2016-07-30 101 views


package mymod.properties; 

import java.io.FileOutputStream; 
import java.io.IOException; 
import java.util.Properties; 

public class WriteToProperties { 

public static void main(String[] args) { 

    Properties prop = new Properties(); 
    try { 
     prop.setProperty("Test", "Yay"); 

     prop.store(new FileOutputStream("Test.properties"), null); 

    } catch (IOException ex) { 



是否有可能被在一个目录你不创建该文件的所有喜好没有期望?尝试指定完整路径。 – JustinKSU





好的。项目的根源究竟是什么?有没有办法检查? (或者它只是第一个包含所有内容的文件?) – Betterjakers


你用什么IDE编写这段代码? Eclipse,IDEA还是只有记事本? –


我使用Eclipse。 :) – Betterjakers





package tschallacka.magiccookies.init; 

import java.io.File; 

import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; 
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Property; 
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent; 
import tschallacka.magiccookies.MagicCookies; 
import tschallacka.magiccookies.api.ModHooks; 
import tschallacka.magiccookies.api.Preferences; 

public class ConfigLoader { 
    public static Configuration config; 
    public static final String CATEGORY_GENERAL = "GeneralSettings"; 
    public static final String CATEGORY_SERVER = "ServerPerformance"; 
    public static void init(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { 
     ModHooks.MODID = MagicCookies.MODID; 
     ModHooks.MODNAME = MagicCookies.MODNAME; 
     ModHooks.VERSION = MagicCookies.VERSION; 
     try { 
     catch (Exception e) { 
      MagicCookies.log.error("MagicCookie failed to load preferences. Reverting to default"); 
     finally { 
      if (config != null) { 
    private static void initialize(final File file) { 
     config = new Configuration(file); 
     config.addCustomCategoryComment(CATEGORY_GENERAL, "General Settings"); 
     config.addCustomCategoryComment(CATEGORY_SERVER, "Server performance settings"); 
     Preferences.magicCookieIsLoaded = true; 
    private static void save() { 
    private static void syncConfigurable() { 

     final Property awesomeMod = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "awesome_mod", Preferences.awesomeMod); 
     awesomeMod.comment = "Set this to yes if you think this mod is awesome, maybe it will at some time unlock a special thing.... or not... but that's only for people who think this is an wesome Mod ;-)"; 
     Preferences.awesomeMod = awesomeMod.getString(); 

     final Property numberOfBlocksPlacingPerTickByStripper = config.get(CATEGORY_SERVER,"number_of_blocks_placing_per_tick_by_stripper",Preferences.numberOfBlocksPlacingPerTickByStripper); 
     numberOfBlocksPlacingPerTickByStripper.comment = "This affects how many blocks will be placed per tick by the creative stripper tool per tick. The stripper tool will only place blocks if ticks are take less than 50ms. If you experience lag lower this number, if you don't experience lag and want faster copy pasting, make this number higher. For an awesome slowmo build of your caste set this to 1 ;-). Set to 0 to render everything in one go per chunk"; 
     Preferences.numberOfBlocksPlacingPerTickByStripper = numberOfBlocksPlacingPerTickByStripper.getInt(); 

     final Property averageTickTimeCalculationSpan = config.get(CATEGORY_SERVER,"number_of_ticks_used_for_average_time_per_tick_calculation",Preferences.averageTickTimeCalculationSpan); 
     averageTickTimeCalculationSpan.comment = "This number is the number of tick execution times are added together to calculation an average. The higher number means less lag by some things like the strippers, but can also lead to longer execution times for the strippers. Basically if your server is always running behind on server ticks set this value to 1, to at least get some work done when your server is running under 50ms tickspeed"; 
     Preferences.averageTickTimeCalculationSpan = averageTickTimeCalculationSpan.getInt(); 

     final Property acceptableTickduration = config.get(CATEGORY_SERVER,"acceptable_tick_duration",Preferences.acceptableTickduration); 
     acceptableTickduration.comment = "Define here what you see as acceptable tick speed where MagicCookies can do some of its magic. If average tick speed or current tick speed is higher than this value it won't perform some tasks to help manage server load."; 
     Preferences.acceptableTickduration = (long)acceptableTickduration.getDouble(); 

的值保持Preferences类。 这完全是这样,我可以在任何地方做Preferences.valuename

package tschallacka.magiccookies.api; 
* Here the preferences of MagicCookies will be stored 
* and kept after the config's are loaded. 
* @author Tschallacka 
public class Preferences { 
    public static boolean magicCookieIsLoaded = false; 
    public static String awesomeMod = "Well?"; 
    public static boolean isLoadedThaumcraft = false; 
    public static int numberOfBlocksPlacingPerTickByStripper = 0; 
    public static int averageTickTimeCalculationSpan = 60; 
    public static long acceptableTickduration = 50l; 
    public static int darkShrineFrequency = 0; 
    public static boolean darkShrineSpawnLogging = true; 
    public static boolean entropyTempleSpawnLogging = true; 
    public static int entropySize = 30; 


public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) { 
    MagicCookies.log.warn("Preinit starting"); 

