2017-08-28 48 views




jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 
    var flag = true; 

    $(window).scroll(function() { 
     if (flag == true) {     
      scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); 
      if (scroll > 50) $('#scroll-down')[0].click(); 
      flag = false; 

    $(window).scroll(function() { 
     if (flag == false) {     
      scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); 
      if (scroll < 50) 
      flag = true; 



我能看到的第一件事情,你不需要2'$(窗口).scroll(函数(){})'因为当你将滚动,无论是功能将在同一时间被调用..你可以用同样的方法做同样的事情。 – Arthur


您需要从第二个滚动函数的“if”部分放置代码,并使其成为第一个滚动函数的“else”部分 – Dumisani




jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { 

     // The button is assumed to have an id of 'scroll-down' - triggered when clicked 
     $('#scroll-down').on('click', function() { 

      // Move to the pre-defined anchor point 
      // Insert <div id="scroll-down-anchor"></div> to where you want to scroll to 
      $('html, body').animate({ 

       scrollTop: $('[id=scroll-down-anchor]').position().top 

       // Set the speed of the scroll here (currently set to 1000 ms) 
      }, 1000); 




更新:根据截屏视频和进一步的信息。 代码已被更新,但是,尽管这是,我想,你的代码试图达到什么效果,我认为效果不是很好,因为你拦截了用户的意图,劫持它,发生不同的事情。它也非常不稳定,为了改善这一点,可能需要更多的代码行(例如,确定现有滚动的速度,拦截并加速其有机加速 - 超出了这种答案的范围)。也许有一个插件可以很好地做到这一点。


 jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { 

     // Variable to store scrolling state 
     var scrolling = false; 
     // Variable to store position to determine whether scrolling up or scrolling down 
     var previousScroll = 0; 

     $(window).scroll(function() { 
      // Only is state is not 'scrolling' (ie not to run if button has been clicked) 
      if (scrolling === false) { 
       // Get position 
       var currentScroll = $(this).scrollTop(); 
       // Compare position to stored variable: scrolling up or scrolling down 
       if (currentScroll > previousScroll) { 
        // Determine if position is 'within the zone' - set here to 50px 
        if (currentScroll < 50 && currentScroll !== 0) { 
         console.log('IN ZONE'); 
         // Trigger button click 
        } else { 
         // Normal scrolling down code, outside zone 
         console.log('SCROLLING DOWN '); 
       else { 
        // Scrolling up code 
        console.log('SCROLLING UP '); 
       // Set variable for comparison of next scroll event 
       previousScroll = currentScroll; 


     // The button is assumed to have an id of 'scroll-down' - triggered when clicked 
     $('#scroll-down').on('click', function() { 
      // Set the scrolling state 
      scrolling = true; 
      // Animate with callback to set scrolling back to 'true' when complete 
      $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('[id=scroll-down-anchor]').position().top }, 1000, function() { 
       // Callback code - set scrolling state to be false when animation has finished 
       scrolling = false; 



这里是一个示例:https://www.screencast.com/t/dufr6Nam – Cembo


OK谢谢 - 已更新的答案 – RickL


现在的问题是,mousescroll不会跳到锚点。 – Cembo