmallest); 

     // Update the parent nods efor the smallest child value 
     void updateParentSmallest(int data) { 
      switch (sibNumber()) { 
       case 0: if (parent->parent != NULL) parent->updateParentSmallest(data); break; 
       case 1: parent->key[0] = data; break; 
       case 2: parent->key[1] = data; break; 

     int key[2]; 
     TwoThreeNode *parent, *child[3]; 

     // Constructor 
     TwoThreeNode(int data = -1) { 
      key[0] = data; 
      key[1] = -1; 
      parent = child[0] = child[1] = child[2] = NULL; 

     // Check if node is a leaf 
     bool isLeaf() { 
      return (child[0] == NULL); 

     // Get which sibling the node is 
     int sibNumber() { 
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { 
       if (this == parent->child[i]) return i; 
      return -1; 

     // Insertion 
     void insert(TwoThreeNode *newChild, int newSmallest) { 
      if (child[1] == NULL) insert1Siblings(newChild, newSmallest); 
      else if (child[2] == NULL) insert2Siblings(newChild, newSmallest); 
      else insert3Siblings(newChild, newSmallest); 

// TwoThreeTree class 
class TwoThreeTree { 
     TwoThreeNode *root; 

     // Find the appropriate operation point 
     TwoThreeNode* findSpot(TwoThreeNode *node, int data) { 
      if (node == NULL) return NULL; 

      while (!node->isLeaf()) { 
       if (node->key[0] == data || node->key[1] == data) 
        return NULL; 
       if (node->key[0] == -1 || data < node->key[0]) 
        node = node->child[0]; 
       else if (node->key[1] == -1 || data < node->key[1]) 
        node = node->child[1]; 
        node = node->child[2]; 

      if (node->key[0] == data) return NULL; 
      return node->parent; 

     // Recursively print the subtree starting from the given node 
     void print(TwoThreeNode *node, int tabs = 0) { 
      for (int i = 0; i < tabs; ++i) { 
       cout << "\t"; 

      if (node == NULL) { 
       cout << "`--> NULL" << endl; 

      cout << "`--> " << node->sibNumber() 
       << ": (" << node->key[0] << ", " << node->key[1] << ")" << endl; 

      if (!node->isLeaf()) { 
       print(node->child[0], tabs); 
       print(node->child[1], tabs); 
       print(node->child[2], tabs); 

     // Constructor 
     TwoThreeTree() { 
      root = new TwoThreeNode(); 
      root->child[0] = new TwoThreeNode(); 
      root->child[0]->parent = root; 

     // Insert 
     bool insert(int data) { 
      TwoThreeNode *newNode = new TwoThreeNode(data); 
      TwoThreeNode *spot = root->child[0]; 

      if (spot->child[0] == NULL) { 
       // First insertion 
       newNode->parent = spot; 
       spot->child[0] = newNode; 
      else { 
       spot = findSpot(spot, data); 
       if (spot == NULL) return false; 

       spot->insert(new TwoThreeNode(data), data); 

      return true; 

     // Print 
     void print() { 
      cout << endl; 

// Main function 
int main(int argc, char **argv) { 
    if (argc <= 1) { 
     cout << argv[0] << ": too few arguments" << endl; 
     cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " filename" << endl; 

    // Open file 
    ifstream infile; 

    // Create tree and insert data 
    TwoThreeTree ttTree; 
    int x; 

    while (infile.good()) { 
     infile >> x; 
     if (!infile.eof()) { 
      cout << x << endl; 


    return 0; 






while (this_node.value != search_term) 
    this_node = this_node.next; 


while (this_node.value != search_term) 



谢谢,我感谢你的帮助!现在对于删除功能,我是否需要对插入操作进行反向工程? –


非常多,甚至应该更容易。祝你好运! – Will