2011-10-21 38 views





set macPath to (choose file) as text 
tell application "System Events" 
    set ts to time scale of movie file macPath 
    set dur to duration of movie file macPath 
    set movieTime to dur/ts 
end tell 

他们不是教你在学校使用标点符号吗?无论如何,将秒转换成小时的数学是(秒/ 60)/ 60。实施起来不应该太困难。 – Griffin




1)我如何获得所有文件的文件夹中,包括子文件夹 2)我怎么筛选列表中只包含视频文件 3)我如何通过视频文件和列表循环4)如何将秒转换为可用的字符串


-- I found these extensions for video files here http://www.fileinfo.net/filetypes/video 
-- we can check the file extensions of a file against this list to evaluate if it's a video file 
set video_ext_list to {"3g2", "3gp", "3gp2", "3gpp", "3mm", "60d", "aep", "ajp", "amv", "asf", "asx", "avb", "avi", "avs", "bik", "bix", "box", "byu", "cvc", "dce", "dif", "dir", "divx", "dv", "dvr-ms", "dxr", "eye", "fcp", "flc", "fli", "flv", "flx", "gl", "grasp", "gvi", "gvp", "ifo", "imovieproject", "ivf", "ivs", "izz", "izzy", "lsf", "lsx", "m1v", "m2v", "m4e", "m4u", "m4v", "mjp", "mkv", "moov", "mov", "movie", "mp4", "mpe", "mpeg", "mpg", "mpv2", "msh", "mswmm", "mvb", "mvc", "nvc", "ogm", "omf", "prproj", "prx", "qt", "qtch", "rm", "rmvb", "rp", "rts", "sbk", "scm", "smil", "smv", "spl", "srt", "ssm", "svi", "swf", "swi", "tivo", "ts", "vdo", "vf", "vfw", "vid", "viewlet", "viv", "vivo", "vob", "vro", "wm", "wmd", "wmv", "wmx", "wvx", "yuv"} 

-- get the folder to check 
set f to choose folder 

-- notice the use of "entire contents" to also go through subfolders of f 
-- use a "whose" filter to find only the video files 
tell application "Finder" 
    set vidFiles to (files of entire contents of f whose name extension is in video_ext_list) as alias list 
end tell 

-- use a repeat loop to loop over a list of something 
set vidList to {} -- this is where we store the information as we loop over the files 
repeat with aFile in vidFiles 
    -- get some information from aFile 
    tell application "System Events" 
     set vidFile to movie file (aFile as text) 
     set ts to time scale of vidFile 
     set dur to duration of vidFile 
    end tell 

    -- add the information to the "storage" list we made earlier 
    set end of vidList to {POSIX path of aFile, secs_to_hms(dur/ts)} 
end repeat 

return vidList 

(*=================== SUBROUTINES ===================*) 
-- convert seconds into a string of words 
-- the use of "mod" and "div" here makes it easy 
-- we also make sure that each value is at least 2 places long to make it look nicer 
on secs_to_hms(the_secs) 
    set timeString to "" 
    set hr to the_secs div hours 
    if hr is not 0 then set timeString to timeString & (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & (hr as text))) & " hours " 

    set min to the_secs mod hours div minutes 
    if min is not 0 then set timeString to timeString & (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & (min as text))) & " minutes " 

    set sec to the_secs mod minutes div 1 
    if sec is not 0 then 
     set fraction to text 2 thru 3 of ((100 + the_secs mod 1 * 100) as text) 
     set timeString to timeString & (sec as text) & "." & fraction & " seconds" 
    end if 

    if timeString ends with space then set timeString to text 1 thru -2 of timeString 
    return timeString 
end secs_to_hms 


发布的脚本不适用于我,所以我最终导入了Final Cut Pro中的文件夹,在文件夹上执行批量导出,并且导出了一个纯文本文件,我可以导入该文件>导出>批量列表在电子表格中作为日志的开始并计算总持续时间。
