2017-02-08 64 views




let CWConvert = Double(CWeight.text!) 
          storeTranscription18CW(pageText: (CWConvert)!, textFileUrlString: "cWeight") 
           savePlus += 1 

          let TWConvert = Double(TWeight.text!) 
          storeTranscription18TW(pageText: (TWConvert)!, textFileUrlString: "tWeight") 


 func getContext() -> NSManagedObjectContext { 
    _ = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate 
    return DataController().managedObjectContext 

func storeTranscription18CW (pageText: Double, textFileUrlString: String) { 

    let context = getContext() 

    //retrieve the entity that we just created 
    let entity = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: "TextInputs", in: context) 

    let transc = NSManagedObject(entity: entity!, insertInto: context) 

    // set the entity values 

     transc.setValue(pageText, forKey: "cWeight") 

    //save the object 
    do { 
     try context.save() 
    } catch let error as NSError { 
     print("Could not save \(error), \(error.userInfo)") 
    } catch { 


func storeTranscription18TW (pageText: Double, textFileUrlString: String) { 
    let contexta = getContext() 

    //retrieve the entity that we just created 
    let entitya = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: "TextInputs", in: contexta) 

    let transc = NSManagedObject(entity: entitya!, insertInto: contexta) 

    // set the entity values 

     transc.setValue(pageText, forKey: "tWeight") 

    //save the object 
    do { 
     try contexta.save() 
    } catch let error as NSError { 
     print("Could not save \(error), \(error.userInfo)") 
    } catch { 



func getTranscriptions18CW() { 
    //create a fetch request, telling it about the entity 
    let fetchRequesta: NSFetchRequest<TextInputs> = TextInputs.fetchRequest() 
    do { 
     //go get the results 
     let searchResults18CW = try getContext().fetch(fetchRequesta) 

      for transa in searchResults18CW as [NSManagedObject] { 
       if let resulta = transa.value(forKey: "cWeight") { 
        if let stra = resulta as? String { 
         CWeight.text = stra 
        }else { 
         CWeight?.text = "\(resulta)" 
      //get the Key Value pairs (although there may be a better 
    }catch { 
     print("Error with request: \(error)") 

func getTranscriptions18TW() { 
    //create a fetch request, telling it about the entity 
    let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<TextInputs> = TextInputs.fetchRequest() 
    do { 
     //go get the results 
     let searchResults18TW = try getContext().fetch(fetchRequest) 

      for trans in searchResults18TW as [NSManagedObject] { 
       if let result = trans.value(forKey: "tWeight") { 
        if let str = result as? String { 
         TWeight.text = str 
        }else { 
         TWeight?.text = "\(result)" 

      //get the Key Value pairs (although there may be a better way to do that... 
    }catch { 
     print("Error with request: \(error)") 


The text fields


那么你想显示tWeight的多个值到同一个文本字段?这是在一个tableview? – MwcsMac


嗨,没有这是2个不同的文本字段,当我把它们设置为核心数据中的字符串,并设置任何而不是双重然后它的工作原理,但我需要它们是双重因为我想转换数学来数字 –


为什么你没有同一个保存功能中的两个号码?当您保存为两个不同的功能时,为每次保存创建一个新行。因此,当您保存当前体重3时,Target将被保存为零。保存目标时会发生同样的事情。 – MwcsMac




func storeTranscription18TW() { 
    let contexta = getContext() 

    //retrieve the entity that we just created 
    let entitya = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: "TextInputs", in: contexta) 

    let transc = NSManagedObject(entity: entitya!, insertInto: contexta) 

    // set the entity values 
    transc.setValue(CWConvert, forKey: "cWeight") // Note the change from pageText 
    transc.setValue(TWConvert, forKey: "tWeight") // Note the change from pageText 

    //save the object 
    do { 
     try contexta.save() 
     } catch let error as NSError { 
      print("Could not save \(error), \(error.userInfo)") 
     } catch { 




我已经尝试了这一点,它保存了最后一个输入的相同值,并将其保存到两个字段中,而不是分开的数字。 –


查看我所做的更新更有意义。 – MwcsMac


与pageText更改它给出了一个错误,说无法解析的标识符cWeightText和tWeight上的相同 –