2016-11-03 32 views

我正在使用SP对TestShib IDP进行身份验证。登录于IDP,对SP边后,我得到这个错误Shibboleth - 证书名称不可接受

Unable to establish security of incoming assertion. 


2016-11-03 11:30:34 ERROR XMLTooling.TrustEngine.PKIX [4]: certificate name was not acceptable 
2016-11-03 11:30:34 ERROR OpenSAML.SecurityPolicyRule.XMLSigning [4]: unable to verify message signature with supplied trust engine 
2016-11-03 11:30:34 WARN Shibboleth.SSO.SAML2 [4]: detected a problem with assertion: Unable to establish security of incoming assertion. 


更新 -


2016-11-03 11:10:55 INFO Shibboleth.AttributeExtractor.XML : creating mapping for Attribute urn:oid: 
2016-11-03 11:10:55 INFO Shibboleth.AttributeExtractor.XML : creating mapping for Attribute urn:oid: 
2016-11-03 11:10:55 INFO Shibboleth.Application : building AttributeFilter of type XML... 
2016-11-03 11:10:55 INFO Shibboleth.AttributeFilter : reload thread started...running when signaled 
2016-11-03 11:10:55 INFO Shibboleth.AttributeFilter : loaded XML resource (/opt/shibboleth-sp/etc/shibboleth/attribute-policy.xml)  
2016-11-03 11:10:55 INFO Shibboleth.Application : building AttributeResolver of type Query... 
2016-11-03 11:10:55 INFO Shibboleth.Application : building CredentialResolver of type File... 
2016-11-03 11:10:55 INFO XMLTooling.SecurityHelper : loading private key from file (/opt/shibboleth-sp/etc/shibboleth/sp-key.pem) 
2016-11-03 11:10:55 INFO XMLTooling.SecurityHelper : loading certificate(s) from file (/opt/shibboleth-sp/etc/shibboleth/sp-cert.pem) 
2016-11-03 11:10:55 INFO Shibboleth.Listener : registered remoted message endpoint (default::getHeaders::Application) 
2016-11-03 11:10:55 INFO Shibboleth.Listener : listener service starting 
2016-11-03 11:11:34 ERROR XMLTooling.TrustEngine.PKIX [2]: certificate name was not acceptable 
2016-11-03 11:11:34 ERROR OpenSAML.SecurityPolicyRule.XMLSigning [2]: unable to verify message signature with supplied trust engine 
2016-11-03 11:11:34 WARN Shibboleth.SSO.SAML2 [2]: detected a problem with assertion: Unable to establish security of incoming assertion. 
2016-11-03 11:25:55 INFO XMLTooling.StorageService : purged 3 expired record(s) from storage 
2016-11-03 11:30:34 ERROR XMLTooling.TrustEngine.PKIX [4]: certificate name was not acceptable 
2016-11-03 11:30:34 ERROR OpenSAML.SecurityPolicyRule.XMLSigning [4]: unable to verify message signature with supplied trust engine 
2016-11-03 11:30:34 WARN Shibboleth.SSO.SAML2 [4]: detected a problem with assertion: Unable to establish security of incoming assertion. 
2016-11-03 11:40:55 INFO XMLTooling.StorageService : purged 3 expired record(s) from storage 


2016-11-03 10:50:10 WARN Shibboleth.SSO.SAML2 [2]: detected a problem with assertion: Message was signed, but signature could not be verified. 
2016-11-03 11:11:34 ERROR XMLTooling.TrustEngine.PKIX [2]: certificate name was not acceptable 
2016-11-03 11:11:34 ERROR OpenSAML.SecurityPolicyRule.XMLSigning [2]: unable to verify message signature with supplied trust engine 
2016-11-03 11:11:34 WARN Shibboleth.SSO.SAML2 [2]: detected a problem with assertion: Unable to establish security of incoming assertion. 
2016-11-03 11:30:34 ERROR XMLTooling.TrustEngine.PKIX [4]: certificate name was not acceptable 
2016-11-03 11:30:34 ERROR OpenSAML.SecurityPolicyRule.XMLSigning [4]: unable to verify message signature with supplied trust engine 
2016-11-03 11:30:34 WARN Shibboleth.SSO.SAML2 [4]: detected a problem with assertion: Unable to establish security of incoming assertion. 

你从哪里提供证书名称? – Akshay


@ shksboleth2.xml提供@Akshay证书名称 – user2811968




当您的SP尝试验证来自testshib IDP的SAML声明的签名(因此是真实性)时,会发生错误。您已经配置您的SP来验证使用PKIX TrustEngine签名和不匹配任何

  • 主题DN反向/ LDAP逗号分隔的语法,带或不带空格的(参见RFC 2253)
  • 主题CN
  • 任何DNS和URL subjectAltNames

使用ExplicitKey TrustEngine非常简单,并且是推荐的方法。这意味着SP将直接从元数据中了解TestShib IdP的签名证书。


如何从PKIX切换到显式信任引擎?我在哪里做这个改变? – user2811968


如果你自己没有改变它,你使用默认配置,这意味着你有一个链式信任引擎,首先显式和PKIX。由于它到达PKIX并且失败,我认为它不能匹配元数据中idp的证书。您必须在您已经共享 –


更新日志记录之前向您显示shibd/shibd_warn日志中的相关条目。 – user2811968