2011-10-25 55 views

好的,所以这可能不是最好的设计决策,我真的不想使用类似LuaBind的东西......我只是好奇,如果以下是可能的C++ 03( C++ 11使可变模板成为可能)。另外,我确定之前已经询问过这个问题,但我找不到直接的答案!C++调用具有可变参数的lua函数


void CallFunction(char* functionName, ...); 


我怎样才能,如果可能的话,计算每个参数的类型,并将其传递给合适的lua_push {type}();函数在调用所需的lua函数之前?

我不确定这是否可以用var_arg完成,因为当你获取参数时你必须知道类型,我试图用void *来获取它,并将它传递给一个专门的模板,但它试图将其传递给模板。

希望有人在C++更好将有一个或两个把戏! 谢谢你堆


这是不可能的。 'va_arg'基本上是'void *'的荣耀链表。没有附加的'void *'附加类型信息。 – GManNickG


你真的在使用C或C++吗?你在谈论C99,但你已经把它标记为C++(也许你正在使用C++ 03)?即使没有可变模板,您也可以提供一组函数模板重载来处理这个问题。通常这是非常乏味的,因为转发参数必须为const和非const引用(在C++ 03中)重载每个参数,但在你的情况下,lua_push *函数永远不需要非const参考版本,所以你只需要N个过载(其中N是你想要支持的参数的最大数量)。 –


啊对不起这是C++ 03,我的错。谢谢,你的建议似乎是最好的方法(我的一个同事这样做,但我很好奇,如果有更通用的方式)。 – GracelessROB




namespace detail 
    // we overload push_value instead of specializing 
    // because this way we can also push values that 
    // are implicitly convertible to one of the types 

    void push_value(lua_State *vm, lua_Integer n) 
     lua_pushinteger(vm, n); 

    void push_value(lua_State *vm, lua_Number n) 
     lua_pushnumber(vm, n); 

    void push_value(lua_State *vm, bool b) 
     lua_pushboolean(vm, b); 

    void push_value(lua_State *vm, const std::string& s) 
     lua_pushstring(vm, s.c_str()); 

    // other overloads, for stuff like userdata or C functions 

    // for extracting return values, we specialize a simple struct 
    // as overloading on return type does not work, and we only need 
    // to support a specific set of return types, as the return type 
    // of a function is always specified explicitly 

    template <typename T> 
    struct value_extractor 

    template <> 
    struct value_extractor<lua_Integer> 
     static lua_Integer get(lua_State *vm) 
      lua_Integer val = lua_tointeger(vm, -1); 
      lua_pop(vm, 1); 
      return val; 

    template <> 
    struct value_extractor<lua_Number> 
     static lua_Number get(lua_State *vm) 
      lua_Number val = lua_tonumber(vm, -1); 
      lua_pop(vm, 1); 
      return val; 

    template <> 
    struct value_extractor<bool> 
     static bool get(lua_State *vm) 
      bool val = lua_toboolean(vm, -1); 
      lua_pop(vm, 1); 
      return val; 

    template <> 
    struct value_extractor<std::string> 
     static std::string get(lua_State *vm) 
      std::string val = lua_tostring(vm, -1); 
      lua_pop(vm, 1); 
      return val; 

    // other specializations, for stuff like userdata or C functions 

// the base function wrapper class 
class lua_function_base 
    lua_function_base(lua_State *vm, const std::string& func) 
     : m_vm(vm) 
     // get the function 
     lua_getfield(m_vm, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, func.c_str()); 
     // ensure it's a function 
     if (!lua_isfunction(m_vm, -1)) { 
      // throw an exception; you'd use your own exception class here 
      // of course, but for sake of simplicity i use runtime_error 
      lua_pop(m_vm, 1); 
      throw std::runtime_error("not a valid function"); 
     // store it in registry for later use 
     m_func = luaL_ref(m_vm, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); 

    lua_function_base(const lua_function_base& func) 
     : m_vm(func.m_vm) 
     // copy the registry reference 
     lua_rawgeti(m_vm, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, func.m_func); 
     m_func = luaL_ref(m_vm, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); 

