2015-09-06 31 views

我有一个角度为[0, 2pi] x [0, 2pi]的二维空间,它环绕着环形拓扑结构(水平边缘与垂直边缘相对应)。我在这个空间有两点,我想在这两点之间划一条线。在环绕的空间上绘制一条线段


|  | 
| A--B | 
|  | 

|  | 
|-A B-| 
|  | 


|  /| 
|  B | 
|   | 
| A  /| 
|/ /| 


到目前为止,我唯一能够可靠工作的算法是计算中点为(A + B)/2,同时适当使用模运算,在此位置绘制一个点,然后递归地细分左右区间,直到点之间的距离小于单个像素。显然,这不会很快。




void Draw_WrappedSegment(float f_x0, float f_y0, float f_x1, float f_y1) 
    const float s = 2 * f_pi; 
    f_x0 = fmod(fmod(f_x0, s) + s, s); 
    f_y0 = fmod(fmod(f_y0, s) + s, s); 
    f_x1 = fmod(fmod(f_x1, s) + s, s); 
    f_y1 = fmod(fmod(f_y1, s) + s, s); 
    // make sure the coordinates end up being positive and modulo 2pi 

    float f_ydist0 = fabs(f_y0 - f_y1); 
    float f_ydist1 = fabs(fmod(f_y0 + s - f_y1, s)); 
    float f_ydist2 = fabs(fmod(f_y1 - f_y0 + s, s)); 
    float f_xdist0 = fabs(f_x0 - f_x1); 
    float f_xdist1 = fabs(fmod(f_x0 + s - f_x1, s)); 
    float f_xdist2 = fabs(fmod(f_x1 - f_x0 + s, s)); 
    //  0      2pi      4pi 
    //p1'' |  p0    p1 |  p0'   p1' | 
    //   <---f_dist0---> 
    //       <-f_dist1-> 
    // <-f_dist2-> 

    const float f_epsilon = 1e-3f; // sometimes the modulo causes an error and even though the díst 0 and dist 2 should equal, dist 2 is slightly smaller 
    if(f_xdist0 <= f_xdist1 + f_epsilon && f_xdist0 <= f_xdist2 + f_epsilon) { 
     if(f_ydist0 <= f_ydist1 + f_epsilon && f_ydist0 <= f_ydist2 + f_epsilon) { 
      MoveTo(f_x0, f_y0); 
      LineTo(f_x1, f_y1); // the "short" way in both directions 
     } else { 
      float f_sign = (f_y0 < f_y1)? 1 : -1; // swap the lower and upper edge if the points are not sorted by y 
      MoveTo(f_x0, f_y0); 
      LineTo(f_x1, f_y1 - f_sign * s); // from point 0 to the lower edge 
      MoveTo(f_x1, f_y1); 
      LineTo(f_x0, f_y0 + f_sign * s); // from point 1 to the upper edge 
    } else { 
     if(f_ydist0 <= f_ydist1 + f_epsilon && f_ydist0 <= f_ydist2 + f_epsilon) { 
      float f_sign = (f_x0 < f_x1)? 1 : -1; // swap the left and right edge if the points are not sorted by x 
      MoveTo(f_x0, f_y0); 
      LineTo(f_x1 - f_sign * s, f_y1); // from point 0 to the left edge 
      MoveTo(f_x1, f_y1); 
      LineTo(f_x0 + f_sign * s, f_y0); // from point 1 to the right edge 
     } else { 
      float f_sign_x = (f_x0 < f_x1)? 1 : -1; // swap the left and right edge if the points are not sorted by x 
      float f_sign_y = (f_y0 < f_y1)? 1 : -1; // swap the lower and upper edge if the points are not sorted by y 
      MoveTo(f_x0, f_y0); 
      LineTo(f_x1 - f_sign_x * s, f_y1 - f_sign_y * s); // from point 0 to one edge 
      MoveTo(f_x1, f_y1); 
      LineTo(f_x0 + f_sign_x * s, f_y0 + f_sign_y * s); // from point 1 to the other edge 



而是只用方形[0, 2pi] x [0, 2pi]工作的,试着用这个广场(如井字棋板)的9份平铺空间[-2pi,4pi] x [-2pi,4pi]。将A放在中心的正方形中,然后放置B的副本(根据需要将坐标转换为+2π的坐标)到九个方格的每一个中。选择与A最接近的B的副本,然后从A画出该行到该B的副本。此行可能有多个片段在它们穿过方块时行进。只需将这些片段“翻译”回中央广场,就可以得到您想要的图表。


哦,是的,这减少了它简单的线条裁剪。上面的代码实际上已经这样做了,但有一个bug。另一种选择是从字面上栅格化线条并在之后合并栅格,这听起来确实是一个万无一失的解决方案。 –