2017-05-29 132 views

我有一个表格,我想打开同一个tr内部tr点击加号图标。我不明白我打开哪个html元素。如何打开tr tr点击内部tr点击

请帮我一把。 在此先感谢。

<div class="procedure-table"> 
    <table class="table" style="border: 2px slide;"> 
       <th>Procedure Name</th> 
       <td class="proce-td"> 
          <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting ghj industry.<span><a href="">[+]</a></span> 
       <td class="cost-td">Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.</td> 
       <td class="taxes-td">Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.</td> 
        <div class="note-div">Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.</div> 
        <i class="material-icons close-icon2">close</i> 
        <i class="material-icons edit-icon">edit</i> 


谢谢,但我想切换花药TR不一样TR。当你点击图标相同的tr打开同一个tr –



你可以使用近距离图标。它应该从打开 - >关闭 - >打开 使用jquery触发事件打开(appendChild或insertAfter)并关闭(removeChild或简单地删除)。

jQuery(document).ready(function() { 
    jQuery("#plus").click(function() { 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<table border="1" id="main"> 
    <td><a href="#" id="plus">[+]</a></td> 


先生,你可以给我一个小例子,我是新的jquery。谢谢 –


所以你想有一个副本下面? – David


是的,先生副本tr –



jQuery(document).ready(function() { 
\t jQuery(".arrow_btn").click(function() { 
\t \t var accor_id = jQuery(this).closest('tr').next('tr').attr("id"); 
\t \t var accor_elm = ''; 
\t \t accor_elm = "#"+accor_id; 
\t \t if (jQuery(accor_elm).is(':visible')) { 
\t \t \t jQuery(accor_elm).hide('300'); 
\t \t } else { 
\t \t \t jQuery(accor_elm).toggle('slow'); 
\t \t \t jQuery(".accrdn_class").not(accor_elm).hide('300'); 
\t \t } 
\t }); \t 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<table class="table"> 
\t <tr class=""> 
\t \t <th>Procedure Name</th> 
\t </tr> 

<tr class="all_con_area"> 
\t <td class="arrow_btn">Tester</td> 
\t <td class="arrow_btn">Test</td> 
\t <td class="arrow_btn"> Design</td> \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t 
\t <td class="arrow_img "><a href="#" class="arrow_btn">[+]</a></td> 
<tr id="satisfication_1" class="accrdn_class" style="display: table-row;"> \t 
\t <td colspan="5" class="temonial_cont"><div class="row head_inner_page"> \t \t \t 
\t \t <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-12"> 
\t \t \t <table class="table inner_page_table"> 
\t   \t <tbody> 
\t \t   \t <tr> 
\t \t   \t \t <td><p><span>Client Name<span style="float:right;">:&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span></p></td> 
\t \t   \t \t <td ><p>tester</p></td> 
\t \t   \t </tr> 
\t \t   \t <tr> 
\t \t   \t \t <td ><p><span>Company Name<span style="float:right;">:&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span></p></td> 
\t \t   \t \t <td ><p>Test</p></td> 
\t \t   \t </tr> 
\t \t   \t <tr> 
\t \t   \t \t <td ><p><span>Project City<span style="float:right;">:&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span></p></td> 
\t \t   \t \t <td ><p></p></td> 
\t \t   \t </tr> 
\t \t   \t <tr> 
\t \t   \t \t <td ><p><span>Project Name<span style="float:right;">:&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span></p></td> 
\t \t   \t \t <td ><p>Test</p></td> 
\t \t   \t </tr> 
\t   \t </tbody> 
\t   \t </table> 
\t \t </div> 


没有先生我想要点击图标相同的tr在tr下打开。对不起我的英语不好。谢谢 –