     // delete the reference from registry 
     luaL_unref(m_vm, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, m_func); 

    lua_function_base& operator=(const lua_function_base& func) 
     if (this != &func) { 
      m_vm = func.m_vm; 
      lua_rawgeti(m_vm, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, func.m_func); 
      m_func = luaL_ref(m_vm, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); 
     return *this; 
    // the virtual machine and the registry reference to the function 
    lua_State *m_vm; 
    int m_func; 

    // call the function, throws an exception on error 
    void call(int args, int results) 
     // call it with no return values 
     int status = lua_pcall(m_vm, args, results, 0); 
     if (status != 0) { 
      // call failed; throw an exception 
      std::string error = lua_tostring(m_vm, -1); 
      lua_pop(m_vm, 1); 
      // in reality you'd want to use your own exception class here 
      throw std::runtime_error(error.c_str()); 

// the function wrapper class 
template <typename Ret> 
class lua_function : public lua_function_base 
    lua_function(lua_State *vm, const std::string& func) 
     : lua_function_base(vm, func) 

    Ret operator()() 
     // push the function from the registry 
     lua_rawgeti(m_vm, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, m_func); 
     // call the function on top of the stack (throws exception on error) 
     // return the value 
     return detail::value_extractor<Ret>::get(m_vm); 

    template <typename T1> 
    Ret operator()(const T1& p1) 
     lua_rawgeti(m_vm, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, m_func); 
     // push the argument and call with 1 arg 
     detail::push_value(m_vm, p1); 
     return detail::value_extractor<Ret>::get(m_vm); 

    template <typename T1, typename T2> 
    Ret operator()(const T1& p1, const T2& p2) 
     lua_rawgeti(m_vm, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, m_func); 
     // push the arguments and call with 2 args 
     detail::push_value(m_vm, p1); 
     detail::push_value(m_vm, p2); 
     return detail::value_extractor<Ret>::get(m_vm); 

    template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3> 
    Ret operator()(const T1& p1, const T2& p2, const T3& p3) 
     lua_rawgeti(m_vm, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, m_func); 
     detail::push_value(m_vm, p1); 
     detail::push_value(m_vm, p2); 
     detail::push_value(m_vm, p3); 
     return detail::value_extractor<Ret>::get(m_vm); 

    // et cetera, provide as many overloads as you need 

// we need to specialize the function for void return type 
// as the other class would fail to compile with void as return type 
template <> 
class lua_function<void> : public lua_function_base 
    lua_function(lua_State *vm, const std::string& func) 
     : lua_function_base(vm, func) 

    void operator()() 
     lua_rawgeti(m_vm, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, m_func); 

    template <typename T1> 
    void operator()(const T1& p1) 
     lua_rawgeti(m_vm, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, m_func); 
     detail::push_value(m_vm, p1); 

    template <typename T1, typename T2> 
    void operator()(const T1& p1, const T2& p2) 
     lua_rawgeti(m_vm, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, m_func); 
     detail::push_value(m_vm, p1); 
     detail::push_value(m_vm, p2); 

    template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3> 
    void operator()(const T1& p1, const T2& p2, const T3& p3) 
     lua_rawgeti(m_vm, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, m_func); 
     detail::push_value(m_vm, p1); 
     detail::push_value(m_vm, p2); 
     detail::push_value(m_vm, p3); 

    // et cetera, provide as many overloads as you need 




因为lua_function重载op(),所以基本上有一个函数对象。这具有能够将它用作任何接受它们的算法或函数的回调的好处。例如,假设你有一个lua_function<int> foo("foo");,假设lua中的foo函数有两个参数,一个double和一个字符串。现在,你可以这样做:

// or std::function if C++11 
boost::function<int (double, std::string)> callback = foo; 
// when you call the callback, it calls the lua function foo() 
int result = callback(1.0, "hello world"); 




哇!惊人的答案,非常感谢你的深入。将尽快实施它!干杯! – GracelessROB
