2016-06-09 68 views


o <- 0.04          
n <- 10  # number of random samples - kept low for debugging 
md <- seq(0,0.70,by=0.05) # md for mode in the PERT distribution 
for(i in md) { # iterates over all modes in PERT distribution      
f <- rpert(n, min=0, mode=md, max=.99, shape=4) # samples from PERT distribution        
a <- rtruncnorm(n, a=0, b=Inf, mean = 5.44, sd = 0.43) # samples from normal distribution     

ma <- a*(1-f)+ f*o # calculates results       

print(ma) # I need this in a matrix 

忘记你从其他编程语言知道什么。相反,记住你的代数课并思考向量。如果你想为矢量的每一个元素做一些事情,很有可能有一个函数可以一次完成整个矢量。 – Roland


嗨@Klaus,下面的答案是否回答你的问题?如果是这样,请随时通过点击旁边的“v”符号来接受您认为最有用的答案。另请参阅http://stackoverflow.com/tour如果您的问题尚未解决,请随时提供有关不起作用的说明。 – coffeinjunky




o <- 0.04          
n <- 10  # number of random samples - kept low for debugging 
md <- seq(0,0.70,by=0.05) # md for mode in the PERT distribution 

resultMatrix <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = n) 
for(i in md) { # iterates over all modes in PERT distribution      
    f <- rpert(n, min=0, mode=md, max=.99, shape=4) # samples from PERT distribution        
    a <- rtruncnorm(n, a=0, b=Inf, mean = 5.44, sd = 0.43) # samples from normal distribution       
    ma <- a*(1-f)+ f*o # calculates results       
    resultMatrix <- rbind(resultMatrix, ma) 

     [,1]  [,2]  [,3]  [,4]  [,5]  [,6]  [,7]  [,8] 
ma 4.871186 4.527776 6.155239 2.687423 3.172824 4.150493 4.309858 4.058311 
ma 4.492796 4.023142 5.202100 3.549102 3.121166 4.030550 4.072121 4.754218 
ma 5.209793 3.604659 4.546211 4.019750 4.230491 2.230483 5.321552 4.194712 
ma 5.588713 5.845059 4.673996 5.068933 4.445595 2.556984 3.206710 2.198054 
ma 5.161478 4.224916 4.731809 4.337504 5.279807 4.800994 1.920244 2.287079 
ma 4.370172 4.174557 4.657961 3.551273 3.176608 1.967586 2.082636 2.382379 
ma 4.752645 5.025765 4.077100 4.035936 3.696961 4.376170 4.756229 3.799819 
ma 4.895087 4.476946 4.849364 4.948230 4.254575 2.860149 4.385260 4.909378 
ma 4.600699 2.955893 4.011127 5.018648 3.446420 2.684369 3.733717 3.784529 
ma 3.015752 5.150226 4.641076 5.403140 1.566149 4.467812 2.624535 4.140788 
ma 5.126098 4.311545 3.244769 2.922413 5.712901 2.981147 2.106302 4.173604 
ma 4.497303 5.128249 2.420177 3.460802 3.158532 1.826757 3.705091 2.092096 
ma 5.133561 3.937170 5.159742 3.097803 3.157485 4.583058 3.529645 5.299575 
ma 5.384795 5.977110 4.269142 3.898964 5.024477 2.174062 4.364693 2.060221 
ma 4.963641 4.670167 3.732576 5.075890 3.384682 3.581102 2.846963 4.388798 
     [,9] [,10] 
ma 2.035035 3.047999 
ma 3.119995 1.962640 
ma 5.107974 3.442291 
ma 2.810294 1.258326 
ma 2.951629 2.220695 
ma 4.461524 2.804621 
ma 3.077005 5.595100 
ma 1.248858 3.427024 
ma 1.983569 2.546225 
ma 1.510322 2.482890 
ma 4.652874 1.692841 
ma 4.029131 4.909566 
ma 3.502746 2.017282 
ma 1.992627 3.583658 
ma 3.336058 3.147302 

这对于大型MD来说可能非常缓慢。动态增长的对象,例如'rbind()'通常是主要的性能瓶颈,通常不被认为是好的做法。我建议在循环之前在其定义处分配'resultMatrix'所需的维度,并使用循环内的行索引填充数据行。 – RHertel



output <- matrix(


    lapply(md, function(md){ 

     f <- rpert(n, min=0, mode=md, max=.99, shape=4) # samples from PERT distribution        
     a <- rtruncnorm(n, a=0, b=Inf, mean = 5.44, sd = 0.43) # samples from normal distribution     
     ma <- a*(1-f)+ f*o # calculates results 



    ncol=10, byrow=TRUE 



library(truncnorm); library(mc2d)          
o <- 0.04; n <- 10 
md <- seq(0,0.70,by=0.05) 

pertmat <- matrix(rpert(n*length(md), min=0, mode=md, max=.99, shape=4), 
        ncol=n, nrow=length(md)) 
amat <- matrix(rtruncnorm(n*length(md), a=0, b=Inf, mean = 5.44, sd = 0.43), 
       ncol=n, nrow=length(md))   

finalmat <- amat*(1-pertmat) + pertmat*o 


short_md <- seq(0,0.70,by=0.35) 
for(i in short_md) print(i) # single elements 
[1] 0 
[1] 0.35 
[1] 0.7 
for(i in short_md) print(short_md) # in each iteration, the entire vector is used 
[1] 0.00 0.35 0.70 
[1] 0.00 0.35 0.70 
[1] 0.00 0.35 0.70 


pertmat_i <- t(sapply(md, function(x) rpert(n, min=0, mode=x, max=.99, shape=4))) 
