2014-03-18 116 views

有人可以提供一个洞察,为什么这使我的excel崩溃,我似乎无法解决它。 我试图学习VBA,需要一些建议。倒计时Excel VBA - 代码崩溃excel

sub timer() 

    dim second 

    second = 1.15740740740741e-05 

'this is the amount excel counts as a second 


    application.wait "00:00:01" 

    Range("a1").value = Range("a1").value - second 

    if not range("D2").value = 0 then 

     Goto line1 


      Msgbox("Countdown ended") 

    End if 

end sub 

什么是** ** A1的初始值Δα ** A1 **和** D2 **如何相关? –


OMG im such a twit .... –


A1 = 00:00:30,D2应该是A1 .....我也改变了等待到 Application.Wait Now + TimeValue(“0:00:01”) –




Sub NewTimer() 

    Dim Start As Single 
    Dim Cell As Range 
    Dim CountDown As Date 

    'Timer is the number of seconds since midnight. 
    'Store timer at this point in a variable 
    Start = Timer 

    'Store A1 in a variable to make it easier to refer 
    'to it later. Also, if the cell changes, you only 
    'have to change it in one place 
    Set Cell = Sheet1.Range("A1") 

    'This is the starting value. Timeserial is a good 
    'way to get a time 
    CountDown = TimeSerial(0, 0, 30) 

    'Set our cell to the starting value 
    Cell.Value = CountDown 

    'Keep executing this loop until A1 hits zero or 
    'even falls slightly below zero 
    Do While Cell.Value > 0 
     'Update the cell. Timer - Start is the number of seconds 
     'that have elapsed since we set Start. 
     Cell.Value = CountDown - TimeSerial(0, 0, Timer - Start) 

     'DoEvents release control ever so briefly to Windows. This 
     'allows Windows to do stuff like update the screen. When you 
     'have loops like this, your code appears frozen because it's 
     'not letting Windows do anything (unless you have this line) 

End Sub 

谢谢迪克,这真的帮了我。这似乎是制作倒计时器的更好方法。 –




Sub Countup() 
Dim CountDown As Date 
CountDown = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01") 
Application.OnTime CountDown, "Realcount" 
End Sub 

Sub Realcount() 'Run this to count down your cell value 
Dim count As Range 
Set count = [E1] 'Put the range that you want to count down 
count.Value = count.Value - TimeSerial(0, 0, 1) 
If count <= 0 Then 
MsgBox "Countdown complete." 
Exit Sub 
End If 
Call Countup 
End Sub