2016-07-27 45 views


  • 至周五上午8:00到下午6:00,星期一之间进行的任何电话,以每分钟0.40 $率计费。

  • 至周五上午8:00之前或下午6:00,星期一之后的任何电话,以每分钟0.25 $的年利率收取。

  • 在周六或周日进行的任何通话每分钟0.15 $的速度进行充电。

  • 任何呼叫基于在相应的速度区域的实际分钟带电,其持续时间跨越多个率区跨越。



#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <sstream> 
#include <algorithm> 
#include <iterator> 

using namespace std; 

string makeTimeIntoInt(string line[]) { 
    string temp = ""; 
    string time = line[1]; 
    for (char a : time) { 
     if (a == ':') 
      temp += a; 

    return temp; 

string nextDay(string day){ 
    if(day == "Mo") return "Tu"; 
    else if(day == "Tu") return "We"; 
    else if(day == "We") return "Th"; 
    else if(day == "Th") return "Fr"; 
    else if(day == "Fr") return "Sa"; 
    else if(day == "Sa") return "Su"; 
    else if(day == "Su") return "Mo"; 

    return day; 

int convertSixtySecondsToHour(int time){ 
    if(time == 060) time = 100; 
    else if(time == 160) time = 200; 
    else if(time == 260) time = 300; 
    else if(time == 360) time = 400; 
    else if(time == 460) time = 500; 
    else if(time == 560) time = 600; 
    else if(time == 660) time = 700; 
    else if(time == 760) time = 800; 
    else if(time == 860) time = 900; 
    else if(time == 960) time = 1000; 
    else if(time == 1060) time = 1100; 
    else if(time == 1160) time = 1200; 
    else if(time == 1260) time = 1300; 
    else if(time == 1360) time = 1400; 
    else if(time == 1460) time = 1500; 
    else if(time == 1560) time = 1600; 
    else if(time == 1660) time = 1700; 
    else if(time == 1760) time = 1800; 
    else if(time == 1860) time = 1900; 
    else if(time == 1960) time = 2000; 
    else if(time == 2060) time = 2100; 
    else if(time == 2160) time = 2200; 
    else if(time == 2260) time = 2300; 
    else if(time == 2360) time = 000; 
    return time; 

float calculateCost(string line[]) { 
    int time = stoi(makeTimeIntoInt(line)); 
    int duration = stoi(line[2]); 
    string day = line[0]; 
    float totalCost = 0; 
    for(int i = 1; i <= duration; i++){ 
    if (line[0] == "Mo" || line[0] == "Tu" || line[0] == "We" || 
     line[0] == "Th" || line[0] == "Fr") { 
     if (time < 800 || time > 1800) { 
      totalCost += 0.25; 
     } else 
      totalCost += 0.4; 

    else if (line[0] == "Sa" || line[0] == "Su") { 
     totalCost += 0.15; 
     time = convertSixtySecondsToHour(time); 
      if(time == 000){ 
      day = nextDay(day); 
    return totalCost; 

int main() { 
    ifstream inputFile; 
    string line; 
    int cnt = 0; 
    inputFile.open("/Users/wonder-intern/Documents/C++ Workspace/PhoneRecords/PhoneRecords/calls_history.txt"); //change this to the path of the txt file 
    string arr[18]; 
    string line1[3], line2[3], line3[3], line4[3], line5[3], line6[3]; 
    float costLine1, costLine2, costLine3, costLine4, costLine5, costLine6; 

    if (!inputFile.is_open()) { 
     cout << "file could not be opened\n\n"; 
     return 0; 

    while (getline(inputFile, line) && cnt < 18) { 
     istringstream split(line); 
     split >> arr[cnt]; 
     split >> arr[cnt]; 
     split >> arr[cnt]; 

    line1[0] = arr[0]; 
    line1[1] = arr[1]; 
    line1[2] = arr[2]; 
    line2[0] = arr[3]; 
    line2[1] = arr[4]; 
    line2[2] = arr[5]; 
    line3[0] = arr[6]; 
    line3[1] = arr[7]; 
    line3[2] = arr[8]; 
    line4[0] = arr[9]; 
    line4[1] = arr[10]; 
    line4[2] = arr[11]; 
    line5[0] = arr[12]; 
    line5[1] = arr[13]; 
    line5[2] = arr[14]; 
    line6[0] = arr[15]; 
    line6[1] = arr[16]; 
    line6[2] = arr[17]; 

    costLine1 = calculateCost(line1); 
    costLine2 = calculateCost(line2); 
    costLine3 = calculateCost(line3); 
    costLine4 = calculateCost(line4); 
    costLine5 = calculateCost(line5); 
    costLine6 = calculateCost(line6); 

    cout << "Day Time Duration Cost\n\n"; 

    cout << line1[0] << " " << line1[1] << " " << line1[2] << " $" << costLine1 
    << "\n"; 

    cout << line2[0] << " " << line2[1] << " " << line2[2] << " $" << costLine2 
    << "\n"; 

    cout << line3[0] << " " << line3[1] << " " << line3[2] << " $" << costLine3 
    << "\n"; 

    cout << line4[0] << " " << line4[1] << " " << line4[2] << " $" << costLine4 
    << "\n"; 

    cout << line5[0] << " " << line5[1] << " " << line5[2] << " $" << costLine5 
    << "\n"; 

    cout << line6[0] << " " << line6[1] << " " << line6[2] << " $" << costLine6 
    << "\n"; 

    cout << "Total: $" 
    << costLine1 + costLine2 + costLine3 + costLine4 + costLine5 + costLine6 
    << "\n\n"; 

    return 0; 



您是否尝试过调试此代码? – meJustAndrew


这个'if(time == 060)'实际上是'if(time == 48)'。 – DimChtz


是的我有,我知道新的速度没有被应用,但我不知道为什么 –





if (line[0] == "Mo" || line[0] == "Tu" || line[0] == "We" || 
    line[0] == "Th" || line[0] == "Fr") 


if (day == "Mo" || day == "Tu" || day == "We" || 
    day == "Th" || day == "Fr") 

else if (line[0] == "Sa" || line[0] == "Su") 

else if (day == "Sa" || day == "Su") 

因为当你拨打day = nextDay(day);显然你改变day而不是line[0]。您收到4.5,因为line[0]仍然为"Su"。只有day更改为"Mo"


这就是我正在寻找的,非常感谢你! –