2016-12-02 32 views


tutorial = input("Do you want to do the tutorial? 1 is yes and 0 is no, this will be the same for everything") 
if tutorial <1: 
    print("That isn't valid") 
if tutorial>0: 
    print("That isn't valid") 
if tutorial == 1: 
    print("In battle you can use either sword, magic or items. Sword damage will be between your minimum and maximum damage, magic will be constant and can be used to heal or attack, items can be used to boost attack, restore health or armour") 


Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "<string>", line 250, in run_nodebug 
    File "C:\Users\Bas\Desktop\Game.py", line 50, in <module> 
    tutorial = input("Do you want to do the tutorial? 1 is yes and 0 is no, this will be the same for everything") 
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable 


playerhealth = 100 
playerlow = 10 
playerhigh = 30 
playerarmour = 50 
playermagic = 20 
level = 0 
xptonextlevel = 200 
itemuse = 0 

rookhealth = 100 
rooklow = 10 
rookhigh = 20 
rookarmour = 100 

medichealth = 150 
mediclow = 10 
medichigh = 30 
medicarmour = 50 

rushhealth = 20 
rushlow = 10 
rushhigh = 10 
rusharmour = 30 

drillerhealth = 30 
drillerlow = 50 
drillerhigh = 80 
drillerarmour = 20 

dragonhealth = 200 
dragonlow = 150 
dragonhigh = 250 
dragonarmour = 150 
dragonmagic = 100 
dragonl = 45 

godhealth = 300 
godlow = 250 
godhigh = 350 
godarmour = 250 
godmagic = 200 
godl = 50 

magehealth = 100 
magearmour = 0 
magemagic = 50 
magel = 10 

tutorial = input("Do you want to do the tutorial? 1 is yes and 0 is no, this will be the same for everything") 
if tutorial <1: 
    print("That isn't valid") 
if tutorial>0: 
    print("That isn't valid") 
if tutorial == 1: 
    print("In battle you can use either sword, magic or items. Sword damage will be between your minimum and maximum damage, magic will be constant and can be used to heal or attack, items can be used to boost attack, restore health or armour") 

se = input("Input 1 for story or 0 for endless") 

你有一个称为输入的变量吗? – Sayse


这是*所有*你的代码?因为你似乎一定对你的“输入”功能做了些什么。也许你将输入分配给代码其余部分的某个地方,并且最终影响了* builtin *'input'。 – idjaw


@idjaw我只是加了它全部 – Llione




input = None 

NoneType是单恒定None的类型。 如果试图这样做你会得到相同的错误:

>>> None("Do you want to do the tutorial?") 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> 
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable 



gamestate = { 
    'playerhealth': 100, 
    'playerlow': 10, 
    'playerhigh': 30, 
    'input': None, 
    'else': 42, 
