2013-01-09 119 views

嗨我目前正在创建一个项目,我们正在创建一个UDP服务器与库卡机器人进行通信。我们可以建立与机器人的连接并来回交换数据,但是当发生事件时,例如由于电机扭矩过大而导致机器人故障或由于recvfrom功能导致我们无法跳出服务器环路时仍然坐在那里等待答复。你们都对我们如何解决这个问题有任何建议吗?Winsock UDP服务器

#include "stdafx.h" 
#include "HapticRobot.h" 

#include "CMaths.h" 
using namespace chai3d; 

#include <winsock.h> 
using namespace std; 
#pragma comment(lib, "Ws2.lib") 
#include <fstream> 
#include <string> 
#include <sstream> 

#define REFRESH_INTERVAL 0 // sec 

const int kBufferSize = 1024; 

extern HapticDevice hd; 
extern HWND g_hWndHapticBox; 
extern bool bRobotInMotion, bRobotConnectInit, bRobotConnected; 
extern Handles hc; 
bool err; 
std::string stSend, stSendXML, stLine; 
std::string stRobotStatus , stAppend; 
TCHAR *chRobotStatus; 

//// Prototypes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

SOCKET SetUpListener(const char* pcAddress, int nPort); 
void AcceptConnections(SOCKET ListeningSocket); 
bool EchoIncomingPackets(SOCKET sd); 
DWORD WINAPI EchoHandler(void* sd_); 

//// DoWinsock ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
// The module's driver function -- we just call other functions and 
// interpret their results. 

int DoWinsock(const char* pcAddress, int nPort) 
    int nRetval = 0; 

    ifstream inFile("HardDisk/ExternalData.xml"); 
    if (inFile.is_open()) 
     while (inFile.good()) 
      getline (inFile, stLine); 
     SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)L"Unable to open XML file"); 

    SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)L"Establishing the listener..."); 
    SOCKET ListeningSocket = SetUpListener(pcAddress, htons(nPort)); 
    if (ListeningSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) 

     stRobotStatus = WSAGetLastErrorMessage("establish listener"); 
     chRobotStatus = GetStatus(stRobotStatus); 
     SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)chRobotStatus); 
     return 3; 

    SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)L"Waiting for connections..."); 
    bRobotConnectInit = true; 
    SetDlgItemText(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_STATIC_RobotStatus, _T("Waiting for robot")); 
    while (1) 
     if (!EchoIncomingPackets(ListeningSocket)) 
     SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)WSAGetLastErrorMessage("Echo incoming packets failed")); 
     nRetval = 3; 
     SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)L"Shutting connection down..."); 
     if (ShutdownConnection(ListeningSocket)) 
      SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)L"Connection is down."); 
      SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)WSAGetLastErrorMessage("Connection shutdown failed")); 
      nRetval = 3; 
     bRobotConnected = false; 
     bRobotConnectInit = true; 

     SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)L"Acceptor restarting..."); 


#if defined(_MSC_VER) 
    return 0; // warning eater 

//// SetUpListener ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
// Sets up a listener on the given interface and port, returning the 
// listening socket if successful; if not, returns INVALID_SOCKET. 

SOCKET SetUpListener(const char* pcAddress, int nPort) 
    u_long nInterfaceAddr = inet_addr(pcAddress); 
    if (nInterfaceAddr != INADDR_NONE) 
     SOCKET sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); 
     if (sd != INVALID_SOCKET) 
      sockaddr_in sinInterface; 
      sinInterface.sin_family = AF_INET; 
      sinInterface.sin_addr.s_addr = nInterfaceAddr; 
      sinInterface.sin_port = nPort; 
      if (bind(sd, (sockaddr*)&sinInterface, 
        sizeof(sockaddr_in)) != SOCKET_ERROR) 
      //listen(sd, SOMAXCONN); 

      //DWORD nThreadID; 
      //CreateThread(0, 0, EchoHandler, (void*)sd, 0, &nThreadID); 

       return sd; 
       stRobotStatus = WSAGetLastErrorMessage("bind() failed"); 
       chRobotStatus = GetStatus(stRobotStatus); 
       SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)chRobotStatus); 
       //cerr << WSAGetLastErrorMessage("bind() failed") << 
       //  endl; 

    return INVALID_SOCKET; 

//// EchoHandler /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
// Handles the incoming data by reflecting it back to the sender. 

