2014-05-20 30 views


data Nat : Set where 
    zero : Nat 
    succ : Nat → Nat 

data List (A : Set) : Set where 
    nil : List A 
    cons : A → List A → List A 

length : ∀ {A} → List A → Nat 
length nil = zero 
length (cons _ xs) = succ (length xs) 

data Fin : Nat → Set where 
    finzero : ∀ {n} → Fin (succ n) 
    finsucc : ∀ {n} → Fin n → Fin (succ n) 

elemAt : ∀ {A} (xs : List A) → Fin (length xs) → A 
elemAt nil() 
elemAt (cons x _) finzero = x 
elemAt (cons _ xs) (finsucc n) = elemAt xs n 

直接翻译勒柯克(与absurd pattern emulation)产量:

Inductive Nat : Set := 
| zero : Nat 
| succ : Nat -> Nat. 

Inductive List (A : Type) : Type := 
| nil : List A 
| cons : A -> List A -> List A. 

Fixpoint length (A : Type) (xs : List A) {struct xs} : Nat := 
    match xs with 
    | nil => zero 
    | cons _ xs' => succ (length _ xs') 

Inductive Fin : Nat -> Set := 
| finzero : forall n : Nat, Fin (succ n) 
| finsucc : forall n : Nat, Fin n -> Fin (succ n). 

Lemma finofzero : forall f : Fin zero, False. 
Proof. intros a; inversion a. Qed. 

Fixpoint elemAt (A : Type) (xs : List A) (n : Fin (length _ xs)) : A := 
    match xs, n with 
    | nil, _ => match finofzero n with end 
    | cons x _, finzero _ => x 
    | cons _ xs', finsucc m n' => elemAt _ xs' n' (* fails *) 


File "./Main.v", line 26, characters 46-48: 
In environment 
elemAt : forall (A : Type) (xs : List A), Fin (length A xs) -> A 
A : Type 
xs : List A 
n : Fin (length A xs) 
a : A 
xs' : List A 
n0 : Fin (length A (cons A a xs')) 
m : Nat 
n' : Fin m 
The term "n'" has type "Fin m" while it is expected to have type 
"Fin (length A xs')". 

看起来Coq并不推断succ m = length A (cons A a xs')。我应该怎么告诉Coq,因此它会使用这些信息?还是我在做一些完全没有意义的事情?



做模式匹配相当于使用destruct策略。 您将无法直接使用destruct来证明finofzero

inversion策略在执行destruct之前会自动生成一些等式。 然后它试图做什么discriminate。结果非常混乱。

Print finofzero. 
  • 为了证明像fin zero -> P您应将其更改为fin n -> n = zero -> P第一。
  • 为了证明类似list nat -> P(更常见的是forall l : list nat, P l),您不需要将其更改为list A -> A = nat -> P,因为list的唯一参数是其定义中的参数。
  • 要证明与S n <= 0 -> False类似的内容,首先应将其更改为S n1 <= n2 -> n2 = 0 -> False,因为<=的第一个参数是参数,而第二个参数不是。
  • 在目标f x = f y -> P (f y),你首先需要将目标更改为f x = z -> f y = z -> P z,只有这样,你可以使用感应假说改写假设改写,因为=第一个参数(实际上是第二个)是一个参数定义为=

尝试定义不带参数的<=以查看归纳原理是如何变化的。 一般来说,在谓词上使用归纳之前,应确保它的参数是变量。否则信息可能会丢失。

Conjecture zero_succ : forall n1, zero = succ n1 -> False. 
Conjecture succ_succ : forall n1 n2, succ n1 = succ n2 -> n1 = n2. 

Lemma finofzero : forall n1, Fin n1 -> n1 = zero -> False. 
intros n1 f1. 
destruct f1. 
intros e1. 
eapply zero_succ. 
eapply eq_sym. 
eapply e1. 

(* Use the Show Proof command to see how the tactics manipulate the proof term. *) 
Definition elemAt' : forall (A : Type) (xs : List A) (n : Nat), Fin n -> n = length A xs -> A. 
fix elemAt 2. 
intros A xs. 
destruct xs as [| x xs']. 
intros n f e. 
destruct (finofzero f e). 
destruct 1. 
intros e. 
eapply x. 
intros e. 
eapply elemAt. 
eapply H. 
eapply succ_succ. 
eapply e. 

Print elemAt'. 

Definition elemAt : forall (A : Type) (xs : List A), Fin (length A xs) -> A := 
    fun A xs f => elemAt' A xs (length A xs) f eq_refl. 

