2014-10-29 23 views

我想从PHP进行一个程序化的Google搜索,并没有用。我得到了我之后的JSON对象,但它的[totalResults] => 0,适用于我搜索的所有内容。我使用的apiKey是服务器密钥,customSearchEngineKey是我通过here指令创建的自定义搜索引擎。我知道这是有效的,因为我尝试过使用其他语言,但不能使用其他语言作为最终的程序(我不想说为什么),但是当我将它带到PHP中时,它由于某种原因失败。为什么??PHP谷歌搜索不返回任何东西


    // turn on the use of session variables, if it has not already been done 
    // declare function that creates the URL for the Google search associated with a query 
    function makeSearchString($query, $startNumber = 1, $count = 10) 
     // declare $apiKey,$customSearchEngineKey 
     $apiKey = "AIzaSyCW6jCkVPGWRd2PN1ZHeOKq8haJqkYqEwQ"; 
     $customSearchEngineKey = "003207291839125798740:4fbhl2kr0mi"; 
     // set up searchString with $apiKey,$customSearchEngineKey 
     $searchString = "https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key=" . $apiKey . "&cx=" . $customSearchEngineKey . "&q="; 
     // split query into an array with ' ' as the delimiter (regex is "/[ ]+/") 
     $theQueries = explode("/[ ]+/", $searchString); 
     // for each subquery in theQueries 
     foreach ($theQueries as $subquery) 
      // append subquery to searchString 
      $searchString .= $subquery; 
     // specify that the response should be in JSON, in searchString 
     $searchString .= "&alt=json"; 
     // try to turn safeSearch on 
     $searchString .= "&safe=high"; 
     // if startNumber is not 1 
     if ($startNumber != 1) 
      // specify startNumber, in searchString 
      $searchString .= ("&start=" . $startNumber); 
     // if count is not 10 
     if ($count != 10) 
      // specify count, in searchString 
      $searchString .= ("&num=" . $count); 
     // return searchString 
     return $searchString; 

    /* Don't forget that you need to test this function. Try it with at least 2 searches... */ 
    // declare function that returns the JSON associated with a Google search tied to query 
    function getJSONStringFor($query) 
     // if $query is a URL that contains the first few characters in the defaultSearchString 
     if (strpos($query, "https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key=") !== false) 
      // return the file contents for that $query 
      return file_get_contents($query); 
     // makeSearchString for $query and get the JSONString from that searchString 
     return file_get_contents(makeSearchString($query)); 

    // if the searchData in $_SESSION is not already initialized 
    if (!isset($_SESSION['searchData'])) 
     // initialize it 
     $_SESSION['searchData'] = array(); 
    // get the terms to search for /* where from, I don't know!! They should at least be an array of Strings */ 
    /* For now, we can simply create an array of three terms to search for */ 
    $terms = array("alopecia", "Superman", "Spiderman"); 
    // for each term 
    foreach ($terms as $term) 
     // get the JSONString 
     // parse the JSONString into an associative array 
     $array = json_decode(getJSONStringFor($term), true); 
     print_r($array); /* returns no results for some reason */ 
     // for each searchResult in that array 

      // if there is pagemap and it has a cse_image 
       // add it as a searchResult for that queryResult 
     // append queryResult to searchData 

是否有人会帮助我或这个,或以其他方式发送一些建议我的方式? – 2014-10-29 21:55:00




$theQueries = explode("/[ ]+/", $searchString);

我一不小心说了PHP编译器将$searchString分成数组,当我试图$query分割成一个数组。所以,我把它改为$theQueries = explode("/[ ]+/", $query);,一切顺利!