DWORD WINAPI EchoHandler(void* sd_) 
    DWORD Priority = CeGetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread()); 
    CeSetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(),Priority - 2); 
    //Below is scan time in ms 

    int nRetval = 0; 
    SOCKET sd = (SOCKET)sd_; 

    if (!EchoIncomingPackets(sd)) 
     SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)WSAGetLastErrorMessage("Echo incoming packets failed")); 
     nRetval = 3; 
    SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)L"Shutting connection down..."); 
    if (ShutdownConnection(sd)) 
     SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)L"Connection is down."); 
     SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)WSAGetLastErrorMessage("Connection shutdown failed")); 
     nRetval = 3; 
    bRobotConnected = false; 
    bRobotConnectInit = true; 
    return nRetval; 

//// AcceptConnections ///////////////////////////////////////////////// 
// Spins forever waiting for connections. For each one that comes in, 
// we create a thread to handle it and go back to waiting for 
// connections. If an error occurs, we return. 

void AcceptConnections(SOCKET ListeningSocket) 
    sockaddr_in sinRemote; 
    int nAddrSize = sizeof(sinRemote); 

    while (1) 
     SOCKET sd = accept(ListeningSocket, (sockaddr*)&sinRemote, 
     if (sd != INVALID_SOCKET) 
      stRobotStatus = inet_ntoa(sinRemote.sin_addr); 
      stAppend = "Accepted connection from "; 
      chRobotStatus = GetStatus(stAppend); 
      SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)chRobotStatus); 

      //chRobotStatus = GetStatus(stRobotStatus); 
      //SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)chRobotStatus); 

      //stRobotStatus = ntohs(sinRemote.sin_port); 
      //chRobotStatus = GetStatus(stRobotStatus); 
      //SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)chRobotStatus); 

      bRobotConnectInit = false; 
      bRobotConnected = true; 
      SetDlgItemText(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_STATIC_RobotStatus, _T("Connected to Robot")); 

      //SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)inet_ntoa(sinRemote.sin_addr)); 
      //SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)ntohs(sinRemote.sin_port)); 

      DWORD nThreadID; 
      CreateThread(0, 0, EchoHandler, (void*)sd, 0, &nThreadID); 
      SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)WSAGetLastErrorMessage("accept() failed")); 

//// EchoIncomingPackets /////////////////////////////////////////////// 
// Bounces any incoming packets back to the client. We return false 
// on errors, or true if the client closed the socket normally. 

bool EchoIncomingPackets(SOCKET sd) 
    // Read data from client 

    std::string stReceive; 
    std::string stIPOC; 
    std::wstring stTime; 
    int nStartPos, nEndPos; 
    char acReadBuffer[kBufferSize], acWriteBuffer[512]; 
    int nReadBytes; 

    struct sockaddr_in clientAddr; 
    int sockAddrSize = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); 

    //declarations for the low pass filter 
    int CURRENT_VALUE = 2; 
    double T = .004, w_co, OMEGA_co, f_co; 


     nReadBytes = recvfrom(sd, acReadBuffer, sizeof(acReadBuffer), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&clientAddr, &sockAddrSize); 

     if (nReadBytes > 0) 
      if (bRobotConnectInit) 
       bRobotConnectInit = false; 
       bRobotConnected = true; 
       SetDlgItemText(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_STATIC_RobotStatus, _T("Connected to Robot")); 

      bRobotConnectInit = false; 
      bRobotConnected = true; 

     stSend = stSendXML; 
     stReceive = acReadBuffer; 

     nStartPos = stReceive.find ("<IPOC>") + 6; 
     nEndPos = stReceive.find ("</IPOC>"); 
     stIPOC = stReceive.substr (nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos); 

     nStartPos = stSend.find ("<IPOC>") + 6; 
     nEndPos = stSend.find ("</IPOC>"); 
     stSend.replace(nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos, stIPOC); 

