2012-12-19 24 views




我可以做一些这样的事情,但乘法,除法和模数相当棘手。你有什么要求? –


@owlstead其实我需要全部四项基本操作。 (+ -/*) –



int变量在Java Card 2.2中是可选的,所以可以是是一个int变量。许多实现并不打扰,可能是因为没有任何API调用处理整数。 javacardx.framework.math.BigNumber类也是如此。如果你幸运的话,它是存在的,但它只会帮助你增加和乘法(但它可以使用原生函数来实现,这会使它更快)。


您可能会从中获得一些提示。使用long数组来表示任意大小的整数的Java BigInteger实现。一个问题是,正常的操作符在每次调用时会返回一个新实例。这在Java Card上不是一个好的选择,因为新的实例将在持久内存中创建。所以创建组合更容易


感谢提示,但我需要执行四个基本操作。 (即+ - * /) –


希望能尽快看到你的代码:) –


上面的评论是关于上面的'JCInteger'类的实现。 –



充分利用单元测试只在Java SE测试,但至今。



请注意,此代码使用*= - 将答案分配给第一个变量 - 而不是*,因为在Java Card运行时期间(在持久内存中创建它们时)创建对象实例并不是一个好主意。


* Free for use by all, please keep this line and the author line intact. 
* @author Maarten Bodewes 
public final class JCInteger { 

    private static final short BYTE_SIZE = 8; 
    private static final short SHORT_SIZE = 16; 
    private static final short INTEGER_SIZE = 32; 

    private static final short HIGH = 0; 
    private static final short LOW = 1; 

    private final short[] values; 

    private JCInteger(final byte memoryType) { 

     // TODO this should be backed by an array in RAM, using JCSystem.makeTransientByteArray() 
     // using either JCSystem.CLEAR_ON_RESET or JCSystem.CLEAR_ON_DESELECT 

     values = new short[(short) 2]; 

    public static JCInteger createInstance(final byte memoryType) { 
     return new JCInteger(memoryType); 

    public JCInteger assign(final JCInteger rightHandOperand) { 
     values[HIGH] = rightHandOperand.values[HIGH]; 
     values[LOW] = rightHandOperand.values[LOW]; 
     return this; 

    public JCInteger assign(final short high, final short low) { 
     values[HIGH] = high; 
     values[LOW] = low; 
     return this; 

    public JCInteger assignSigned(final short signedValue) { 
     if (signedValue >= 0) { 
      values[HIGH] = (short) 0x0000; 
     } else { 
      values[HIGH] = (short) 0xFFFF; 
     values[LOW] = signedValue; 
     return this; 

    public JCInteger assignUnsigned(final short unsignedValue) { 
     values[HIGH] = (short) 0x0000; 
     values[LOW] = unsignedValue; 
     return this; 

    public short getHigh() { 
     // no pun intended 
     return values[HIGH]; 

    public short getLow() { 
     return values[LOW]; 

    public short[] getBackingShortArray() { 
     return values; 

    public JCInteger negate() { 

     // basically invert, then increase, note that -Integer.MIN_VALUE = Integer.MIN_VALUE (as it is in Java) 
     values[HIGH] = (short)~values[HIGH]; 
     values[LOW] = (short)~values[LOW]; 
     return this; 

    public JCInteger increment() { 
     if (values[LOW] == 0) { 
     return this; 

    public JCInteger decrement() { 
     if (values[LOW] == -1) { 
     return this; 

    public JCInteger add(final JCInteger y) { 
     values[HIGH] += y.values[HIGH]; 
     return this; 

    public JCInteger subtract(final JCInteger y) { 
     // subtracts by adding the negated i 
     // negation is identical to invert + increase 
     // however the increase is performed to the result of adding the inverted value 

     // invert 
     final short xlInv = (short) ~y.values[LOW]; 
     final short xhInv = (short) ~y.values[HIGH]; 

     // add 
     values[HIGH] += xhInv; 

