2017-04-27 85 views


while (work_stack.size != 0){ 
    //I have a working stack in which I have stored the elements 
    //which in my case are brackets and while I have elements 
    //i pop the first element and see if it's a left or right 
    a1 = pop(&work_stack.data); 

    if ('{' == ((Pair*)a1->info)->type || 
     '(' == ((Pair*)a1->info)->type || 
     '[' == ((Pair*)a1->info)->type) { 
     //if it's a left bracket, then I add it to the left stack 
     //which i'm going to use to compare with the right sided 
     //brackets i will encounter. 
      stanga++; //i'm incrementing the no of left brackets 
     if(ok == 0) //if there wasn't a match, then length is set to 0 
      length = 0; 
     if (ok == 1 && stanga > 1) 
      //if there was a match but then two brackets of left side 
      //are encountered, then length = 0 
      Now I figured that here I am wrong. Given the input: 
      The right value should be 8, but my code encounters 
      two left values and sets the length to 0. I need to 
      find a way to determine if the substring is worth keeping 
      length = 0; 
     push(&left.data, a1); 
    if ('}' == ((Pair*)a1->info)->type || 
     ')' == ((Pair*)a1->info)->type || 
     ']' == ((Pair*)a1->info)->type){ 
     //if it's a right bracket and there are elements in the left 
     //then i pop the first element fro the left stack and compare 
     //it to my current bracket 
     if(left.size != 0){ 
      stanga = 0; 
      a2 = pop(&left.data); 

      //opposing is a function that returns 1 if 
      //i encounter something like () or [ ] or { } 
      //if the brackets are opposed, i increment the length 
      if (oposing(((Pair*)a2->info)->type, ((Pair*)a1->info)->type) == 1){ 
       length += 2; 
       ok = 1; 

      //otherwise, it seems that I have run into a stopping 
      //point, so I'm emptying the left stack because those 
      //paranthesis are not of use anymore and I'm saving 
      //the maximum length acquired by now 
      if (oposing(((Pair*)a2->info)->type, ((Pair*)a1->info)->type) == 0){ 
       ok = 0; 
       while(left.size > 0){ 
        a2 = pop(&left.data); 
       if(length > max){ 
        max = length; 
        length = 0; 
      //if i haven't encountered a stopping point, i just 
      //compare the length to my max and save it if it's bigger 
      if (length > max) 
       max = length; 
     //this line says that if the size of the left stack is 0 and 
     //i have encountered a right bracket, then I can't form a 
     //correct substring, so the length is 0 
     else length = 0; 

需要注意的是:((Pair*)a1->info)->type是我的性格。 谢谢! 后来编辑: - 我增加了对堆栈和对结构

typedef struct{ 
    int id; 
    char type; 

typedef struct cel{ 
    void *info; 
    struct cel *urm; 
}Celula, *TLista, **ALista; 

typedef struct{ 
    TLista data; 
    int size; 

我栈有数据类型作为一个链表但应该那么重要的操作是正确的(push和pop )。



不是[mcve] ... – DevSolar


您的输入中是否包含大括号以外的字符? –


@KaidulIslam你好,不,我的输入只包含大括号。 –




int longestValidParentheses(string s) { 
    stack <int> Stack; 
    int maxLen = 0; 
    int lastPos = -1; 
    for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) { 
     if(s[i] == '(') { 
     else { 
      if(Stack.empty()) { 
       lastPos = i; 
      else { 
       if(Stack.empty()) { 
        maxLen = max(maxLen, i - lastPos); 
       } else { 
        maxLen = max(maxLen, i - Stack.top()); 
    return maxLen; 



您似乎已经放弃了对括号和大括号的支持。我认为OP在松散地使用术语palenthesis [sic]。 – Bathsheba


是的,我已经解决了这个解决方案,并从我的存档中粘贴。我认为OP将能够通过修改代码来处理另外两个大括号 –


请注意,问题标记为C,而不是C++。 – DevSolar
