2012-05-18 122 views


<?php include("header.php");?> 
<h3>Rental Search Results</h3> 
<div class="searchbox"> 
<form method="get" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> 
<label for="usersearch">Search Rentals Now:</label> 
<input type="text" name="usersearch" value="<?php echo $_GET['usersearch']; ?>" /> 
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search" /> 
<br /> 
<br /> 

    // This function builds a search query from the search keywords and sort setting 
    function build_query($user_search, $sort) { 
    $search_query = "SELECT * FROM online_rental_db"; 

    // Extract the search keywords into an array 
    $clean_search = str_replace(',', ' ', $user_search); 
    $search_words = explode(' ', $clean_search); 
    $final_search_words = array(); 
    if (count($search_words) > 0) { 
     foreach ($search_words as $word) { 
     if (!empty($word)) { 
      $final_search_words[] = $word; 

    // Generate a WHERE clause using all of the search keywords 
    $where_list = array(); 
    if (count($final_search_words) > 0) { 
     foreach($final_search_words as $word) { 
     $where_list[] = "Description LIKE '%$word%' OR Manufacturer LIKE '%$word%' OR Model LIKE '%$word%' OR Category LIKE '%$word%'"; 
    $where_clause = implode(' OR ', $where_list); 

    // Add the keyword WHERE clause to the search query 
    if (!empty($where_clause)) { 
     $search_query .= " WHERE $where_clause"; 

    // Sort the search query using the sort setting 
    switch ($sort) { 
    // Ascending by job title 
    case 1: 
     $search_query .= " ORDER BY Description"; 
    // Descending by job title 
    case 2: 
     $search_query .= " ORDER BY Description DESC"; 
    // Ascending by state 
    case 3: 
     $search_query .= " ORDER BY Manufacturer"; 
    // Descending by state 
    case 4: 
     $search_query .= " ORDER BY Manufacturer DESC"; 
    // Ascending by date posted (oldest first) 
    case 5: 
     $search_query .= " ORDER BY Model"; 
    // Descending by date posted (newest first) 
    case 6: 
     $search_query .= " ORDER BY Model DESC"; 
     // No sort setting provided, so don't sort the query 

    return $search_query; 

    // This function builds navigational page links based on the current page and the number of pages 
    function generate_page_links($user_search, $sort, $cur_page, $num_pages) { 
    $page_links = ''; 

    // If this page is not the first page, generate the "previous" link 
    if ($cur_page > 1) { 

     $page_links .= '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?usersearch=' . $user_search . '&sort=' . $sort . '&page=' . ($cur_page - 1) . '"><-</a> '; 
    else { 
     $page_links .= '<- '; 

    // Loop through the pages generating the page number links 
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_pages; $i++) { 
     if ($cur_page == $i) { 
     $page_links .= ' ' . $i; 
     else { 
     $page_links .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?usersearch=' . $user_search . '&sort=' . $sort . '&page=' . $i . '"> ' . $i . '</a>'; 

    // If this page is not the last page, generate the "next" link 
    if ($cur_page < $num_pages) { 
     $page_links .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?usersearch=' . $user_search . '&sort=' . $sort . '&page=' . ($cur_page + 1) . '">-></a>'; 
    else { 
     $page_links .= ' ->'; 

    return $page_links; 

    // Grab the sort setting and search keywords from the URL using GET 
    $user_search = $_GET['usersearch']; 

    // Calculate pagination information 
    $cur_page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; 
    $results_per_page = 5; // number of results per page 
    $skip = (($cur_page - 1) * $results_per_page); 

    // Start generating the table of results 
    echo '<table class="results">'; 
    echo '<td align="center">Description</td><td align="center">Manufacturer</td><td align="center">Model #</td><td align="center">Image</td>'; 

    // Generate the search result headings 
    echo '<tr class="bottomborder">'; 
    echo '</tr>'; 

    // Connect to the database 
    $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); 

    // Query to get the total results 
    $query = build_query($user_search,''); 
    $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query); 
    $total = mysqli_num_rows($result); 
    $num_pages = ceil($total/$results_per_page); 

    // Query again to get just the subset of results 
    $query = $query . " LIMIT $skip, $results_per_page"; 
    $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query); 
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { 
     $description = $row['Description']; 
     $model = $row['Model']; 
     $manufacturer = $row['Manufacturer']; 
     $image = $row['Image']; 
     $hour = $row['Hour']; 
     $day = $row['Day']; 
     $week = $row['Week']; 
     $month = $row['Month']; 
     $file = $row['PDF']; 
     $ID = $row['ID']; 
     $Category = $row['Category']; 
     $CTGID = $row['CTGID']; 
     if ($image == "") { 
      $image = "No Image"; 
     }else { 
      $image = "<a class=\"thumbnail\" href=\"pp.php?ID=$ID\"><img class=\"rental_image\" src=\"$image\"><span><img src=\"$image\" ><br> $description</span></a>"; 
    echo '<tr>'; 
    echo "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"25%\"><a href=\"pp.php?ID=$ID\" alt=\"$description\">$description</a></td>"; 
    echo "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"25%\"><a href=\"pp.php?ID=$ID\">$manufacturer</a></td>"; 
    echo "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"25%\"><a href=\"pp.php?ID=$ID\">$model</a></td>"; 
    echo "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"25%\">$image</td>"; 
    echo '</tr>'; 

    echo '</table>'; 

    // Generate navigational page links if we have more than one page 
    if ($num_pages > 1) { 
    echo generate_page_links($user_search, '', $cur_page, $num_pages); 
<?php include("footer.php");?> 

你想干什么? –


定义更准确。 – j08691


你可以缩小你的代码到相关的SQL语句:SELECT * FROM online_rental_db WHERE描述LIKE'%$ word%'或者制造商LIKE'%$ word%'或者模型LIKE'%$ word%'或者类别LIKE '%$字%''。我们没有理由必须筛选所有代码。 – webbiedave




搜索4字: 你好,怎么样,是,你

有或它看起来像: LIKE '%你好%' 或.. LIKE '%怎么%' 或.. LIKE“%是%'或...'%你%'


有了,它看起来像: LIKE '%你好%' 和.. LIKE '%怎么%' 和.. LIKE '%是%' 和...... '你%%'


你也可以说,在任何一行中,苹果或橘子都会被选中, 在AND和苹果和橘子意味着只有两种东西是必需的。


我试图用AND代替或OR,结果没有搜索结果被返回,无论我输入什么。我现在使用的代码是$ where_list [] =“说明LIKE'%$ word%'和制造商LIKE'%$ word%'和模型LIKE'%$ word%'和类别LIKE'%$ word%''; –