2015-10-15 87 views

因此,我有一个工作正常的FancyTree。当用户移动到另一个页面时,我想保持树的状态。我正在关注这个链接来实现这一点; http://wwwendt.de/tech/fancytree/demo/sample-ext-persist.html#FancyTree - 只加载页面刷新后的持久状态

我正在使用Ajax加载我的所有页面,当我使用Ctrl + F5重新加载网站并导航到带有树的页面时,以前状态从本地存储加载。这很好。


enter image description here



enter image description here


var glyph_opts = { 
     map: { 
      doc: "fa fa-truck", 
      docOpen: "fa fa-truck", 
      checkbox: "glyphicon glyphicon-unchecked", 
      checkboxSelected: "glyphicon glyphicon-check", 
      checkboxUnknown: "glyphicon glyphicon-share", 
      dragHelper: "glyphicon glyphicon-play", 
      dropMarker: "glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right", 
      error: "glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign", 
      expanderClosed: "glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign", 
      expanderLazy: "glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign", 
      expanderOpen: "glyphicon glyphicon-minus-sign", 
      folder: "glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close", 
      folderOpen: "glyphicon glyphicon-folder-open", 
      loading: "glyphicon glyphicon-refresh" 

     extensions: ["glyph", "filter", "persist"], 
     persist: { 
      expandLazy: true, 
      // fireActivate: true, // false: suppress `activate` event after active node was restored 
      overrideSource: true, // true: cookie takes precedence over `source` data attributes. 
      store: "auto" // 'cookie', 'local': use localStore, 'session': sessionStore 
     source: $.ajax({ 
      url: '@Url.Action("CompaniesTree", "Dashboard")', 
      type: "GET", 
      dataType: "json" 
     activate: function (event, data) { 

      if (data.node.data.GroupType === 4) { 
       var model = { 
        key: data.node.key, 
        data: data.node.data 

      return true; 
     iconClass: function (event, data) { 
      if (data.node.data.GroupType === 1) { 
       return "fa fa-desktop"; 
      if (data.node.data.GroupType === 2) { 
       return "fa fa-sitemap"; 
     selectMode: 2, 
     init: function (event, data) { 
      data.tree.debug(event.type, data); 
     restore: function (event, data) { 
      data.tree.debug(event.type, data); 
     loadChildren: function (event, data) { 
      data.node.debug(event.type, data); 

     quicksearch: true, 
     filter: { 
      //autoApply: true, // Re-apply last filter if lazy data is loaded 
      counter: false, // Show a badge with number of matching child nodes near parent icons 
      fuzzy: false, // Match single characters in order, e.g. 'fb' will match 'FooBar' 
      hideExpandedCounter: true, // Hide counter badge, when parent is expanded 
      mode: "hide" // Grayout unmatched nodes (pass "hide" to remove unmatched node instead) 
     glyph: glyph_opts, 
     lazyLoad: function (event, data) { 

      var model = { 
       key: data.node.key, 
       data: data.node.data 
       url: '@Url.Action("ChildItems", "Dashboard")', 
       type: "POST", 
       async: false, 
       contentType: "application/json", 
       data: JSON.stringify(model), 
       success: function (response) { 
        data.result = response; 


    var tree = $("#tree").data("ui-fancytree").getTree(); 

我甚至检查会话存储并查看花式树状态的数据被保存 - 没有错误Console

enter image description here


在您加载页面的位置发布ajax调用可能有助于查找问题。当页面被加载时,你如何调用你的fancytree代码? –


该代码已发布在问题 –


我的意思是您用于在页面之间导航的代码。我只能看到初始化树的代码 –





这是因为每次加载该页面时,你正在创建一个新的FancyTree实例。 Fancytree插件会跟踪它创建的所有实例,为每个新实例分配一个唯一的ID和一个名称空间。从fancytree源代码:

function Fancytree(widget) { 
    // some other code ... 
    this._id = $.ui.fancytree._nextId++; 
    this._ns = ".fancytree-" + this._id; // append for namespaced events 
    // some other code ... 


    extensions: ["glyph", "filter", "persist"], 
    persist: { 
     cookiePrefix: 'fancytree-1-', 
     expandLazy: true, 
     overrideSource: true, // true: cookie takes precedence over `source` data attributes. 
     store: "auto" // 'cookie', 'local': use localStore, 'session': sessionStore 
    // rest of the config ... 



您太棒了。谢谢....完美的作品 –


@达伍德不客气。我搞清楚发生了什么,我有些乐趣 –
