2017-08-31 52 views



large_str = "hello, this is a long string, that may be made up of multiple 
substrings that approximately match the original string" 

sub_strs = ["hello, ths is a lng strin", ", that ay be mad up of multiple", 
"subsrings tat aproimately ", "match the orginal strng"] 


["hello, this is a long string", ", that may be made up of multiple", 
"substrings that approximately ", "match the original string"] 




这可能是一个复杂的任务。至少我没有意识到任何比较字符串部分的简单方法。您可以使用百分比来比较字符串的各个部分,以便通过将每个字符与large_str的一部分进行比较来查看准确性,并查看连续有多少个字符匹配 –


复杂以分割大字符串以比较各个子字符串。但是如果你设法做到这一点,你可以使用Levenshtein距离来比较它们。请参阅https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance – Xvolks


我能想到的一种方法是基于页面分割算法(也称为自动换行问题)。通常,对于页面分割,我们定义了一个函数来计算分割文本的成本。但是这个算法中的函数是基于文本中出现的空白的数量。我认为我们可以采用类似的方法,但不是让我们的分割函数在空白的基础上定义,我们可以根据字符串与空格的相似性来设计它。这可以从一开始就有效地构建解决方案。 – CodeHunter


  1. 串联的子
  2. 对准串联与原字符串
  3. 跟踪其位置在原始字符串对齐的子
  4. 拆分的位置原来的字符串之间的边界对齐使用Python的这些边界


from difflib import SequenceMatcher 
from itertools import accumulate 

large_str = "hello, this is a long string, that may be made up of multiple substrings that approximately match the original string" 

sub_strs = [ 
    "hello, ths is a lng strin", 
    ", that ay be mad up of multiple", 
    "subsrings tat aproimately ", 
    "match the orginal strng"] 

sub_str_boundaries = list(accumulate(len(s) for s in sub_strs)) 

sequence_matcher = SequenceMatcher(None, large_str, ''.join(sub_strs), autojunk = False) 

match_index = 0 
matches = [''] * len(sub_strs) 

for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in sequence_matcher.get_opcodes(): 
    if tag == 'delete' or tag == 'insert' or tag == 'replace': 
    matches[match_index] += large_str[i1:i2] 
    while j1 < j2: 
     submatch_len = min(sub_str_boundaries[match_index], j2) - j1 
     while submatch_len == 0: 
     match_index += 1 
     submatch_len = min(sub_str_boundaries[match_index], j2) - j1 
     j1 += submatch_len 
    while j1 < j2: 
     submatch_len = min(sub_str_boundaries[match_index], j2) - j1 
     while submatch_len == 0: 
     match_index += 1 
     submatch_len = min(sub_str_boundaries[match_index], j2) - j1 
     matches[match_index] += large_str[i1:i1+submatch_len] 
     j1 += submatch_len 
     i1 += submatch_len 



['hello, this is a long string', 
', that may be made up of multiple ', 
'substrings that approximately ', 
'match the original string'] 

对于子字符串比原始大字符串产生的子字符串短的情况,这似乎很有效,但是如果它们更长,则输出将复制字符串的部分。例如,''你好,这是一个lng strictzzzzz'''''''你好,这是一个很长的字符串,th''。 –


@JoshVoigts是的,我没有考虑到在'replace'操作码中,源字符串和目标字符串的长度可能不同。我更新了回答以解决这个问题.. – Anton



会有一个动态编程解决方案的问题与此非常接近。在给出编辑距离的动态编程算法中,动态程序的状态是(a,b),其中a是第一个字符串的偏移量,b是第二个字符串的偏移量。对于每对(a,b),计算出与第一个字符串的第一个字符和第二个字符串的前b个字符相匹配的最小编辑距离,从(a-1,b -1),(a-1,b)和(a,b-1)。





修改最长公共子序列 –


你正在试图解决序列比对的问题。在你的情况下,它是一个“本地”序列比对。它可以用Smith-Waterman的方法解决。一种可能的实现是here。 如果你运行它,您将收到:

large_str = "hello, this is a long string, that may be made up of multiple substrings that approximately match the original string" 
sub_strs = ["hello, ths is a lng sin", ", that ay be md up of mulple", "susrings tat aproimately ", "manbvch the orhjgnal strng"] 

for sbs in sub_strs: 
    water(large_str, sbs) 


Identity = 85.185 percent 
Score = 210 
hello, this is a long strin 
hello, th s is a l ng s in 
hello, th-s is a l-ng s--in 

Identity = 84.848 percent 
Score = 255 
, that may be made up of multiple 
, that ay be m d up of mul ple 
, that -ay be m-d- up of mul--ple 

Identity = 83.333 percent 
Score = 225 
substrings that approximately 
su s rings t at a pro imately 
su-s-rings t-at a-pro-imately 

Identity = 75.000 percent 
Score = 175 
ma--tch the or-iginal string 
ma ch the or g nal str ng 
manbvch the orhjg-nal str-ng 

中间行表示匹配字符。如果您需要这些头寸,请查找max_i值,以得到结尾在原始字符串中的位置。 起始位置的值将为iwater()函数的末尾。


如果'large_str'或'sub_strs'包含很多重复,我不认为这会很好,因为这并不要求每个'sub_str'只用一次,考虑:'large_str =“hi ha he”; sub_strs = [“hi”,“hi”,“hi”];'它将从索引0开始对齐每个'sub_str'。 –


@AlexVarga没有任何算法可以猜测你的想法。如果您希望'[“hi”,“hi”,“hi”]'与'“hi ha he”匹配,那么您应该在匹配之前连接子串,或者进行迭代匹配,将新找到的匹配切出的原始字符串。否则,我看不出第一个“hi”与第二个和第三个不同的原因,以及为什么第二个“hi”应该与第一个不同。 – igrinis
