2013-07-16 79 views


Movie[] movieList = new Movie[6]; 
    movieList[0] = new Drama("Titanic","James Cameron", 1997, 200.0, 80.0, 7.50); 
    movieList[1] = new Drama("Fight Club", "David Fincher", 1999, 63.0, 30.0, 6.50); 
    movieList[2] = new Animated("Spirited Away", "Hayao Miyazaki", 2001, 19.1, 2.0, 30.0); 
    movieList[3] = new Animated("Toy Story", "John Lassater", 1995, 30.0, 3.5, 200.0); 
    movieList[4] = new Documentary("Super Size Me","Morgan Spurlock", 2004, 0.006, 35, .005); 
    movieList[5] = new Documentary("Jiro Dreams", "David Gelb", 2011, 0.003, 26, .002); 

和假设来组织和由电影的标题搜索。 然而,每次我尝试并使用switch语句中的对象传递给方法:

case 3: 
    System.out.println("Please input the movie you are searching for:"); 
    key = input.nextLine(); 
    key = input.nextLine(); 
    if(searchMovies(movieList, key)== -1) 
     System.out.println("There is no match found for movie with title " + key); 
     index = (searchMovies(movieList, key)); 

所有这一切都返回要么是负1,它告诉我它无法找到问题的关键, 或错误说法数组索引超出范围。 下面是一个包含

//searchMovies first sorts the array of objects by title through Bubble 
//Sort and then searches the array using Binary Search for the users 
public static int searchMovies(Movie[] movieList, String key) 
    //Bubble Sort the titles 
    boolean needNextPass = true; 
    Movie temp; 
    for(int pass=1; pass<movieList.length && needNextPass; pass++) 
     needNextPass = false; // Array may be sorted and next pass not needed 
     for(int x=0; x<movieList.length-pass; x++) 
      if(((Profitable) movieList[x]).calcProfit() < ((Profitable) movieList[x+1]).calcProfit()) /** compare rental fee */ 
       temp = movieList[x]; 
       movieList[x] = movieList[x+1]; 
       movieList[x+1] = temp; 

       needNextPass = true; // Next pass still needed 
    }//end for 
    //Binary search for key 
    int first = 0; 
    int last = movieList.length; 

    while (first <= last) { 
     int mid =(first + last)/2; // Compute mid point. 
     if (key.compareTo(movieList[mid].getTitle()) < 0) { 
      last = mid; // repeat search in bottom half. 
     } else if (key.compareTo(movieList[mid].getTitle()) > 0) { 
      first = mid + 1; // Repeat search in top half. 
     } else { 
      return mid; // Found it. return position 
     }//end if 
    }//end loop 
    return -1; // Failed to find key 
}//end searchMovies' 

你为什么叫'键= input.nextLine(); '两次? – user12458


首先要做的是:从二分搜索中分离出冒泡排序。然后你可以很容易地分别测试每个。 –


你为什么要扫描输入两次'Key = input.nextLine()'? – Rohan











int first = 0; 
int last = movieList.length - 1; // last index is (length-1) in an array, not length. Trying to access length will produce an `AraryIndexOutOfBounds` 

while (first <= last) { 
    int mid = (first + last)/2; 
    if (key.compareTo(movieList[mid].getTitle()) < 0) { 
     last = mid - 1; // Note the -1 here 
    } else if (key.compareTo(movieList[mid].getTitle()) > 0) { 
     first = mid + 1; 
    } else { 
     return mid; 


Movie[] movies = ....; 

// How our movies are compared to each other? This comparator compares using the titles 
Comparator<Movie> titleComparator = new Comparator<Movie>() { 
    public int compare(Movie o1, Movie o2) { 
     return o1.title.compareTo(o2.title); 

// sort movies by title 
Arrays.sort(movies, titleComparator); 

String titleToFind = ... 
Movie movieToFind = new UnknownMovie(titleToFind); 

// perform a binary search to find that movie. If found returns the index 
// if not found, returns a negative number that you can use to figure out where this movie should be inserted (see the documentation) 
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(movies, movieToFind, titleComparator); 
