2016-07-27 41 views

我使用opencv 3.1并在windows 10中启用intel TBB with visual studio 2015 update 3。第一个转置时间需要100 ms,另一个转置需要0.02-0.05 ms。任何知道为什么第一次转置需要这么多时间用于1 * 1矩阵。opencv转置第一次需要很长时间

double ts = time_measure("start", 0); 
Mat_<uchar> A = (Mat_<uchar>(1, 1) << 1); 
Mat at = A.t(); 
cout << "transpose Times needed : " << time_measure("end", ts) * 1000 << " ms " << endl; 

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { 
    ts = time_measure("start", 0); 
    Mat_<uchar> B = (Mat_<uchar>(1, 1) << 1); 
    Mat bt = B.t(); 
    cout << "transpose Times needed : " << time_measure("end", ts) * 1000 << " ms " << endl; 

double time_measure(const string mode, double ts) { 
    double t = 0.0; 
    if (mode == "start") { 
     t = (double)getTickCount(); 
    else { 
     t = ((double)getTickCount() - ts)/getTickFrequency(); 
    return t; 

The output 

transpose A Times needed : 112.062 mstranspose B Times needed : 0.0337221 ms 
transpose B Times needed : 0.0205265 ms 
transpose B Times needed : 0.0195491 ms 
transpose B Times needed : 0.0283461 ms 
transpose B Times needed : 0.0234589 ms 
transpose B Times needed : 0.0298123 ms 
transpose B Times needed : 0.0249251 ms 
transpose B Times needed : 0.0283461 ms 
transpose B Times needed : 0.0273687 ms 
transpose B Times needed : 0.02688 ms 




  1. 不包括的时间来创建矩阵
  2. 使用矩阵足够大。无论如何转置一个1x1矩阵没有任何意义。
  3. 不使用字符串布尔


double time_measure(bool start, double ts) { 
    double t = 0.0; 
    if (start) { 
     t = (double)getTickCount(); 
    else { 
     t = ((double)getTickCount() - ts)/getTickFrequency(); 
    return t; 

int main() 
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { 

     // 1000 x 1000 random matrix 
     Mat_<uchar> B(1000, 1000); 
     randu(B, 0, 256); 

     double ts = time_measure(true, 0); 
     Mat bt = B.t(); 
     cout << "transpose Times needed : " << time_measure(false, ts) * 1000 << " ms " << endl; 

    return 0; 


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { 
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { 
     double ts = time_measure(true, 0); 
     // 1000 x 1000 random matrix 
     Mat_<uchar> B(1000, 1000); 
     randu(B, 0, 256); 
     cout << "create matrix Times needed : " << time_measure(false, ts) * 1000 << " ms " << endl; 

     ts = time_measure(true, 0); 
     Mat bt = B.t(); 
     cout << "transpose Times needed : " << time_measure(false, ts) * 1000 << " ms " << endl; 

double time_measure(bool start, double ts) { 
double t = 0.0; 
if (start) { 
    t = (double)getTickCount(); 
else { 
    t = ((double)getTickCount() - ts)/getTickFrequency(); 
return t; 


create matrix Times needed : 49.3267 ms 
transpose Times needed : 427.299 ms 
create matrix Times needed : 51.8431 ms 
transpose Times needed : 0.889971 ms 
create matrix Times needed : 51.8084 ms 
transpose Times needed : 0.718917 ms 
create matrix Times needed : 52.4946 ms 
transpose Times needed : 0.742376 ms 
create matrix Times needed : 45.5454 ms 
transpose Times needed : 0.705721 ms 
create matrix Times needed : 45.218 ms 
transpose Times needed : 0.70621 ms 
create matrix Times needed : 44.5748 ms 
transpose Times needed : 0.713541 ms 
create matrix Times needed : 46.2501 ms 
transpose Times needed : 0.68715 ms 
create matrix Times needed : 45.153 ms 
transpose Times needed : 0.663691 ms 
create matrix Times needed : 44.1892 ms 
transpose Times needed : 0.584028 ms 

有什么奇怪的事情,怎么来的矩阵构建需要40+毫秒? – cxyzs7


在rand函数上花费的时间最多。 –


不要这么想,我在我的电脑上试过,创建和转置需要~1.2ms – cxyzs7
