2013-06-22 39 views


我要通过这本书Php 5 social networking这本书给了 一步步的说明使用哎呀从头创建一个社交网站。


  • 数据库访问

  • 模板管理

  • 认证

  • 电子邮件发送

  • URL处理



* Database management/access class: basic abstraction 
* @author Michael Peacock 
* @version 1.0 
class Mysqldb { 
    * Allows multiple database connections 
    * each connection is stored as an element in the array, and the 
    * active connection is maintained in a variable (see below) 
    private $connections = array(); 
    * Tells the DB object which connection to use 
    * setActiveConnection($id) allows us to change this 
    private $activeConnection = 0; 
    * Queries which have been executed and the results cached for 
    * later, primarily for use within the template engine 
    private $queryCache = array(); 
    * Data which has been prepared and then cached for later usage, 
    * primarily within the template engine 
    private $dataCache = array(); 
    * Number of queries made during execution process 
    private $queryCounter = 0; 

    * Record of the last query 
    private $last; 
    * Reference to the registry object 
    private $registry; 

    * Construct our database object 
    public function __construct(Registry $registry) { 
     $this->registry = $registry; 

    * Create a new database connection 
    * @param String database hostname 
    * @param String database username 
    * @param String database password 
    * @param String database we are using 
    * @return int the id of the new connection 
    public function newConnection($host, $user, $password, $database) { 
     $this->connections[] = new mysqli($host, $user, $password, $database); 
     $connection_id = count($this->connections) - 1; 
     if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { 
      trigger_error('Error connecting to host. ' . $this->connections[$connection_id]->error, E_USER_ERROR); 
     return $connection_id; 

    * Change which database connection is actively used for the next 
    * operation 
    * @param int the new connection id 
    * @return void 
    public function setActiveConnection(int $new) { 
     $this->activeConnection = $new; 

    * Execute a query string 
    * @param String the query 
    * @return void 
    public function executeQuery($queryStr) { 
     if (! $result = $this->connections[$this->activeConnection]->query($queryStr)) 

      trigger_error('Error executing query: ' . $queryStr . ' - 
' . $this->connections[$this->activeConnection]->error, E_USER_ERROR); 
     } else 

      $this->last = $result; 

    * Get the rows from the most recently executed query, excluding 
    * cached queries 
    * @return array 
    public function getRows() { 
     return $this->last->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC); 

    * Delete records from the database 
    * @param String the table to remove rows from 
    * @param String the condition for which rows are to be removed 
    * @param int the number of rows to be removed 
    * @return void 
    public function deleteRecords($table, $condition, $limit) { 
     $limit = ($limit == '') ? '' : ' LIMIT ' . $limit; 
     $delete = "DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE {$condition} {$limit}"; 

    * Update records in the database 
    * @param String the table 
    * @param array of changes field => value 
    * @param String the condition 
    * @return bool 
    public function updateRecords($table, $changes, $condition) { 
     $update = "UPDATE " . $table . " SET "; 
     foreach($changes as $field => $value) { 
      $update .= "`" . $field . "`='{$value}',"; 
     // remove our trailing , 
     $update = substr($update, 0, - 1); 
     if ($condition != '') { 
      $update .= "WHERE " . $condition; 
     return true; 

    * Insert records into the database 
    * @param String the database table 
    * @param array data to insert field => value 
    * @return bool 
    public function insertRecords($table, $data) { 
     // setup some variables for fields and values 
     $fields = ""; 
     $values = ""; 
     // populate them 
     foreach($data as $f => $v) { 
      $fields .= "`$f`,"; 
      $values .= (is_numeric($v) && (intval($v) == $v)) ? $v . "," : "'$v',"; 
     // remove our trailing , 
     $fields = substr($fields, 0, - 1); 
     // remove our trailing , 
     $values = substr($values, 0, - 1); 
     $insert = "INSERT INTO $table ({$fields}) VALUES({$values})"; 
     // echo $insert; 
     return true; 

    * Sanitize data 
    * @param String the data to be sanitized 
    * @return String the sanitized data 
    public function sanitizeData($value) { 
     // Stripslashes 
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { 
      $value = stripslashes($value); 
     // Quote value 
     if (version_compare(phpversion(), "4.3.0") == "-1") { 
      $value = $this->connections[$this->activeConnection]->escape_string($value); 
     } else { 
      $value = $this->connections[$this->activeConnection]->real_escape_string($value); 
     return $value; 

    * Get the rows from the most recently executed query, excluding 
    * cached queries 
    * @return array 
    public function getRows() { 
     return $this->last->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC); 

    public function numRows() { 
     return $this->last->num_rows; 

    * Gets the number of affected rows from the previous query 
    * @return int the number of affected rows 
    public function affectedRows() { 
     return $this->last->affected_rows; 

    * Deconstruct the object 
    * close all of the database connections 
    public function __deconstruct() { 
     foreach($this->connections as $connection) { 

使用糟糕据我所知的主要目的是允许应用程序很容易进化 到不断变化的要求(来源:Design Patterns explained a new persective)和它们在本书中给出了一些很好的例子 来解释这一点。

所以我的问题是,在这种情况下,应用程序需求中可能发生什么变化需要使用数据库管理的类 ,而不是让我们说使用一堆函数来完成工作?

在数据库类驻留在DB_driver.phpDB_active_rec.php. 有什么区别将使其如果他们把这些数据库的功能在帮助文件,而不是我已经看到了同样的事情在codeigniter一个将它放在一个库?

我已经通过在这个论坛上给出的答案走了,但他们没有回答 从一个要求点这个问题



只是尝试使用函数来实现它并进行比较。 – zerkms






当你开始思考OO时,你的思维会发生范式转变。在它开始有意义之前,它必须发生在你的大脑中。如果你继续认为程序化就像我需要这样做,所以我需要一个功能。认为我需要这样做,为什么?它是什么?然后用它构建一个对象,并想我还能用它做什么?我怎样才能组织好,所以我也可以与别人分享。 If when i do other things with it if there is a common resource i need to access how do i keep reference to it.


就组织易用性而言,codeigniter似乎有很多帮助文件,其中只包含函数,整个体系结构仍然看起来很干净......至于“设置数据共享范围”,我假设你正在谈论全球数据的缺点,但这足以创造一个单独的班级的原因..你不认为这是一个矫枉过正的? – depz123


设置datascope是一个很大的要求。我个人并不认为它的过度杀伤力。取决于你来自哪里。 – DevZer0


我为你添加了一些评论 – DevZer0