2016-07-28 88 views


我正在寻找一种技术来提取“替代产品”,并且它就像反向关联规则一样,以找出哪些事件不太可能一起发生。 Spark,R,Python等有没有可用的算法或技术?

感谢, 阿米尔



我已经做了使用Teng, Hsieh and Chen (2002)为R.用于替代规则挖掘的一个非常实用的实现也许它可以帮助你:

# Used packages: 

SRM <- function(TransData, MinSup, MinConf, pMin, pChi, itemLabel, nTID){ 

# Packages ---------------------------------------------------------------- 

if (sum(search() %in% "package:arules") == 0) { 
stop("Please load package arules") 

# Checking Input data ----------------------------------------------------- 
if (missing(TransData)) { 
    stop("Transaction data is missing") 

if (is.numeric(nTID) == FALSE) { 
    stop("nTID has to be one numeric number for the count of  

    if (length(nTID) > 1) { 
    stop("nTID has to be one number for the count of Transactions") 

    if (is.character(itemLabel) == FALSE) { 
    stop("itemLabel has to be a character") 
    # Concrete Item sets --------------------------------------------------- 

    # adding complements to transaction data 
    compl_trans <- addComplement(TransData,labels = itemLabel) 
    compl_tab <- crossTable(compl_trans,"support") 
    compl_tab_D <- as.data.frame(compl_tab) 
    # ordering matrix 
    compl_tab_D <-   compl_tab_D[order(rownames((compl_tab))),order(colnames((compl_tab)))] 

    # Chi Value --------------------------------------------------------------- 

    # empty data frame for loop 

    complement_data <- data.frame(Chi = as.numeric(), 
          Sup_X.Y = as.numeric(), 
          X = as.character(), 
          Sup_X = as.numeric(), 
          Y = as.character(), 
          Sup_Y = as.numeric(), 
          CX = as.character(), 
          SupCX = as.numeric(), 
          CY = as.character(), 
          Sup_CY = as.numeric(), 
          Conf_X.CY = as.numeric(), 
          Sup_X.CY = as.numeric(), 
          Conf_Y.CX = as.numeric(), 
          SupY_CX = as.numeric()) 

    # first loop for one item 
    for (i in 1 : (length(itemLabel) - 1)) { 
    # second loop combines it with all other items 
    for (u in (i + 1) : length(itemLabel)) { 

    # getting chi value from Teng 
    a <- itemLabel[i] 
    b <- itemLabel[u] 
    ca <- paste0("!", itemLabel[i]) 
    cb <- paste0("!", itemLabel[u]) 

    chiValue <- nTID * (
    compl_tab[ca, cb]^2/(compl_tab[ca, ca] * compl_tab[cb, cb]) + 
     compl_tab[ca, b]^2/(compl_tab[ca, ca] * compl_tab[b, b]) + 
     compl_tab[a, cb]^2/(compl_tab[a, a] * compl_tab[cb, cb]) + 
     compl_tab[a, b]^2/(compl_tab[a, a] * compl_tab[b, b]) - 1) 

    # condition to be dependent 
    if (compl_tab[a, b] > compl_tab[a, a] * compl_tab[b, b] &&  chiValue >= qchisq(pChi, 1) && 
     compl_tab[a, a] >= MinSup && compl_tab[b, b] >= MinSup) { 

    chi_sup <- data.frame(Chi = chiValue, 
         Sup_X.Y = compl_tab[a, b], 
         X = a, 
         Sup_X = compl_tab[a, a], 
         Y = b, 
         Sup_Y = compl_tab[b, b], 
         CX = ca, 
         SupCX = compl_tab[ca, ca], 
         CY = cb, 
         Sup_CY = compl_tab[cb, cb], 
         Conf_X.CY = compl_tab[a, cb]/compl_tab[a, a], 
         Sup_X.CY = compl_tab[a, cb], 
         Conf_Y.CX = compl_tab[ca, b]/compl_tab[b, b], 
         SupY_CX = compl_tab[ca, b]) 

    try(complement_data <- rbind(complement_data, chi_sup)) 


    if (nrow(complement_data) == 0) { 
    stop("No complement item sets could have been found") 

    # changing mode of 
    complement_data$X <- as.character(complement_data$X) 
    complement_data$Y <- as.character(complement_data$Y) 

    # calculating support for concrete itemsets with all others and their complements ------------------- 

    ## with complements 
    matrix_trans <- as.data.frame(as(compl_trans, "matrix")) 

    sup_three <- data.frame(Items = as.character(), 
        Support = as.numeric()) 

    setCompl <- names(matrix_trans) 
    # 1. extracts all other values than that are not in the itemset 
    for (i in 1 : nrow(complement_data)) { 
    value <- setCompl[ !setCompl %in% c(complement_data$X[i], 
            paste0("!", complement_data$X[i]), 

