2017-01-11 103 views

我已经创建了一个纸牌游戏,其中2 x 12个不同的图像将被加载到vb格式的24个图片框中。我的意图是让用户每次翻两张卡片,试图找到匹配的卡片。每次游戏加载时,都会有不同的图片,它们将处于不同的位置。到目前为止,我已经成功加载了游戏卡背面的图像,但是我无法将它们转过来查看我的图像是否已成功加载。 我不担心洗牌,我只是想看看图像是否已经加载,并且能够一次将两张牌翻过来。我真的很困惑,因为我不习惯使用VB来完成这些任务,所以任何帮助都是值得赞赏的。这里是我的代码:如何翻转纸牌游戏中的纸牌?

Imports System.IO 
Public Class Board 

    ' as per stackoverflow Terms of Service 
    ' this code comes from 
    ' http://stackoverflow.com/a/40707688 

    'array of picture boxes 
    Private pBoxes As PictureBox() 
    'array of images 
    Private imgs As String() = {"1.jpg", "2.jpg", "3.jpg", "4.jpg", "5.jpg", "6.jpg", "7.jpg", "8.jpg", "9.jpg", "10.jpg", "11.jpg", "12.jpg", "13.jpg", "14.jpg", "15,jpg", "16.jpg", "17.jpg", "18.jpg", "19.jpg", "20.jpg", "21.jpg", "22.jpg", "23.jpg", "24.jpg"} 
    'random number generator 
    Private RNG = New Random 
    'cover image 
    Private coverImg As String = "bg.jpg" 

    Private dt As DateTime 

    'turns cards 
    Private pbFirst As PictureBox 
    Private pbSecond As PictureBox 
    Private matches As Int32 = 0 

    'Folder where images are held 
    Private ImgFolder As String 

    Private Sub Board1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 

     RNG = New Random() 

     'array of picture boxes 
     pBoxes = New PictureBox() {PictureBox1, PictureBox2, PictureBox3, PictureBox4, 
     PictureBox5, PictureBox6, PictureBox7, PictureBox8, 
     PictureBox9, PictureBox10, PictureBox11, PictureBox12, PictureBox13, PictureBox14, PictureBox15, PictureBox16, PictureBox17, PictureBox18, PictureBox19, PictureBox20, PictureBox21, PictureBox22, PictureBox23, PictureBox24} 

     'where images are located 
     ImgFolder = "F: \COMPUTER SCIENCE\Test images" 

     coverImg = Path.Combine(ImgFolder, coverImg) 
     For Each p As PictureBox In pBoxes 
      p.ImageLocation = coverImg 

    End Sub 
    'Take images from file 
    Private Sub PickImages() 

     Dim nums = Enumerable.Range(1, 12).ToArray() 

     Dim pool = nums.Concat(nums).OrderBy(Function(r) RNG.Next).ToArray() 
    End Sub 

    Private Sub Shuffle() 

    End Sub 
    ' reset everything 
    Private Sub NewGame() 

     matches = 0 
     pbFirst = Nothing 
     pbSecond = Nothing 
     ' repick, reshuffle 

     dt = DateTime.Now 
     'tmrMain.Enabled = True 
    End Sub 
End Class 

如果你正在跟踪的unaccreditted后建议您所有的代码来自,你不想加载图像,只需将文件名加载到12个元素的字符串数组中即可。那么它就是'pbFirst.ImageLocation = myImgs(index)'。因为你的字符串数组只是没有路径的文件名。如果这是一场比赛,你不需要24张图片,只有12张;但是您可能希望这12个图像来自较大的池,以便不会反复使用相同的12个图像。文件名而不是图片使这个和其他事情更简单。为每个游戏填充阵列*是最难的部分。 – Plutonix




Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Click 
    PictureBox1.ImageLocation = ("Path to Picture of back of the card") 
End Sub 

不要试图过度觉得这 - 忘记“把他们在”简单地改变形象:

Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Click, PictureBox2.Click 'etc 
    dim index as short 
    ' to do: get the index of the PictureCard 
    If sender.Image is coverImg then 
     sender.Image = imgs(index) ' in stead of 0, use the index of the picture card 
     sender.Image = coverImage 
    End if 
End Sub