2016-12-14 32 views

你好,我想知道是否有可能创建一个类,在那里你实现一个接口,并从那里你发送从.get服务获得的数据来创建一个新的对象。事情是这样的Angular 2:从类创建对象

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; 
import { User} from '../interfaces/user'; 
import {UserService} from '../services/user.service'; 
import { UserClass } from '../classes/user-class' 

    selector: 'up-pros', 
    templateUrl: './pros.component.html', 
    providers: [UserService] 
export class ProsComponent implements OnInit { 
    public users :User[]; 
    public term: string; 
    constructor(private _httpService: UserService) { } 

    ngOnInit() { 
    this.term= 'INSTRUCTOR'; 
      data => {this.users = new UserClass(data), console.log(data)}, 
      error => alert(error + ' Error Get') 


import { User } from '../interfaces/user'; 
import { Address } from "../interfaces/address"; 

export class UserClass implements User { 

public id:   number 
public name:   string 
public password:  string 
public lastNameA: string 
public lastNameB: string 
public photo:  string 
public telephone: string 
public email:  string 
public userType:  string 
public active:  string 
public score:  number 
public createdAt: string 
public updatedAt: string 
public Address:  Address 

constructor (id:   number, 
       password:  string, 
       name:   string, 
       lastNameA: string, 
       lastNameB: string, 
       photo:  string, 
       telephone: string, 
       email:  string, 
       userType:  string, 
       active:  string, 
       score:  number, 
       createdAt: string, 
       updatedAt: string, 
       Address:  Address) { 
       this.name  = name 
       this.password = password 
       this.lastNameA = lastNameA 
       this.lastNameB = lastNameB 
       this.photo  = photo 
       this.telephone = telephone 
       this.email  = email 
       this.userType = userType 
       this.active  = active 
       this.score  = score 
       this.createdAt = createdAt 
       this.updatedAt = updatedAt 
       this.Address = Address 



import { Address } from "./address" 

export interface User { 
    name:  string; 
    password: string; 
    lastNameA: string; 
    lastNameB: string; 
    photo:  string; 
    telephone: string; 
    email:  string; 
    userType: string; 
    active:  string; 
    score:  number; 
    createdAt: string; 
    updatedAt: string; 
    Address: Address; 


Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target. 
[default] Checking finished with 1 errors 


import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; 
import {Http, Headers} from '@angular/http'; 
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; 
import { User } from '../interfaces/user'; 

export class UserService { 
    url= 'http://localhostapi/users'; 

    constructor(private _http: Http){} 

    return this._http.get(this.url) 
     .map(res => res.json()); 

    searchUsers(term : string){ 
    return this._http.get('http://localhostapi/listas?user='+term) 
     .map(res => res.json()); 

    searchUser(term : string){ 
    return this._http.get('http://localhostapi/users/'+term) 
     .map(res => res.json()); 


    postUsers(user: User){ 

    var headers = new Headers(); 
    return this._http.post(this.url, user, {headers: headers}) 
    .map(res => res.json()); 

    updateUsers(user: User, term: string){ 

    var headers = new Headers(); 
    return this._http.put(this.url+"/"+term, user, {headers: headers}) 
    .map(res => res.json()); 

不要写一个构造函数与十几个参数。 – 2016-12-14 16:44:56


因此,我不知道我在做什么或只是在构造函数中打了十几个参数? –


这可能有所帮助:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37520578/javascript-constructor-use-an-object/37520993#37520993 – 2016-12-14 17:03:51




      data => { 
         this.users = data as User[]; 
      error => alert(error + ' Error Get') 

谢谢。让我尝试一下。 –


非常感谢,它工作。你能解释为什么我不能像传统模式那样创建一个类的实例吗? –


当然,我们可以创建像“传统模式”的实例,但在这种特殊情况下,UserClass中没有任何构造函数,它将'User'的列表作为参数,'data'具有' User'。 ** TypeScript **是一个结构类型系统。 http://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/classes.html – TheKojuEffect