     // increase 
     return this; 

    public JCInteger multiply(JCInteger y) { 
     // uses the fact that: 
     // x * y = 
     // (x1 * 2^16 + x0) * (y1 * 2^16 + y0) = 
     // (x1 * y1 * 2^32) + x1 * y0 * 2^16 + x0 * y1 * 2^16 + x0 * y0 = 
     // x1 * y0 * 2^16 + x0 * y1 * 2^16 + x0 * y0 (because anything * 2^32 overflows all the bits) = 
     // x1 * y0 * 2^16 + x0 * y1 * 2^16 + z1 | z0 (where z1 = high 16 bits of x0 * y* and z0 is the low part) = 
     // r1 | r0 where r1 = x1 * y0 + x0 * y1 + z1 and r0 = z0 
     // r1 is only 16 bits so x1 * y0 and x0 * y0 may overflow, as may the additions, hopefully leaving the sign 
     // bit correctly set 

     boolean xPositive = this.isPositive(); 
     if (!xPositive) { 

     final short xh = this.values[HIGH]; 
     final short xl = this.values[LOW]; 

     short yh = y.values[HIGH]; 
     short yl = y.values[LOW]; 

     // --- if signed then negate y --- 
     final boolean yPositive; 
     if ((yh & 0x8000) == 0) { 
      yPositive = true; 
     } else { 
      // negation (complement then increase) 
      yh = (short) ~yh; 
      yl = (short) ~yl; 
      if (yl == 0) { 
      yPositive = false; 

     // calculates z1 and z0 and stores it in the current values 
     multiplyUnsigned(xl, yl, values); 

     // perform the calculation for the high parts 
     values[HIGH] += (short) (xh * yl + xl * yh); 

     // make sure we return a correctly signed value 
     if ((xPositive && !yPositive) || (!xPositive && yPositive)) { 

     return this; 

    public JCInteger divide(JCInteger y) { 

     // --- pre-calculations on y --- 

     // put y in yh and yl 
     short yh = y.values[HIGH]; 
     short yl = y.values[LOW]; 

     if (yh == 0 && yl == 0) { 
      // division by zero 
      throw new ArithmeticException(); 

     final boolean yPositive; 
     if ((yh & 0x8000) == 0) { 
      yPositive = true; 
     } else { 
      // negation (complement then increase) 
      yh = (short) ~yh; 
      yl = (short) ~yl; 
      if (yl == 0) { 
      yPositive = false; 

     final short divisorSize = (short) (INTEGER_SIZE - numberOfLeadingZeros(yh, yl)); 

     // --- pre-calculations on x --- 

     final boolean xPositive = this.isPositive(); 
     if (!xPositive) { 
     final short dividentSize = (short) (INTEGER_SIZE - numberOfLeadingZeros()); 

     // --- setup the maximum number of shifts --- 

     final short maxShifts = (short) (dividentSize - divisorSize); 

     // --- slightly superfluous check if divisor is higher than dividend --- 

     if (maxShifts < 0) { 
      // return 0, no division can be performed 
      values[HIGH] = 0; 
      values[LOW] = 0; 
      return this; 

     // --- shift divisor left until the highest bit is aligned with the highest bit of the dividend --- 

     if (maxShifts <= JCInteger.SHORT_SIZE) { 
      yh = (short) (((yl & 0xFFFF) >>> (SHORT_SIZE - maxShifts)) | (yh << maxShifts)); 
      yl <<= maxShifts; 
     } else { 
      yh = (short) (yl << (maxShifts - SHORT_SIZE)); 
      yl = 0; 

     short rh = 0, rl = 0; 
     for (short i = maxShifts; i >= 0; i--) { 
      final short xho = values[HIGH]; 
      final short xlo = values[LOW]; 

      // --- subtract (add complement and increment does the job) --- 

      // add complement 
      addUnsignedLow((short) ~yl); 
      values[HIGH] += (short) ~yh; 

      // increase to create subtraction 

      if (isPositive()) { 
       // --- we have subtracted y * 2^n, so include 2^n to the result --- 
       if (i >= SHORT_SIZE) { 
        rh |= 1 << (i - SHORT_SIZE); 
       } else { 
        rl |= 1 << i; 
      } else { 
       // --- we could not subtract, so restore --- 
       values[HIGH] = xho; 
       values[LOW] = xlo; 

