2011-10-31 53 views

我知道终端输出的一部分是请求的持续时间,剩余时间等等。但是有没有一些文档准确地指定了curl命令的终端输出的每一列是什么?手册页非常稀疏,关于那里的内容。Curl - 什么输出到终端?



这可能不容易找到,但它记录在the curl book

The progress meter exists to show a user that something actually is 
    happening. The different fields in the output have the following meaning: 

    % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed   Time    Curr. 
           Dload Upload Total Current Left Speed 
    0 151M 0 38608 0  0 9406  0 4:41:43 0:00:04 4:41:39 9287 

    From left-to-right: 
    %    - percentage completed of the whole transfer 
    Total   - total size of the whole expected transfer 
    %    - percentage completed of the download 
    Received  - currently downloaded amount of bytes 
    %    - percentage completed of the upload 
    Xferd   - currently uploaded amount of bytes 
    Average Speed 
    Dload   - the average transfer speed of the download 
    Average Speed 
    Upload  - the average transfer speed of the upload 
    Time Total - expected time to complete the operation 
    Time Current - time passed since the invoke 
    Time Left  - expected time left to completion 
    Curr.Speed - the average transfer speed the last 5 seconds (the first 
        5 seconds of a transfer is based on less time of course.) 

    The -# option will display a totally different progress bar that doesn't 
    need much explanation! 

谢谢,我正在全面搜索该信息。 –