     //Raw sensor data 
     nStartPos = stReceive.find ("RFx=") + 5; 
     nEndPos = stReceive.find ("RFy=") - 2; 
     hd.stRFx = stReceive.substr (nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos); 
     hd.szRFx = hd.stRFx.c_str(); 
     hd.RFx = strtod(hd.szRFx, NULL); 
     hd.RFx = hd.RFx * 0.22; 

     nStartPos = stReceive.find ("RFy=") + 5; 
     nEndPos = stReceive.find ("RFz=") - 2; 
     hd.stRFy = stReceive.substr (nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos); 
     hd.szRFy = hd.stRFy.c_str(); 
     hd.RFy = strtod(hd.szRFy, NULL); 
     hd.RFy = hd.RFy * 0.22; 

     nStartPos = stReceive.find ("RFz=") + 5; 
     nEndPos = stReceive.find ("Fx") - 2; 
     hd.stRFz = stReceive.substr (nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos); 
     hd.szRFz = hd.stRFz.c_str(); 
     hd.RFz = strtod(hd.szRFz, NULL); 
     hd.RFz = hd.RFz * 0.22; 

     //Sensor data to be filtered 
     nStartPos = stReceive.find ("Fx=") + 4; 
     nEndPos = stReceive.find ("Fy=") - 2; 
     hd.stFx = stReceive.substr (nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos); 
     hd.szFx = hd.stFx.c_str(); 
     hd.Fx = strtod(hd.szFx, NULL); 
     hd.Fx = hd.Fx * 0.22; 

     nStartPos = stReceive.find ("Fy=") + 4; 
     nEndPos = stReceive.find ("Fz=") - 2; 
     hd.stFy = stReceive.substr (nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos); 
     hd.szFy = hd.stFy.c_str(); 
     hd.Fy = strtod(hd.szFy, NULL); 
     hd.Fy = hd.Fy * 0.22; 

     nStartPos = stReceive.find ("Fz=") + 4; 
     nEndPos = stReceive.find ("<IPOC>") - 3; 
     hd.stFz = stReceive.substr (nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos); 
     hd.szFz = hd.stFz.c_str(); 
     hd.Fz = strtod(hd.szFz, NULL); 
     hd.Fz = hd.Fz * 0.22; 

     //*Added by JMM for reading start cartesian position 
     nStartPos = stReceive.find ("X=") + 3; 
     nEndPos = stReceive.find ("Y=") - 2; 
     hd.stRobotXPosition = stReceive.substr (nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos); 
     hd.szRobotXPosition = hd.stRobotXPosition.c_str(); 
     hd.RobotXPosition = strtod(hd.szRobotXPosition, NULL); 

     nStartPos = stReceive.find ("Y=") + 3; 
     nEndPos = stReceive.find ("Z=") - 2; 
     hd.stRobotYPosition = stReceive.substr (nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos); 
     hd.szRobotYPosition = hd.stRobotYPosition.c_str(); 
     hd.RobotYPosition = strtod(hd.szRobotYPosition, NULL); 

     nStartPos = stReceive.find ("Z=") + 3; 
     nEndPos = stReceive.find ("A=") - 2; 
     hd.stRobotZPosition = stReceive.substr (nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos); 
     hd.szRobotZPosition = hd.stRobotZPosition.c_str(); 
     hd.RobotZPosition = strtod(hd.szRobotZPosition, NULL); 

     //Data to be passed from the HMI 
     nStartPos = stReceive.find ("ForThresh=") + 11; 
     nEndPos = stReceive.find ("StifFree=") - 2; 
     hd.stForThresh = stReceive.substr (nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos); 
     hd.szForThresh = hd.stForThresh.c_str(); 
     hd.ForThresh = strtod(hd.szForThresh, NULL); 
     hd.ForThresh = hd.ForThresh/100; 

     nStartPos = stReceive.find ("StifFree=") + 10; 
     nEndPos = stReceive.find ("StifStick=") - 2; 
     hd.stStifFree = stReceive.substr (nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos); 
     hd.szStifFree = hd.stStifFree.c_str(); 
     hd.StifFree = strtod(hd.szStifFree, NULL); 
     hd.StifFree = hd.StifFree/100; 

