2014-10-19 19 views

我只是想在我的“alerts”对象中做一个简单的循环,它包含一个url和一个单词。 对于每个警报,我都会执行一个httpRequest来检查该单词是否出现在响应html代码中。我是的,我把状态变为真实。通过url和httpRequest解析云代码循环



Parse.Cloud.job("updateStatus", function(request, status) { 
    var counter = 0; 
    var AlertItem = Parse.Object.extend("Alert"); 
    var query = new Parse.Query(AlertItem); 
    query.each(function(alert) { 
      var alertTitle = alert.get("title"); 
      var alertUrl = alert.get("url"); 
      var alertStatus = alert.get("status"); 
      var alertWords = alert.get("research"); 
      console.log("Alert : " + alertTitle + " - Check if : " + alertWords + " is on : " + alertUrl) 

      promise = promise.then(function() { 
        return Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({ 
         url: alertUrl, 
         headers: { 
          'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10) AppleWebKit/600.1.25 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Safari/600.1.25' 
        }).then(function(httpResponse) { 
          console.log("We succeded to access to the website"); 
          var htmlCode = httpResponse.text; 
          if (htmlCode.indexOf(alertWords) >= 0) { 
           if (alertStatus == false) { 
            alert.set("status", true); 
            console.log("new status:true"); 
            return alert.save(); 
          } else { 
           alert.set("status", false); 
           console.log("new status:false"); 
           //I do this to updated the "updatedTo" field, but it doesn't work 
           return alert.save(); 
          // You need to return a Promise here if non of the above condition meet. 
         function(error) { 
          console.error('Request failed with response code ' + httpResponse.headers.Location); 
          // You need to return a rejected promise here. 
     return promise; 
    }).then(function() { 
    status.success('Status updated'); 
    // Set the job's success status 
}, function(error) { 
    // Set the job's error status 
    status.error("Uh oh, something went wrong."); 




var _ = require('underscore.js') 

Parse.Cloud.job("updateStatus", function(request, response) { 

var alerts = Parse.Object.extend("Alert"); 
var query = new Parse.Query(alerts); 
query.equalTo("status", false); 

query.find().then(function(alerts) { 

    var promise = Parse.Promise.as(); 

    _.each(alerts, function(alert) { 

     var alertUrl = alert.get("url"); 

     promise = promise.then(function() { 
      return Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({ 
       url: alertUrl 
       }).then(function(httpResponse) { 
       function(error) { 

    return promise; 

}).then(function() { 
    response.success("All status updated with success !"); 
function (error) { 
    response.error("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message); 



Parse.Cloud.job("updateStatus", function(request, status) { 
    var counter = 0; 
    var AlertItem = Parse.Object.extend("Alert"); 
    var query = new Parse.Query(AlertItem); 
    query.each(function(alert) { 
     var alertTitle = alert.get("title"); 
     var alertUrl = alert.get("url"); 
     var alertStatus = alert.get("status"); 
     var alertWords = alert.get("research"); 
     console.log("Alert : " + alertTitle + " - Check if : " + alertWords + " is on : " + alertUrl) 

     return Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({ 
      url: alertUrl, 
      headers: { 
       'user-agent': 'A user classic agent' 
      success: function(httpResponse) { 
       console.log("We succeded to access to the website"); 
       var htmlCode = httpResponse.text; 
       if (htmlCode.indexOf(alertWords) >= 0) { 
        if (alertStatus == false) { 
         alert.set("status", true); 
         console.log("new status:true"); 
         return alert.save(); 
       } else { 
        alert.set("status", false); 
        console.log("new status:false"); 
        //I do this to updated the "updatedTo" field, but it doesn't work 
        return alert.save(); 
       // You need to return a Promise here if non of the above condition meet. 
      error: function(httpResponse) { 
       console.error('Request failed with response code ' + httpResponse.headers.Location); 
       // You need to return a rejected promise here. 
    }).then(function() { 
     status.success('Status updated'); 
     // Set the job's success status 
    }, function(error) { 
     // Set the job's error status 
     status.error("Uh oh, something went wrong."); 

嗨,非常感谢您的回答!我承认我是JavaScript的初学者,我很难理解什么是Promise。我阅读了文档,看起来Promise避免使用一次调用就能获得成功的方法,但我在这里没有使用任何Promise。我有点迷失在这里... – user2178964 2014-10-20 11:26:06


我编辑我的代码,但我真的不明白我能做什么,在此先感谢您的解释... – user2178964 2014-10-20 11:32:15


任何帮助?谢谢 :) ! – user2178964 2014-10-22 11:41:30