2011-12-19 27 views

我有一个排序的不连续区间列表和一个区间,例如, [(1,5),(10,15),(20,25)]和​​(12,27)。所以,(12,27)是间隔 我想将它们合并为一个排序的不连续区间列表:[(1,5),(10,27)]。在已排序的不连续区间列表中插入一个区间


它与将整数插入排序整数列表中没有区别。它们都可以以相同的方式相互比较。 – hugomg 2011-12-19 17:00:03




list = ... 
u = (12,27) 
i = 0 
newlist = [] 

while (max(list[i]) < min(u)) //add all intervals before intersection 
mini = i 

while (min(list[i]) < max(u)) // skip all intersecting intervals 
maxi = i 

newlist.add((min(list[mini],u),max(list[maxi],u)) // add the new interval 

while (i < list.length) // add remaining intervals 

return newlist 

该算法不会工作。考虑列表[(1,2),(4,6),(7,8),(16,17)]和插入(11,12)。你的算法会创建间隔(7,12),但这是错误的,因为间隔(9,10)并不意味着在那里!那么说,好的尝试 – TimeToCodeTheRoad 2011-12-19 19:47:52


只需要处理特殊情况下时,微型== maxi,一般的想法保持不变。 – yurib 2011-12-19 20:14:48


我不认为这是非常有效的。插入位置的二进制搜索是按顺序进行的。 – maasha 2012-04-18 13:47:31


您可以用图形您的问题模式,其实你的间隔为节点,它们相互连接,如果他们有共同部分(例如,(12,27)连接到(现在首先应该找到连接的组件,然后在每个连接组件中找到最小值开始(例如10)和最大值结束(例如25)。很高兴看到Interval Graphs




  1. 扫描到间隔列表分为两个列表那些不使用新的时间间隔和那些做重叠。非重叠间隔是在新间隔之后或完全在新间隔之前开始的间隔。另外,如果我们要插入一个新的时间间隔,它会在最低的时间间隔之后。在这个阶段,我们有一个重叠间隔列表和一个非重叠列表。
  2. 如果没有重叠,则新的间隔要么早于所有给定的间隔,要么在所有的间隔之后,或者在两个间隔之间(仍然没有重叠)。
  3. 如果存在重叠,则将重叠区间与新区间合并。重叠区间的开始是min(新区间的开始,最小重叠区间的开始)。我们可以类似地计算结束。现在将重叠间隔插入之前计算的位置。


object trial { 
    val intervals1 = List((1, 2), (4, 6), (7, 8), (16, 17))) 
    val intervals2 = List((1, 5), (10, 15), (20, 25) 

    val newInterval1 = (11, 12) 
    val newInterval2 = (12, 27) 

    // Interval algo test. 
    val result1 = Merge(intervals1, newInterval1) // result1 : List((1,2), (4,6), (7,8), (11,12), (16,17)) 
    val result2 = Merge(intervals2, newInterval2) // result2 : List[(Int, Int)] = List((1,5), (10,27)) 

object Merge{ 
    def append[T](list: List[T], el: T): List[T] = { 
    (el :: list.reverse).reverse 
    def insert[T](list: List[T], pos: Int, elem: T): List[T] = { 
    var newList = List.empty[T] 
    val reversePos = list.length - pos 
    list.reverse.zipWithIndex foreach { 
     case(el, i) if i == reversePos => { 
     newList = elem :: newList 
     newList = el :: newList 
     case (el, i) => newList = el :: newList 

    def apply(list: List[(Int, Int)], interval: (Int, Int)): List[(Int, Int)] = { 
    val (min, max) = interval 
    var newList = List.empty[(Int, Int)] 
    // Store potentially overlapping stuff. 
    var overlap = List.empty[(Int, Int)] 
    // Maintain the position to begin merge. 
    var posInsert = 0 
    list.zipWithIndex foreach { case(intervalz, i) => 
     if (intervalz._2 < min) { 
     // Does not overlap but an insert will be after the highest of these. 
     posInsert = i 
     newList = append(newList, intervalz) 
     } else if (intervalz._1 > max) { 
     // Does not overlap. 
     newList = append(newList, intervalz) 
     } else overlap = append(overlap, intervalz) 
    if (overlap isEmpty) { 
     if (posInsert == 0) newList = interval :: newList 
     else newList = insert(newList, posInsert + 1, interval) 
    } else { 
     // Start of new interval is the lower of the first overlap's start or the interval's start. 
     val startOfInterval = Math.min(overlap.head._1, min) 
     // Enf of interval is higher of last overlap's end or interval's end. 
     val endOfInterval = Math.max(overlap.head._2, max) 
     // Insert the merged interval after the highest interval smaller than the start of the new internval. 
     if (posInsert == 0) newList = (startOfInterval, endOfInterval) :: newList 
     else newList = insert(newList, posInsert + 1, (startOfInterval, endOfInterval)) 



intervals = [....] 
newInterval = (12, 27) 
newList = [] 
overlappingList = [] 
posInsert = 0 
i = 0 

while (i < intervals.size) 
    if (intervals[i].max < newInterval.min) 
    posInsert = i 
    append(newList, intervals[i]) 
    else if (intervals[i].min > newInterval.max) 
    append(newList, intervals[i]) 
    append(overlappingList, intervals[i]) 

if (overlap isEmpty) 
    if (posInsert == 0) prepend(newList, newInterval) 
    else insert(newList, posInsert + 1, newInterval) 
    start = Min(overlappingList[i].min, newInterval.min) 
    end = Max(overlappingList[i].max, newInterval.max) 
    if (posInsert == 0) prepend(newList, newInterval) 
    else insert(newList, posInsert + 1, new Interval(start, end)) 
return newList