2016-12-21 59 views

基于我对生命周期的理解,如果函数的调用者指定了参数的生命周期,我可以返回具有该生命周期的类型。为什么我不能从'T'返回fmt ::参数<'a>?


pub fn substr(s: &str) -> &str { 

pub fn substr_ex<'a>(s: &'a str) -> &'a str { 


use std::fmt::Arguments; 

pub fn as_format_arg<'a, T: 'a + ?Sized + Debug>(t: &'a T) -> Arguments<'a> { 
    format_args!("{:?}", t) 
error: borrowed value does not live long enough 
    --> <anon>:16:18 
16 |  format_args!("{:?}", t) 
    |     ^^^^^^ does not live long enough 
17 | } 
    | - temporary value only lives until here 
    = note: borrowed value must be valid for the lifetime 'a as defined on unknown free region bounded by scope CodeExtent(38/CallSiteScope { fn_id: NodeId(42), body_id: NodeId(92) })... 

error: `t` does not live long enough 
    --> <anon>:16:26 
16 |  format_args!("{:?}", t) 
    |      ^does not live long enough 
17 | } 
    | - borrowed value only lives until here 
    = note: borrowed value must be valid for the lifetime 'a as defined on unknown free region bounded by scope CodeExtent(38/CallSiteScope { fn_id: NodeId(42), body_id: NodeId(92) })... 




你的前两个例子返回一个引用,所以它们与返回拥有对象的最后一个没有真正的可比性。 – ljedrz



要了解发生了什么,让我们来看看macro-expanded version

fn as_format_arg<'a, T: 'a + ?Sized + Debug>(t: &'a T) -> Arguments<'a> { 
             static __STATIC_FMTSTR: 
              &'static [&'static str] = 
            &match (&t,) { 
             (__arg0,) => 


error: borrowed value does not live long enough 
    --> src/main.rs:9:36 
9 |         &match (&t,) { 
    |         ^temporary value created here 
15 | } 
    | - temporary value only lives until here 
note: borrowed value must be valid for the lifetime 'a as defined on the block at 4:72... 
    --> src/main.rs:4:73 
4 | fn as_format_arg<'a, T: 'a + ?Sized + Debug>(t: &'a T) -> Arguments<'a> { 
    |                  ^



error: `t` does not live long enough 
    --> src/main.rs:9:44 
9 |         &match (&t,) { 
    |           ^does not live long enough 
15 | } 
    | - borrowed value only lives until here 
note: borrowed value must be valid for the lifetime 'a as defined on the block at 4:72... 
    --> src/main.rs:4:73 
4 | fn as_format_arg<'a, T: 'a + ?Sized + Debug>(t: &'a T) -> Arguments<'a> { 
    |                  ^

注意,format! family of macros doesn't take their arguments by value;他们会自动插入参考。您不希望println!获得您的价值所有权!

这意味着打印的值实际上是一个&&'a T -a 参考到堆栈分配的t值!同样,你不能返回一个对堆栈中分配的东西的引用。

if the caller of a function specifies a lifetime on a parameter, I can return a type with that lifetime.



哦..生成的代码显示了最新的情况..谢谢。我只是决定改用FormatArg <'a>。 – kdy