      // --- shift right by 1 --- 
      // first do low shift as high shift changes value 
      yl = (short) ((yh << (JCInteger.SHORT_SIZE - 1)) | ((yl & 0xFFFF) >>> 1)); 
      yh = (short) ((yh & 0xFFFF) >>> 1); 

     values[HIGH] = rh; 
     values[LOW] = rl; 

     // make sure we return a correctly signed value (may mess up sign bit on overflows?) 
     if ((xPositive && !yPositive) || (!xPositive && yPositive)) { 

     return this; 

    public JCInteger remainder(JCInteger y) { 

     // --- pre-calculations on y --- 

     // put y in yh and yl 
     short yh = y.values[HIGH]; 
     short yl = y.values[LOW]; 

     if (yh == 0 && yl == 0) { 
      // division by zero 
      throw new ArithmeticException(); 

     if ((yh & 0x8000) != 0) { 
      // negation (complement then increase) 
      yh = (short) ~yh; 
      yl = (short) ~yl; 
      if (yl == 0) { 

     final short divisorSize = (short) (INTEGER_SIZE - numberOfLeadingZeros(yh, yl)); 

     // --- pre-calculations on x --- 

     final boolean xPositive = this.isPositive(); 
     if (!xPositive) { 
     final short dividentSize = (short) (INTEGER_SIZE - numberOfLeadingZeros()); 

     // --- setup the maximum number of shifts --- 

     final short maxShifts = (short) (dividentSize - divisorSize); 

     // --- slightly superfluous check if divisor is higher than dividend --- 

     if (maxShifts < 0) { 
      if (!xPositive) { 
       return this.negate(); 
      return this; 

     // --- shift divisor left until the highest bit is aligned with the highest bit of the dividend --- 

     if (maxShifts <= JCInteger.SHORT_SIZE) { 
      yh = (short) (((yl & 0xFFFF) >>> (SHORT_SIZE - maxShifts)) | (yh << maxShifts)); 
      yl <<= maxShifts; 
     } else { 
      yh = (short) (yl << (maxShifts - SHORT_SIZE)); 
      yl = 0; 

     for (short i = maxShifts; i >= 0; i--) { 
      final short xho = values[HIGH]; 
      final short xlo = values[LOW]; 

      // --- subtract (add complement and increment does the job) --- 

      // add complement 
      addUnsignedLow((short) ~yl); 
      values[HIGH] += (short) ~yh; 

      // increase to create subtraction 

      if (!isPositive()) { 
       values[HIGH] = xho; 
       values[LOW] = xlo; 

      // --- shift right by 1 --- 
      // first do low shift as high shift changes value 
      yl = (short) ((yh << (JCInteger.SHORT_SIZE - 1)) | ((yl & 0xFFFF) >>> 1)); 
      yh = (short) ((yh & 0xFFFF) >>> 1); 

     if (!xPositive) { 

     return this; 

    public JCInteger leftShift(short shiftDistance) { 
     shiftDistance = (short) (shiftDistance & 0x1F); 
     if (shiftDistance == 0) { 
      return this; 

     final short low = values[LOW]; 
     final short high = values[HIGH]; 

     // TODO test if we can do without if on Java Card (is integer value calculated? cannot really be. 
     if (shiftDistance < SHORT_SIZE) { 
      values[HIGH] = (short) (((low & 0xFFFF) >>> (SHORT_SIZE - shiftDistance)) | (high << shiftDistance)); 
      values[LOW] <<= shiftDistance; 
     } else { 
      values[HIGH] = (short) (low << (shiftDistance - SHORT_SIZE)); 
      values[LOW] = 0; 

     return this; 

    public JCInteger signedRightShift(short shiftDistance) { 
     shiftDistance = (short) (shiftDistance & 0x1F); 
     if (shiftDistance == 0) { 
      return this; 

     final short low = values[LOW]; 
     final short high = values[HIGH]; 

