2017-04-18 23 views


game = {'Room 1': 
      {'occupant': 'Narrator', 
       {'text': 'Do you want to start? (Yes or No)', 
       'Yes': 'Milwaukee', 
       'No': 'Dumpsterr' 
     {'occupant': 'Giannis', 
      {'text': 'Do you want to go hit the weight room?(Yes or No)', 
      'Yes': 'Weight Room', 
      'No': 'Dumpster' 
    {'Weight Room': 
     {'occupant': 'Giannis', 
      {'text': 'Lets get started (Yes or No)', 
      'Yes': 'Giannis Thanksgiving party', 
      'No': 'Dumpster' 
     {'John Hammond': 
     {'occupant': 'John Hammond', 
      {'text': 'Hey your taking up my valuabe XBOX time. Intrested in this team yes or no?(Yes or No)', 
      'Yes': 'Draft', 
      'No': 'Undrafted' 
     {'John Hammond house': 
     {'occupant': 'John Hammond wife', 
      {'text': 'Welcome to the Hammond house hold! Hi honey would you like some cookies? - Mrs.Hammond(Yes or No)', 
      'Yes': 'Draft Day', 
      'No': 'How Dare You' 
     {'Draft Day': 
     {'occupant': 'Adam Silver', 
      {'text': 'Welcome to the NBA draft! With the tenth overall pick you have been selected? Do you accept (Yes or No)', 
      'Yes': 'Winner', 
      'No': 'Undrafted' 
     {'occupant': 'Dennis Rodman', 
      {'text': 'Welcome to the dumpster! I know im a fool. To get away you have to restart. Would you like to restart?. (Yes or No)', 
      'Yes': 'Room 1', 
      'No': 'Dumpster' 
     {'How dare you': 
     {'occupant': 'John Hammond', 
      {'text': 'How dare you disrespect my wifes cooking you monster! Good luck now getting draft idiot. Would you like to restart? - John Hammond(Yes or No)', 
      'Yes': 'Room 1', 
      'No': 'Room 1' 
     {'occupant': 'Nobody', 
      {'text': 'You had your chance... would you like a redo? (Yes or No)', 
      'Yes': 'Room 1', 
      'No': 'Undrafted' 
    * } 

你有一个尾随逗号。这会导致错误。你应该发布你收到的错误的完整追溯,而不是我们猜测! –


在本代码的最后,有一个悬空的逗号和至少三个未封闭的大括号。我认为你没有粘贴你的所有代码。 – Prune


这照顾了悬崖的逗号,但是你现在在最后一行有一个多余的星号,并且正如我刚刚提到的那样打开了大括号。 – Prune




{'How dare you': 
    {'occupant': 'John Hammond', 
     {'text': 'How dare you disrespect my wifes cooking you monster! Good luck now getting draft idiot. Would you like to restart? - John Hammond(Yes or No)', 
     'Yes': 'Room 1', 
     'No': 'Room 1' 
    {'occupant': 'Nobody', 
     {'text': 'You had your chance... would you like a redo? (Yes or No)', 
     'Yes': 'Room 1', 
     'No': 'Undrafted' 
* } 


顺便说一句,任何合理的智能文本编辑器都会为你配上大括号。即使vim做到了。 :-)


大声笑谢谢你,我是一个新手,所以我非常感谢你的帮助。 – WYXZANDER