2010-05-28 45 views

我想让这个脚本作为LIVE()函数工作。 请帮帮我!Jquery Live函数

$(".img img").each(function() { 
    destElem: $(this).parent(), 
     method: "fit" 


(function ($) { 
jQuery.fn.imagesLoaded = function (callback) { 
    var elems = this.filter('img'), 
    len = elems.length; 
    elems.bind('load', function() { 
    if (--len <= 0) { 
    callback.call(elems, this); 
    }).each(function() { 
    // cached images don't fire load sometimes, so we reset src. 
    if (this.complete || this.complete === undefined) { 
    var src = this.src; 
    // webkit hack from http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-dev/browse_thread/thread/eee6ab7b2da50e1f 
    this.src = '#'; 
    this.src = src; 

CJ Object Scaler 
(function ($) { 
jQuery.fn.cjObjectScaler = function (options) { 

    user variables (settings) 
    var settings = { 
    // must be a jQuery object 
    method: "fill", 
    // the parent object to scale our object into 
    destElem: null, 
    // fit|fill 
    fade: 0 // if positive value, do hide/fadeIn 

    system variables 
    var sys = { 
    // function parameters 
    version: '2.1.1', 
    elem: null 

    scale the image 

    function scaleObj(obj) { 

    // declare some local variables 
    var destW = jQuery(settings.destElem).width(), 
    destH = jQuery(settings.destElem).height(), 
    ratioX, ratioY, scale, newWidth, newHeight, 
    borderW = parseInt(jQuery(obj).css("borderLeftWidth"), 10) + parseInt(jQuery(obj).css("borderRightWidth"), 10), 
    borderH = parseInt(jQuery(obj).css("borderTopWidth"), 10) + parseInt(jQuery(obj).css("borderBottomWidth"), 10), 
    objW = jQuery(obj).width(), 
    objH = jQuery(obj).height(); 

    // check for valid border values. IE takes in account border size when calculating width/height so just set to 0 
    borderW = isNaN(borderW) ? 0 : borderW; 
    borderH = isNaN(borderH) ? 0 : borderH; 

    // calculate scale ratios 
    ratioX = destW/jQuery(obj).width(); 
    ratioY = destH/jQuery(obj).height(); 

    // Determine which algorithm to use 
    if (!jQuery(obj).hasClass("cf_image_scaler_fill") && (jQuery(obj).hasClass("cf_image_scaler_fit") || settings.method === "fit")) { 
    scale = ratioX < ratioY ? ratioX : ratioY; 
    } else if (!jQuery(obj).hasClass("cf_image_scaler_fit") && (jQuery(obj).hasClass("cf_image_scaler_fill") || settings.method === "fill")) { 
    scale = ratioX < ratioY ? ratioX : ratioY; 

    // calculate our new image dimensions 
    newWidth = parseInt(jQuery(obj).width() * scale, 10) - borderW; 
    newHeight = parseInt(jQuery(obj).height() * scale, 10) - borderH; 

    // Set new dimensions & offset 
    "width": newWidth + "px", 
    "height": newHeight + "px"//, 
    // "position": "absolute", 
// "top": (parseInt((destH - newHeight)/2, 10) - parseInt(borderH/2, 10)) + "px", 
// "left": (parseInt((destW - newWidth)/2, 10) - parseInt(borderW/2, 10)) + "px" 
    "width": newWidth, 
    "height": newHeight 

    // do our fancy fade in, if user supplied a fade amount 
    if (settings.fade > 0) { 


    set up any user passed variables 
    if (options) { 
    jQuery.extend(settings, options); 

    return this.each(function() { 

    sys.elem = this; 

    // if they don't provide a destObject, use parent 
    if (settings.destElem === null) { 

    settings.destElem = jQuery(sys.elem).parent(); 

    // need to make sure the user set the parent's position. Things go bonker's if not set. 
    // valid values: absolute|relative|fixed 
    if (jQuery(settings.destElem).css("position") === "static") { 
    "position": "relative" 

    // if our object to scale is an image, we need to make sure it's loaded before we continue. 
    if (typeof sys.elem === "object" && typeof settings.destElem === "object" && typeof settings.method === "string") { 

    // if the user supplied a fade amount, hide our image 
    if (settings.fade > 0) { 

    if (sys.elem.nodeName === "IMG") { 

    // to fix the weird width/height caching issue we set the image dimensions to be auto; 

    // wait until the image is loaded before scaling 
    jQuery(sys.elem).imagesLoaded(function() { 

    } else { 


    } else { 

    console.debug("CJ Object Scaler could not initialize."); 




épa任何异常?控制台日志?适应症? – ant 2010-05-28 12:00:30



.live()不适合这个工作,你需要或者再次发生火灾时的功能需要,例如在您的$.ajax()successcomplete回调中,在.ajaxSuccess(),.ajaxComplete()或使用.livequery() plugin



我想要这个脚本后,我做我的排序功能。例如: \t $( “#sortableMain”)排序({ \t \t connectWith: 'ul.droptrue', \t \t占位符: '亮点', \t \t帮手: '克隆', \t \t不透明度: 0.6, \t \t更新:函数(){ \t \t \t变种顺序= $( “#sortableMain”)排序( “序列化”); \t \t \t $( “#信息”)的负载(“顺序。 php?“+ order); \t \t} \t}); 所以我必须这样做,更新功能完成后? – 2010-05-28 12:07:56


@marharépa - '#info'是否包含'#sortableMain'? – 2010-05-28 12:10:37


噢,我的上帝,它的工作。 lickable。谢谢 :) – 2010-05-28 12:16:09