2016-01-05 46 views

打开一个项目后,我的XCode7.2崩溃。 下面是崩溃报告。任何建议? 我认为这是类似于Why does xCode crash when I open a project?XCode7.2保持崩溃

Process:    Xcode [4687] 
Path:     /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode 
Identifier:   com.apple.dt.Xcode 
Version:    7.2 (9548) 
Build Info:   IDEFrameworks-9548000000000000~7 
App Item ID:   497799835 
App External ID:  814662604 
Code Type:    X86-64 (Native) 
Parent Process:  ??? [1] 
Responsible:   Xcode [4687] 
User ID:    501 

Date/Time:    2016-01-05 12:02:36.156 +0800 
OS Version:   Mac OS X 10.11.2 (15C50) 
Report Version:  11 
Anonymous UUID:  D6E08775-0376-D30A-1EFE-52215D842578 

Time Awake Since Boot: 640 seconds 

System Integrity Protection: enabled 

Crashed Thread:  20 <DBGLLDBSessionThread (pid=8728)> Dispatch queue: DVTInvalidationPreventionQueue 

Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) 
Exception Codes:  KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000 
Exception Note:  EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY 

VM Regions Near 0: 
    __TEXT     000000010cc40000-000000010cc44000 [ 16K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode 

Application Specific Information: 
ProductBuildVersion: 7C68 
closed document 

Global Trace Buffer (reverse chronological seconds): 
367.387171 CFNetwork     0x00007fff86157a5b TCP Conn 0x7fe55ddd0420 SSL Handshake DONE 
368.100013 CFNetwork     0x00007fff86157937 TCP Conn 0x7fe55ddd0420 starting SSL negotiation 
368.100981 CFNetwork     0x00007fff86156303 TCP Conn 0x7fe55ddd0420 complete. fd: 39, err: 0 
368.101087 CFNetwork     0x00007fff861e4b1d TCP Conn 0x7fe55ddd0420 event 1. err: 0 
368.171468 CFNetwork     0x00007fff861555d3 TCP Conn 0x7fe55ddd0420 started 
368.221199 CFNetwork     0x00007fff8611921a Creating default cookie storage with process/bundle identifier 
368.221199 CFNetwork     0x00007fff861191b2 Faulting in CFHTTPCookieStorage singleton 
368.221199 CFNetwork     0x00007fff86119041 Faulting in NSHTTPCookieStorage singleton 
368.225091 CFNetwork     0x00007fff86216654 NSURLConnection finished with error - code -1100 

Thread 0:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread 


  1. 清洁你得到的数据

  2. 使用迦太基的任何机会哟? 尝试通过使用迦太基更新 - 不使用二进制文件来消除二进制文件。


清理您的派生数据并重新启动计算机看起来不能解决我的问题。 – JerryZhou


而且我还没有尝试过第二个建议。可能会起作用。但这个问题今天不再出现。我不知道为什么。 – JerryZhou


是的,我使用carchage。 – JerryZhou