2014-10-10 31 views

我有一个需求,我需要使用Linq获取Model1(List)的列表,Model1中有Model2(List)列表和我也需要取回。为此,我创建了一个LINQ但m到处以下错误:获取Model1的列表,其中包含Model2的列表LINQ - MVC 4 EntityFramework 5

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Collections.Generic.List 1 [OurCourse] ToList[OurCourse](System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable 1 [OurCourse])' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.


  1. 我有两个表院校和课程,以下列: 学院:ID,姓名,联系方式,城市,地址


  2. 我的项目对他们有两种查看模式,如如下:

    public class OurCollege 
        public string Name { get; set; } 
        public string Contact { get; set; } 
        public List<OurCourse> MyCourses { get; set; } 
    public class OurCourse 
        public string Name { get; set; } 
        public int NumberOfYears { get; set; } 
  3. 在这里,我已经准备好,但我得到了错误的查询查询:

    var colleges = db.Colleges 
           .Select(cld => new OurCollege() 
             Name = cld.Name, 
             Contact = cld.Contact, 
             MyCourses = cld.Course 
                .Select(crs => new OurCourse() 
                 Name = crs.Name, 
                 NumberOfYears = crs.Years 

如果去掉'ToList()'调用的课程,会发生什么? – elolos 2014-10-10 11:15:44


我得到这个错误:“不能隐式转换类型'System.Collection.Genetic.IEnumrable '到'不能隐式转换类型'System.Collection.Genetic.List '。存在一个明确的对话(你是否缺少一个强制转换)” 当我做“MyCourses =(列表)cld.Course ....”然后我得到这个错误:“无法强制转换类型'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable'1'键入'System.Collections .Generic.List'1'。LINQ to Entities只支持投射EDM原始类型或枚举类型。“ – NMathur 2014-10-10 11:25:20




MyCourses = from crs in cld.Course 
      select new OurCourse 
       Name = crs.Name, 
       NumberOfYears = crs.Years 


var colleges = db.Colleges 
       .Select(cld => new OurCollege() 
         Name = cld.Name, 
         Contact = cld.Contact, 
         MyCourses = (from crs in cld.Course 
            select new OurCourse 
            Name = crs.Name, 
            NumberOfYears = crs.Years 


另一种是List<T>改变你IEnumerable<T>和删除ToList() FRIM你原来的代码:

public IEnumerable<OurCourse> MyCourses { get; set; } 


var colleges = db.Colleges 
       .Select(cld => new OurCollege() 
         Name = cld.Name, 
         Contact = cld.Contact, 
         MyCourses = cld.Course 
            .Select(crs => new OurCourse() 
             Name = crs.Name, 
             NumberOfYears = crs.Years 

欲了解更多详情,请访问该Entity Framework ToList() in nested type (LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method)


尝试此,获取“无法隐式转换类型'System.Collection.Genetic.IEnumrable '到'不能隐式转换类型'System.Collection.Genetic.List '。存在一个明确的会话(你是否缺少演员)” – NMathur 2014-10-10 11:26:58


请参阅编辑忘记转换为列表 – 2014-10-10 11:27:40


也尝试过:(在我的问题中提到的错误..我明白了。 ..我指的是你分享的链接 – NMathur 2014-10-10 11:46:10



var colleges = db.Colleges 
        .Select(x => new OurCollege() 
         CollegeId = x.CollegeId, 
         Name = x.Name, 
         Contact = x.Contact 

foreach (var college in colleges) 
     college.MyCourse = db.Course.Where(x => x.CollegeId == college.CollegeId) 
           .Select(x => new OurCourse() 
           Name = x.Name, 
           NumberOfYears = x.Years 