     nStartPos = stReceive.find ("StifStick=") + 11; 
     nEndPos = stReceive.find ("StifCont=") - 2; 
     hd.stStifStick = stReceive.substr (nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos); 
     hd.szStifStick = hd.stStifStick.c_str(); 
     hd.StifStick = strtod(hd.szStifStick, NULL); 
     hd.StifStick = hd.StifStick/100; 

     nStartPos = stReceive.find ("StifCont=") + 10; 
     nEndPos = stReceive.find ("KForce=") - 2; 
     hd.stStifCont = stReceive.substr (nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos); 
     hd.szStifCont = hd.stStifCont.c_str(); 
     hd.StifCont = strtod(hd.szStifCont, NULL); 
     hd.StifCont = hd.StifCont/100; 

     nStartPos = stReceive.find ("KForce=") + 8; 
     nEndPos = stReceive.find ("LScale=") - 2; 
     hd.stKForce = stReceive.substr (nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos); 
     hd.szKForce = hd.stKForce.c_str(); 
     hd.KForce = strtod(hd.szKForce, NULL); 
     hd.KForce = hd.KForce/100; 

     nStartPos = stReceive.find ("LScale=") + 8; 
     nEndPos = stReceive.find ("<HMI") - 3; 
     hd.stLScale = stReceive.substr (nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos); 
     hd.szLScale = hd.stLScale.c_str(); 
     hd.LScale = strtod(hd.szLScale, NULL); 

     nStartPos = stReceive.find ("HapFeed=") + 9; 
     nEndPos = stReceive.find ("<IPOC>") - 3; 
     hd.stHapFeed = stReceive.substr (nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos); 
     hd.szHapFeed = hd.stHapFeed.c_str(); 
     hd.HapFeed = atoi(hd.szHapFeed); 

//data the is to be sent to the robot 

     if (hd.FirstTimePosition) 
      hd.RobotXStartPosition = hd.RobotXPosition; 
      hd.RobotYStartPosition = hd.RobotYPosition; 
      hd.RobotZStartPosition = hd.RobotZPosition;   
      hd.FirstTimePosition = false; 

     //tells the filter to turn on or off 
     if (hd.LinearScale == 0 || hd.LinearScale == 0.5 || hd.LinearScale == 1) 
      hd.NewScaletoRobot = 1; 
      hd.stScaletoRobot = dtostr(hd.NewScaletoRobot); 
      nStartPos = stSend.find ("SCX=") + 5; 
      stSend.replace(nStartPos, 1, hd.stScaletoRobot); 

      hd.stScaletoRobot = dtostr(hd.NewScaletoRobot); 
      nStartPos = stSend.find ("SCY=") + 5; 
      stSend.replace(nStartPos, 1, hd.stScaletoRobot); 

      hd.stScaletoRobot = dtostr(hd.NewScaletoRobot); 
      nStartPos = stSend.find ("SCZ=") + 5; 
      stSend.replace(nStartPos, 1, hd.stScaletoRobot); 
      hd.NewScaletoRobot = 0; 
      hd.stScaletoRobot = dtostr(hd.NewScaletoRobot); 
      nStartPos = stSend.find ("SCX=") + 5; 
      stSend.replace(nStartPos, 1, hd.stScaletoRobot); 

      hd.stScaletoRobot = dtostr(hd.NewScaletoRobot); 
      nStartPos = stSend.find ("SCY=") + 5; 
      stSend.replace(nStartPos, 1, hd.stScaletoRobot); 

      hd.stScaletoRobot = dtostr(hd.NewScaletoRobot); 
      nStartPos = stSend.find ("SCZ=") + 5; 
      stSend.replace(nStartPos, 1, hd.stScaletoRobot); 

     if(hd.LinearScale == 4) 
      f_co = 0.5; 
     else if (hd.LinearScale == 3) 
      f_co = 0.5; 
     else if (hd.LinearScale == 2) 
      f_co = 1; 
     else if (hd.LinearScale == 1) 
      f_co = 2; 
     else if (hd.LinearScale == 0.5) 
      f_co = 2; 
      f_co = 0.5; 

     w_co = f_co * C_TWO_PI; 
     OMEGA_co = (2/T) * cTanRad((w_co * T)/2); 

