2013-02-04 35 views

是否有简单的方法将时间间隔(年龄)转换为文本? 例如 - 年龄是25.45岁。我需要转换为“25年3个月,1天”。问题不是关于数字25,3,1,而是如何使用将正确的形式(复数,变体)翻译成不同语言的年/月/日。英语似乎很容易硬编码,但其他人不是,我宁愿一些通用的解决方案。将时间间隔转换为不同语言的文本?

数字/英文/捷克/ ...
1 /天/书房
2 /天/ DNY
5 /天/ DNU


http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1440557/joda-time-的可能的复制句号到字符串 –


不是真正的复制品,因为海报并不特别需要JODA时间解决方案。 –


可能相关:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7455513/is-there-a-java-translation-library-that-works-offline – hyde



JodaTime可以与大多数的做到这一点它的格式化程序。 Look at the javadoc of PeriodFormat as an example.


Controls the printing and parsing of a time period to and from a string. 

This class is the main API for printing and parsing used by most applications. Instances of this class are created via one of three factory classes: 

PeriodFormat - formats by pattern and style 
ISOPeriodFormat - ISO8601 formats 
PeriodFormatterBuilder - complex formats created via method calls 
An instance of this class holds a reference internally to one printer and one parser. It is possible that one of these may be null, in which case the formatter cannot print/parse. This can be checked via the isPrinter() and isParser() methods. 

The underlying printer/parser can be altered to behave exactly as required by using a decorator modifier: 

withLocale(Locale) - returns a new formatter that uses the specified locale 
This returns a new formatter (instances of this class are immutable). 
The main methods of the class are the printXxx and parseXxx methods. These are used as follows: 

// print using the default locale 
String periodStr = formatter.print(period); 
// print using the French locale 
String periodStr = formatter.withLocale(Locale.FRENCH).print(period); 

// parse using the French locale 
Period date = formatter.withLocale(Locale.FRENCH).parsePeriod(str); 



public static void main(String[] args) { 
    PeriodFormatter daysHoursMinutes = new PeriodFormatterBuilder() 
    .appendSuffix(" day", " days") 
    .appendSeparator(" and ") 
    .appendSuffix(" minute", " minutes") 
    .appendSeparator(" and ") 
    .appendSuffix(" second", " seconds") 

    Period period = new Period(72, 24, 12, 0); 



24 minutes and 12 seconds 
3 days and 24 minutes and 12 seconds 

参见:Period to string


谢谢你的例子,但它显示了如何硬编码仅适用于英语语言。更喜欢通用解决方案。不能使用方法“appendSuffix(String singularText,String pluralText)”,因为不考虑复数形式的变体... –