     if (shiftDistance < SHORT_SIZE) { 
      values[HIGH] = (short) (high >>> shiftDistance); 
      values[LOW] = (short) ((high << (SHORT_SIZE - shiftDistance)) | ((low & 0xFFFF) >>> shiftDistance)); 
     } else { 
      if ((high & 0x8000) == 0) { 
       values[HIGH] = 0; 
       values[LOW] = (short) ((high & 0xFFFF) >>> (shiftDistance - SHORT_SIZE)); 
      } else { 
       values[HIGH] = (short) 0xFFFF; 
       values[LOW] = (short) (high >>> (shiftDistance - SHORT_SIZE)); 

     return this; 

    public JCInteger unsignedRightShift(short shiftDistance) { 
     shiftDistance = (short) (shiftDistance & 0x1F); 
     if (shiftDistance == 0) { 
      return this; 

     final short low = values[LOW]; 
     final short high = values[HIGH]; 

     if (shiftDistance < SHORT_SIZE) { 
      values[HIGH] = (short) ((high & 0xFFFF) >>> shiftDistance); 
      values[LOW] = (short) ((high << (SHORT_SIZE - shiftDistance)) | ((low & 0xFFFF) >>> shiftDistance)); 
     } else { 
      values[HIGH] = 0; 
      values[LOW] = (short) ((high & 0xFFFF) >>> (shiftDistance - SHORT_SIZE)); 

     return this; 

    public JCInteger complement() { 
     this.values[HIGH] = (short) ~this.values[HIGH]; 
     this.values[LOW] = (short) ~this.values[LOW]; 
     return this; 

    public JCInteger xor(final JCInteger y) { 
     this.values[HIGH] ^= y.values[HIGH]; 
     this.values[LOW] ^= y.values[LOW]; 
     return this; 

    public JCInteger and(final JCInteger y) { 
     this.values[HIGH] &= y.values[HIGH]; 
     this.values[LOW] &= y.values[LOW]; 
     return this; 

    public JCInteger or(final JCInteger y) { 
     this.values[HIGH] |= y.values[HIGH]; 
     this.values[LOW] |= y.values[LOW]; 
     return this; 

    public short signum() { 
     if (values[HIGH] == 0 && values[LOW] == 0) { 
      return 0; 

     // get sign bit (>>> 15) negate, -1 for neg, 0 for pos, then times 2 (<< 2) which leaves -2 for neg 0 for pos 
     // and finally add 1, to get the result -1 or 1 for negative and positive, respectively 
     return (short) ((-((values[HIGH] >>> 15) & 1) * 2) + 1); 

    public short numberOfLeadingZeros() { 
     short t = values[HIGH]; 

     if (t != 0) { 
      for (short i = 0; i < SHORT_SIZE; i++) { 
       if (t < 0) { 
        return i; 
       t <<= 1; 

     t = values[LOW]; 

     if (t != 0) { 
      for (short i = SHORT_SIZE; i < INTEGER_SIZE; i++) { 
       if (t < 0) { 
        return i; 
       t <<= 1; 

     return INTEGER_SIZE; 

    public short compareTo(JCInteger anotherInteger) { 
     final short xh = values[HIGH]; 
     final short yh = anotherInteger.values[HIGH]; 

     if (xh < yh) { 
      return -1; 
     } else if (xh > yh) { 
      return 1; 

     // --- xh == yh --- 

     final short xl = values[LOW]; 
     final short yl = anotherInteger.values[LOW]; 

     // TODO think of better way than four ifs 
     if (xl < 0 && yl >= 0) { 
      return 1; 
     } else if (xl >= 0 && yl < 0) { 
      return -1; 
     } else if (xl > yl) { 
      return 1; 
     } else if (xl < yl) { 
      return -1; 

     return 0; 

    public boolean equals(Object obj) { 

     if (!(obj instanceof JCInteger)) { 
      return false; 

     final JCInteger otherInt = (JCInteger) obj; 
     return values[HIGH] == otherInt.values[HIGH] 
       && values[LOW] == otherInt.values[LOW]; 