     hd.raw_x[CURRENT_VALUE] = hd.XtoRobot; 
     hd.raw_y[CURRENT_VALUE] = hd.YtoRobot; 
     hd.raw_z[CURRENT_VALUE] = hd.ZtoRobot; 

     hd.filtered_x[CURRENT_VALUE] = (pow(((OMEGA_co)/((2/T) + OMEGA_co)), 2)) * 
      ((hd.raw_x[CURRENT_VALUE]) + (2 * hd.raw_x[CURRENT_VALUE - 1] + hd.raw_x[CURRENT_VALUE - 2])) 
      - (((2 * (OMEGA_co - (2/T)))/((2/T) + OMEGA_co)) * hd.filtered_x[CURRENT_VALUE - 1]) 
      - ((pow(((OMEGA_co - (2/T))/((2/T) + OMEGA_co)),2)) * hd.filtered_x[CURRENT_VALUE - 2]); 

     hd.filtered_y[CURRENT_VALUE] = (pow(((OMEGA_co)/((2/T) + OMEGA_co)), 2)) * 
      ((hd.raw_y[CURRENT_VALUE]) + (2 * hd.raw_y[CURRENT_VALUE - 1] + hd.raw_y[CURRENT_VALUE - 2])) 
      - (((2 * (OMEGA_co - (2/T)))/((2/T) + OMEGA_co)) * hd.filtered_y[CURRENT_VALUE - 1]) 
      - ((pow(((OMEGA_co - (2/T))/((2/T) + OMEGA_co)),2)) * hd.filtered_y[CURRENT_VALUE - 2]); 

     hd.filtered_z[CURRENT_VALUE] = (pow(((OMEGA_co)/((2/T) + OMEGA_co)), 2)) * 
      ((hd.raw_z[CURRENT_VALUE]) + (2 * hd.raw_z[CURRENT_VALUE - 1] + hd.raw_z[CURRENT_VALUE - 2])) 
      - (((2 * (OMEGA_co - (2/T)))/((2/T) + OMEGA_co)) * hd.filtered_z[CURRENT_VALUE - 1]) 
      - ((pow(((OMEGA_co - (2/T))/((2/T) + OMEGA_co)),2)) * hd.filtered_z[CURRENT_VALUE - 2]); 

     hd.raw_x[CURRENT_VALUE - 2] = hd.raw_x[CURRENT_VALUE - 1]; 
     hd.raw_y[CURRENT_VALUE - 2] = hd.raw_y[CURRENT_VALUE - 1]; 
     hd.raw_z[CURRENT_VALUE - 2] = hd.raw_z[CURRENT_VALUE - 1]; 

     hd.raw_x[CURRENT_VALUE - 1] = hd.raw_x[CURRENT_VALUE]; 
     hd.raw_y[CURRENT_VALUE - 1] = hd.raw_y[CURRENT_VALUE]; 
     hd.raw_z[CURRENT_VALUE - 1] = hd.raw_z[CURRENT_VALUE]; 

     hd.filtered_x[CURRENT_VALUE - 2] = hd.filtered_x[CURRENT_VALUE - 1]; 
     hd.filtered_y[CURRENT_VALUE - 2] = hd.filtered_y[CURRENT_VALUE - 1]; 
     hd.filtered_z[CURRENT_VALUE - 2] = hd.filtered_z[CURRENT_VALUE - 1]; 

     hd.filtered_x[CURRENT_VALUE - 1] = hd.filtered_x[CURRENT_VALUE]; 
     hd.filtered_y[CURRENT_VALUE - 1] = hd.filtered_y[CURRENT_VALUE]; 
     hd.filtered_z[CURRENT_VALUE - 1] = hd.filtered_z[CURRENT_VALUE]; 

     //hd.CommGain = 0.001; 

     //hd.XtoRobot = hd.XtoRobot/(1+(hd.CommGain * abs(hd.Fx - hd.PreviousFx))); 
     //hd.YtoRobot = hd.YtoRobot/(1+(hd.CommGain * abs(hd.Fy - hd.PreviousFy))); 
     //hd.ZtoRobot = hd.ZtoRobot/(1+(hd.CommGain * abs(hd.Fz - hd.PreviousFz))); 