    # 2. calculation of support 
    for (u in value) { 
    count <- sum(rowSums(matrix_trans[, c(complement_data$X[i],  complement_data$Y[i], u)]) == 3) 
    sup <- count/nTID 
    sup_three_items <- data.frame(Items =  paste0(complement_data$X[i], complement_data$Y[i], u), 
    sup_three <- rbind(sup_three, sup_three_items) 


    # Correlation of single items------------------------------------------------------------- 

    # all items of concrete itemsets should be mixed for correlation 
    combis <- unique(c(complement_data$X, complement_data$Y)) 

    # empty object 
    rules<- data.frame(
    Substitute = as.character(), 
    Product = as.character(), 
    Support = as.numeric(), 
    Confidence = as.numeric(), 
    Correlation = as.numeric()) 

    # first loop for one item 
    for (i in 1 : (length(combis) - 1)) { 
    # second loop combines it with all other items 
    for (u in (i + 1) : length(combis)) { 

    first <- combis[i] 
    second <- combis[u] 

    corXY <- (compl_tab[first, second] - (compl_tab[first, first] *  compl_tab[second, second]))/
(sqrt((compl_tab[first, first] * (1 - compl_tab[first,first])) * 
     (compl_tab[second, second] * (1 - compl_tab[second, second])))) 

    # confidence 
    conf1 <- compl_tab[first, paste0("!", second)]/compl_tab[first, first] 
    conf2 <- compl_tab[second, paste0("!", first)]/compl_tab[second, second] 

    two_rules <- data.frame(
    Substitute = c(paste("{", first, "}"), 
       paste("{", second, "}")), 
    Product = c(paste("=>", "{", second, "}"), 
      paste("=>", "{", first, "}")), 
    Support = c(compl_tab[first, paste0("!", second)], compl_tab[second, paste0("!", first)]), 
    Confidence = c(conf1, conf2), 
    Correlation = c(corXY, corXY) 

    # conditions 
    if (two_rules$Correlation[1] < pMin) { 
     if (two_rules$Support[1] >= MinSup && two_rules$Confidence[1] >= MinConf) { 
     rules <- rbind(rules, two_rules[1, ]) 
     if (two_rules$Support[2] >= MinSup && two_rules$Confidence[2] >= MinConf) { 
     rules <- rbind(rules, two_rules[2, ]) 

    } }) 


    # Correlation of concrete item pairs with single items -------------------- 
    # adding variable for loop 
    complement_data$XY <- paste0(complement_data$X, complement_data$Y) 

    # combination of items 
    for (i in 1 : nrow(complement_data)){ 

    # set of combinations from dependent items with single items 
    univector <- c(as.vector(unique(complement_data$X)),  as.vector(unique(complement_data$Y))) 
    univector <- univector[!univector %in% c(complement_data$X[i], complement_data$Y[i])] 

    combis <- c(complement_data[i,"XY"], univector) 

    for (u in 2 : length(combis)) { 
    corXYZ <-(sup_three[sup_three$Items == paste0(combis[1], combis[u]),2] - 
       complement_data[complement_data$XY == combis[1],"Sup_X.Y"] * 
(sqrt((complement_data[complement_data$XY == combis[1],"Sup_X.Y"] * 
     (1 - complement_data[complement_data$XY == combis[1],"Sup_X.Y"]) * 
     compl_tab[combis[u],combis[u]] * (1 - compl_tab[combis[u],combis[u]])))) 

    dataXYZ <- data.frame(
Substitute = paste("{", combis[1], "}"), 
Product = paste("=>", "{", combis[u], "}"), 
Support = sup_three[sup_three$Items == paste0(combis[1], "!", combis[u]),2], 
Confidence = sup_three[sup_three$Items == paste0(combis[1], "!", combis[u]),2]/
complement_data[complement_data$XY == combis[1],"Sup_X.Y"], 
Correlation = corXYZ) 

    # conditions 
    if (dataXYZ$Correlation < pMin && dataXYZ$Support >= MinSup && dataXYZ$Confidence >= MinConf) { 

    try(rules <- rbind(rules, dataXYZ)) 
    if (nrow(rules) == 0) { 
    message("Sorry no rules could have been calculated. Maybe change input conditions.") 
    }  else { 

    # end 

我想一个更好的解释是我的博客: http://mattimeyer.github.io/2016-12-21-Substitution-Rule-Mining/


这是真棒男人,thx。 – JEquihua