2014-07-22 72 views

我正在使用spring 3.1和annotations开发应用程序。spring注释错误找不到类型验证器:java.lang.Double


package servlet.model; 
import javax.persistence.Column; 
import javax.persistence.Entity; 
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; 
import javax.persistence.Id; 
import javax.persistence.Table; 
import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotEmpty; 
public class Product { 
private Integer product_id; 
@NotEmpty(message = "Category should not be blank.") 
private String cat_id; 
@NotEmpty(message = "Name should not be blank.") 
private String product_name; 

private String specification; 
@NotEmpty(message = "Purchase Price should not be blank.") 
private double purchase_price; 
@NotEmpty(message = "Sales Price should not be blank.") 
private double sales_price; 
@NotEmpty(message = "Stock should not be blank.") 
private double stock; 
@NotEmpty(message = "Status should not be blank.") 
private String status; 

public Integer getProduct_id() { 
    return product_id; 
public void setProduct_id(Integer product_id) { 
    this.product_id = product_id; 

public String getCat_id() { 
    return cat_id; 
public void setCat_id(String cat_id) { 
    this.cat_id = cat_id; 

public String getProduct_name() { 
    return product_name; 
public void setProduct_name(String product_name) { 
    this.product_name = product_name; 

public String getSpecification() { 
    return specification; 
public void setSpecification(String specification) { 
    this.specification = specification; 

    public double getPurchase_price() { 
return purchase_price; 
public void setPurchase_price(double purchase_price) { 
this.purchase_price = purchase_price; 

    public double getSales_price() { 
return sales_price; 
public void setSales_price(double sales_price) { 
    this.sales_price = sales_price; 

public double getStock() { 
    return stock; 
public void setStock(double stock) { 
    this.stock = stock; 

public String getStatus() { 
return status; 
public void setStatus(String status) { 
this.status = status; 





Anotation @NotEmpty支持类型:字符串,集合,映射和数组。你可以试试@NotNull anotation。或另一种加法

看到这个Validation step by step


我用过它。但给新的错误。 Property purchase_price引发异常;嵌套异常是java.lang.IllegalArgumentException –