     //hd.CurrentXtoRobot = hd.XtoRobot - hd.PreviousXtoRobot; 
     hd.stXtoRobot = dtostr(hd.filtered_x[CURRENT_VALUE]); 
     nStartPos = stSend.find ("X=") + 3; 
     stSend.replace(nStartPos, 6, hd.stXtoRobot); 

     //hd.CurrentYtoRobot = hd.YtoRobot - hd.PreviousYtoRobot; 
     hd.stYtoRobot = dtostr(hd.filtered_y[CURRENT_VALUE]); 
     nStartPos = stSend.find ("Y=") + 3; 
     stSend.replace(nStartPos, 6, hd.stYtoRobot); 

     //hd.CurrentZtoRobot = hd.ZtoRobot - hd.PreviousZtoRobot; 
     hd.stZtoRobot = dtostr(hd.filtered_z[CURRENT_VALUE]); 
     nStartPos = stSend.find ("Z=") + 3; 
     stSend.replace(nStartPos, 6, hd.stZtoRobot); 

     //hd.CurrentGtoRobot = hd.GtoRobot - hd.PreviousGtoRobot; 
     //hd.stGtoRobot = dtostr(hd.GtoRobot); 
     //nStartPos = stSend.find ("A=") + 3; 
     //stSend.replace(nStartPos, 6, hd.stGtoRobot); 

     //hd.CurrentBtoRobot = hd.BtoRobot - hd.PreviousBtoRobot; 
     //hd.stBtoRobot = dtostr(hd.BtoRobot); 
     //nStartPos = stSend.find ("B=") + 3; 
     //stSend.replace(nStartPos, 6, hd.stBtoRobot); 

     //hd.CurrentAtoRobot = hd.AtoRobot - hd.PreviousAtoRobot; 
     //hd.stAtoRobot = dtostr(hd.AtoRobot); 
     //nStartPos = stSend.find ("C=") + 3; 
     //stSend.replace(nStartPos, 6, hd.stAtoRobot); 

     //hd.PreviousXtoRobot = hd.XtoRobot; 
     //hd.PreviousYtoRobot = hd.YtoRobot; 
     //hd.PreviousZtoRobot = hd.ZtoRobot; 

     //hd.PreviousAtoRobot = hd.AtoRobot; 
     //hd.PreviousBtoRobot = hd.BtoRobot; 
     //hd.PreviousGtoRobot = hd.GtoRobot; 

     strcpy(static_cast<char*>(&acWriteBuffer[0]), stSend.c_str()); 

     if (nReadBytes > 0) 
      int nSentBytes = 0; 
      int SendLength = strlen(acWriteBuffer); 
      while (nSentBytes < SendLength) 
       int nTemp = sendto(sd, acWriteBuffer, SendLength, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&clientAddr, sockAddrSize); 

       if (nTemp > 0) 
        nSentBytes += nTemp; 
       else if (nTemp == SOCKET_ERROR) 
        return false; 
        // Client closed connection before we could reply to 
        // all the data it sent, so bomb out early. 
        SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)L"Peer unexpectedly dropped connection!"); 
        return true; 
     else if (nReadBytes == SOCKET_ERROR) 
      return false; 
    } while (nReadBytes != 0); 

    SendDlgItemMessage(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_LIST_Server, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)L"Connection closed by peer."); 
    bRobotConnected = false; 
    bRobotConnectInit = true; 
    SetDlgItemText(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_STATIC_RobotStatus, _T("Waiting for robot")); 
    SetDlgItemText(g_hWndHapticBox, IDC_STATIC_RobotInMotion, _T("Robot not in motion")); 

    return true; 

平/乒乓球?超时?任何数量的逻辑方法。你到目前为止考虑过什么? –


您可以设置套接字 –


的超时值,['while(inFile.good())'wrong'](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5605125/why-is-iostreameof-inside-a-loop -condition-considered-wrong) –





是的,这可以防止阻挡,但它也会让你成为僵尸。让我们探索强大的关闭断开连接的方法。 –


然后我们有哪些选择? –


我支持我的建议... –