2017-08-17 43 views


Dim c As Range, namesRng As Range 
    Dim name As Variant 

    With Worksheets("DRIVERS") '<--| reference "DRIVERS" worskheet 
     Set namesRng = .Range("A2", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp)) '<--| set the range of "drivers" in column "a" starting from row 4 down to last not empty row 
    End With 

    With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") '<--| instance a 'Dictionary' object 
     For Each c In namesRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues) '<--| loop through "drivers" range cells with text content only 
      .Item(c.Value) = c.Value '<--| build the unique list of names using dictionary key 
     Set namesRng = namesRng.Resize(namesRng.Rows.Count + 1).Offset(-1) '<--| resize the range of "names" to have a "header" cell (not a name to filter on) in the first row 
     For Each name In .Keys '<--| loop through dictionary keys, i.e. the unique names list 
      FilterNameAndCopyToWorksheet namesRng, name '<--| filter on current name and copy to corresponding worksheet 
    End With '<--| release the 'Dictionary' object 
End Sub 

Sub FilterNameAndCopyToWorksheet(rangeToFilter As Range, nameToFilter As Variant) 
    Dim destsht As Worksheet 

    Set destsht = Worksheets(nameToFilter) '<--| set the worksheet object corresponding to passed name 
    With rangeToFilter 
     .AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=nameToFilter 
     Intersect(.Parent.UsedRange, .Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow).Copy destsht.Cells(destsht.Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp) 
     .Parent.AutoFilterMode = False 

    End With 
End Sub 

当提出与代码相关的问题时,为您使用的特定语言添加标签总是明智的。 *复制*和*粘贴*自己几乎没用。请[edit]在你的问题中包含适当的语言标签(excel-vba,它会出现)。你还应该解释你发布的代码如何不适合你。现在看来,这是一个*请为我写*代码后,我们不是一个代码写作服务。谢谢。 –


对不起,肯我第一次在论坛上问过。我会纠正verbage –


没问题。建议的话 - 这不是一个论坛,当你把它称为一个时,人们不喜欢它。 *论坛*意味着一个社交网站的讨论,这绝对不是这样一个网站。这完全是一个问题和答案网站。您可能需要花点时间参加[导览]并阅读[帮助]页面。 –


destsht.Cells(destsht.Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp) 


destsht.Cells(destsht.Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Offset(1) 