    public short encode(final byte[] bArray, short bOff) { 
     // use javacard.framework.Util.setShort() instead 
     bArray[bOff++] = (byte) (values[HIGH] >>> BYTE_SIZE); 
     bArray[bOff++] = (byte) (values[HIGH] & 0xFF); 
     bArray[bOff++] = (byte) (values[LOW] >>> BYTE_SIZE); 
     bArray[bOff++] = (byte) (values[LOW] & 0xFF); 
     return bOff; 

    public JCInteger decode(final byte[] bArray, short bOff) { 
     values[HIGH] = (short) ((bArray[bOff++] << BYTE_SIZE) | (bArray[bOff++] & 0xFF)); 
     values[LOW] = (short) ((bArray[bOff++] << BYTE_SIZE) | (bArray[bOff++] & 0xFF)); 
     return this; 

    private boolean isPositive() { 
     return (values[HIGH] & 0x8000) == 0; 

    private void addUnsignedLow(final short yl) { 
     final short xl = values[LOW]; 
     values[HIGH] += carryOnUnsignedAddition(xl, yl); 
     values[LOW] = (short) (xl + yl); 

    private static short carryOnUnsignedAddition(final short x, final short y) { 
     // implementation without any conditionals on the highest bits of x, y and r = x + y 
     final short r = (short) (x + y); 
     // uses only the sign bit on the variables including the result to see if carry will happen 
     return (short) ((((x & y) | (x & ~y & ~r) | (~x & y & ~r)) >>> 15) & 1); 

    private static short[] multiplyUnsigned(short x, short y, short[] r) { 

     // uses the fact that: 
     // x * y = 
     // (x1 * 2^8 + x0) * (y1 * 2^8 + y0) = 
     // (x1 * y1 * 2^16) + x1 * y0 * 2^8 + x0 * y1 * 2^8 + x0 * y0 

     final short x1 = (short) ((x >>> BYTE_SIZE) & 0xFF); 
     final short x0 = (short) (x & 0xFF); 

     final short y1 = (short) ((y >>> BYTE_SIZE) & 0xFF); 
     final short y0 = (short) (y & 0xFF); 

     // TODO check uppiest bit of rh and rl 

     // calculate z2 * 2^(2 * 8) = x1 * y1 * 2^(2 * 8) = x1 * y1 << 16, 
     // store it as partial result in rh 
     short rh = (short) (x1 * y1); 

     // calculate z0 = x0 * y0 
     short rl = (short) (x0 * y0); 

     short toAdd, result; 

     // calculate x1 * y0* 2^8 
     short x1y0 = (short) (x1 * y0); 
     rh += (x1y0 >>> 8) & 0xFF; 
     toAdd = (short) ((x1y0 << 8) & 0xFF00); 
     result = (short) (rl + toAdd); 
     rh += carryOnUnsignedAddition(rl, toAdd); 
     rl = result; 

     // calculate x0 * y1* 2^8 
     short x0y1 = (short) (x0 * y1); 
     rh += (x0y1 >>> 8) & 0xFF; 
     toAdd = (short) ((x0y1 << 8) & 0xFF00); 
     result = (short) (rl + toAdd); 
     rh += carryOnUnsignedAddition(rl, toAdd); 
     rl = result; 

     r[HIGH] = rh; 
     r[LOW] = rl; 
     return r; 

    private static short numberOfLeadingZeros(short ih, short il) { 

     if (ih != 0) { 
      for (short i = 0; i < SHORT_SIZE; i++) { 
       if (ih < 0) { 
        return i; 
       ih <<= 1; 

     if (il != 0) { 
      for (short i = SHORT_SIZE; i < INTEGER_SIZE; i++) { 
       if (il < 0) { 
        return i; 
       il <<= 1; 

     return INTEGER_SIZE; 

看起来很有希望。你可以请你的单元测试的地方,所以我可以在模拟器上测试它? –


paulc说:“你为你的有趣和有用的职位。我还没有测试过所有的功能,但是当我在JAVA SE上测试剩余函数时它确定,但是例如对于JavaCard它失败了” –